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PK Wakefield May 2014
i loved you so much


PK Wakefield May 2014

             "Promise me you won't forget."

             "I won't."

PK Wakefield May 2014
,if the like moon(smoothly as waters),
threads the onyx plate
of night:

               i will love you.

As the rain loves the dry air.

As the dry air loves the sea.

will love you even though
eaten by the glad mouth of death, i.

will love across
the stark span of nothing.

by untense memories
of my softest hands.

will caress the curving hull
of thy body's eyes, and muted soul.
PK Wakefield May 2014


       g with

just the moon your
shoulders up hold
the round round
round head of


            ­                          bodyy
                                 ­     bodyyy

holds the down *******
of your naked chest's
white hilt springs
between round rounding
head of
your shoulders' point
pinnacle, pinnacling
at the white white hilt
of Your neck

fit fits ****
(droop obliquely)
swelling twixts
the rude triangle
of your hips

and the white hilt
of your neck
the course forest of my hand
suddenly grown around it                     )

grown up it the
pillar of it to
the neat neat       neat neat

***** of your mouth. There


the yawning chasm

all throats
lead to
. Scream
PK Wakefield May 2014

            "Water you waiting for?"

PK Wakefield May 2014
such hands as amongst
what drowsy bolts
of Summer
--i can recall

them hands
as brittle soft
as tough easy drunk
uncoiling so firmly
their thighs a flower between broke.

(a bright naked flower a dull wilting flower)

it snapped 19 at the little lake of its;
there was a gorgeous sound

and you and i
and all the ******
nights, dayless
splangling hung
furiously through
that tiny filament
of your hips the very small death of clean.
PK Wakefield May 2014

                 i love you let's ****

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