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Oct 2014 · 816
Panakitty 20 Oct 2014
Tick Tock Tick Tock

Looking at the wall with this ****** computer in front of me
Looking around to see if anyone notices me
Thinking of what to tell you when I see you later
Thinking of when I will get the courage to tell you

There are a lot of things we learn here
We learn Math and Science
We learn things we will use in life as we grow up
  But what about the life lessons we need?
Where do we learn that?
Why not here?
Teach me something useful that I could use today....

NOT tomorrow.
Oct 2014 · 1.8k
there was the silence
Panakitty 20 Oct 2014
There it was
sitting in the corner
the box of memories
box of despair
there was more than just silence
even if you can not hear
the wishing of the silent
the Forgotten are near
got bored
Oct 2014 · 337
Panakitty 20 Oct 2014
You will never know why I choose to hide

My feelings don't like to be exposed

I try to move on but the past haunts me at night

And I can't seem to stop the fight

I hadn't had the time to think this through....

                                 Why is it hard to tell you I miss you?

— The End —