I saw LOVE
I saw friendship
I saw soul-mate
I saw every relationship
Of this world
No one stays with YOU
Everyone uses YOU
And 'moves on'
Everyone abuses YOU
and 'Let goes'
One by one
Leaving behind 'YOU'
Alone, isolated in solitude
Breaking your heart
Everyone leaves YOU
Running behind success
Running behind money
Running behind freedom
Running behind fame
Running behind recognition
I have nothing to give now.
All the LOVE, I gave away
All the TRUST I gave away
To Everyone who came near me
What I am left with is
Idea of death, tears and hell
On this path of LIFE
Is there anyone there?
To mortgage my LIFE
Full of pain?
is there anyone there
To hold hand
Of my dying soul?
Is this my last breathe
While writing this?
I don't know
There is no sunrise
There are no stars
There are no flowers
Nor the gentle breeze
Am I still expecting worse pain than
What I have got?
Agony, despair, torture
Humiliation, insult, isolation
Has the world become so selfish?
Have humans lost hope in LOVE?
Does not anyone have heart?
Why is everyone running away from
Helping someone who LOVES?
What wrong I have done?
What wrong I did by LOVING YOU?
Please make it right for me
Someone, who has a heart
Please make it right for me
Someone, who has a SOUL
Please make it right for me