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If I had a Rocket!
then that milkey way
                                        i eat last night
                                                 will have to watch out
                                  for it's self
                As I blast off past mars.
 Jan 2013 Patrick Little
Why do I do this?
To both you and myself?

Why do I crave your approval?
Why do I need your respect?

Can't I just be strong?
And move on?

Nope. I still need someone to tell me I have potential.
            I still need someone to let me know i'll make it big one day.
            I still need someone to give me that little but of encouragement when I'm too ******* myself.
            I still need someone to sit me down and say, "I believe in you".
            I still need someone to give me advice.
            I still need someone to look up to.
I respect you so much.
We had our differences but all in all, you're still my role model.

But to you, I'm nothing.
Hurtful words roll off your tongue so beautifully.
                     I don't understand!
One day you think I'm amazing
                                                         The next, you're telling me im just mediocre

I may say your words are empty to me
....But I hang on to every last
I look into vulnerable eyes.
I see someone who wants to be loved.
Someone who wants to be accepted.
His heart is swollen shut from all his love that was tossed away.
His mouth opens wide, and yet he has nothing left to say.
A caring songbird merely singing to the wind,
Please sing to me, please let your song begin.
Open up your heart to me, do not be afraid.
Show me all this love you have that someone threw away.
I promise once I hold your hand that I will not let go.
Just wait and see,
In time,
I will prove it so.
For Christian
Don’ t tell me how to feel

because neither one of us are in charge

of my heart

or it’s rationale.

There’s no bigger dictator

than the one that’s inside of me.

When it pulls the strings,

and calls the shots,

my body pulls forward

with this boulder of emotion

and my shoulders start caving

as I start to drag my feet.

When the whistle blows

I roll my eyes,

at this foolish ruler…

A small ***** that dreams big.

Who does it think it is?

When will it learn?

And when will it stop making me

do it’s ***** work?
Tiny ants scurry
Busy with nothing to do
With the way they fuss and worry
They must be people too

Once in a while they meet
But they always seem to part
Like people on the street
Who love with broken hearts

So full of self-importance
With empires made of sand
Do they not see the arrogance
With which they destroy and demand?

Remember when you see an ant
Crushed upon the floor
That you are not so different
That you are nothing more
I crawled from the darkest cave
Once a slave
People are going to die
I shall let them die undignified in their graves
You blame yourself for this
You lack clarity
We have the same similarities
Look into my eyes
Does this look anything too alright?
Fear not
For tonight
For we live life freely
Convert the weak
And out their chastity
It’s our destiny
Let our *******
Lust for calamity
We dry out charity
For beverages of intoxication
Wild flowers for hallucination
No serenity
Just amusement
Of lucid insanity
I can still remember
As an infant
The cries of others
I hated it
I wanted to destroy it
But deep down
I wanted more
I wanted to hear them suffering
I wanted to be king
To be unseen
And then rise like a god!
Let my rain of terror begin
Here I am!
A nightmare comes true
I’m beyond any being with power
I am GOD!
Stand in my way
Woman and
Will die
This is my world
You will never leave it
After death
I will remain to rule over you
You’re mines for the keeps
Don’t sleep
Reality is your nightmare
I’m first in line
No way hell I’m going to die
So don’t even try!
I want you to cry!
Suffer greatly!
I soon woke up remembering…

That I’m still chain to this oppressed floor
Truly... a dream to a nightmare
2013 poem from here on. Enjoy.
I always liked the back door best. Everything outside the front door was beautiful; a forty-foot tall tree I couldn’t identify choked by a vine that bloomed with purple flowers in the spring that reminded me of mom’s perfume and tiny little pokey things that would stick to your clothes in the fall and the cul-de-sac with an island in the middle that was perfect for 5am-stargazing. But there was also a paved road, a satellite television dish, a blue car parked out front. But walking out the back door was walking into a different world. You were almost immediately met with a barrier of trees which seemed to only allow entry to me and my little sister. We thrived in our world of pretense, sometimes for a precious moment forgetting the hell between our front door and our back door. In those hours we were princesses, pirates, adventurers, and we were free.
Tread lightly on my dreams, for they are the colors of my world
I open the gates to my fantasy for you
Cast hatred from your mind and find tranquility, as I have
Sit in silence and break through sorrow
For we are the remnants of an ever fading tomorrow
 Jan 2013 Patrick Little
I made myself a darkroom
and hid myself in it
Working with the chemicals
that harmed me
developing what I pictured
as beauty

coming out of of my darkroom
holding the image with my excited hands
set it down
I waited
and waited
till someone would pass by
see what I saw as beautiful
only to hear
"what the hell is that?'
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