She walks up the stairs
Like she's from another time
And sways on tops of ceilings
I want to get lost in another dimension with you.
even if that means being stuck in another time.
drink yourself away.
I will see you in another light year
while I dance with the drunk girls
with stars in their hair
they will love me when I freak out.
they smell of cigarettes
and have eyes as wide as the moon.
they are all in my imagination
made out of love
i will never receive.
i am thrown into another place
with girls shooting up
as i lay on a bed
with tie dye sheets,
i wanted to get high enough to reach you
but i just got high enough to forget
higher higher higher
i want to go
so i can slip myself past you
reaching you has not crossed my mind
since then
and i will let the stars touch my hair
so i can be like the pretty girls
with moons for eyes.
i write poetry on busses
to towns i will get lost in
in a few years
i’m moving
i write
i’m moving
this is for me
i will not let myself get lost in space
looking to find you,
now my reasons are different.
i look at people on the streets
with my eyes wider than any moon,
i am reaching for nothing,
i am finding everything
within myself.
finally found.
where you are is not my home.
my home is here.
2,266.4 miles away,
but soon,
it will not be even one.
i’m going to leave,
i have to leave