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I lie on my bed
and let the mattress
envelope my body
soft and warm
protecting me from harm

I can't help thinking of you
and how late in the night
you'd hold me close
and as I cried softly in to your shoulder
you whispered sweet nothings
in to my ear
the world a simple illusion
and your presence
the only truth I knew

The song you sang me
plays loudly in the corner
and as I cry in to my pillow
I can't help wishing it was you here
muscle and bones
not fabric and feathers
that comfort me softly

The night falls slowly
and my tears cease to shed
but the hole in my heart
bigger than the mattress
I use as your substitute
taunts me with regret
I found true happiness
When I looked in the mirror
And did not see a flawless face
But instead a face so flawed
It could only bear a joyful soul
My heart in form of a dimminished sword all rusted throu and pitted with age, found entrenched within an anvil upon a stone.
Lonely eons pass me by, awaiting for fair damsels touch from far away fay Avalon.  
I sense a presence both near and far, it sets my iron core pulsing deep and strong, to feel life stiring within me once more.
Her touch is all it takes to awaken  fully the restored magic and more, to set my heart a gleamming to see me free to be held close.
We quest togeather to slay foul beasts, and right great wrongs of injustice done across the land. To make togeather an epic poem that sings true for generations to come.
The stuff that legends become.
There is no **** way
I am going to lose her
I'll have to be strong
A haiku for a friend
"Why don't you say you love me?"

The word gets thrown around
Like any other

"I love this movie"
"I love your dress"
"I'd love to come over"

There's no meaning
No aggression or passion
No want or desire

Love is merely a lie
A word meant to please
A word designed
To be used without meaning.

"Because I don't love you"
I respect you
I yearn for you
I need you.
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