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pale moonlight Sep 2013
i am in love with all of this
i am in love with the sadness
and the shortness of breath
and the panicking
and i am in love with the cuts
and burns
all in little straight lines
down my arms
i am in love
with the way i can swallow a meal
and bring it up an hour later
and the way i can take a painkiller
(or thirty-five)
and keep them down
and not be sure
whether i'm high off of pills
or off of my own sadness in the air.

i do not know what love is.
pale moonlight Feb 2014
i guess
everything that happened
happened for a reason
like rain
but you are the thunderstorm
in my head
i regret nothing
except maybe letting you in
striking my heart
and mind
with your electric fingertips
pale moonlight Sep 2013
would you believe me
if i spoke to you
in a sleepless haze
about the demons
that were coming for me?
because i cannot speak to anyone,
no professional or familiar.
they do not believe
in the way that i do,
and they don't feel the night
like you do.

what is going on in my head?
i can't breathe this morning
but i am full of life tomorrow.
i feel my brain collapse into itself
as i collapse into the floor
and into my own blood and tears.
pale moonlight Aug 2013
you tell everyone
that we all need help sometimes
and that even the strongest man
cannot fight off the loneliness of the world

you tell everyone
that power is not talent
nor money or strength
but the power to help others
even when you can't help yourself.

and if that is true,
you must be the weakest man
in all the world.
pale moonlight Feb 2014
dear whoever this may concern,

i have lost myself.
each breath is a mission,
each hour of sleep is a miracle.
i'm not sure how i became this.
i remember nothing
but the sound of her voice in my head.

this is not a love note,
infact, it's far from it.
this is me
trying to find the words
to explain everything i've felt
for the last five years.

tomorrow will be fine,
or at least, that's what i tell myself
at night
when everything seems impossible
and the world seems
to just cave in above my head.

dear whoever this may concern,
i have lost myself.
but i promise
one day,
i will find it again.
pale moonlight Jul 2013
I would give up all of my days
just to spent the last one with you
falling in love with me
like I fell for you

but then again
once you loved me
I wouldn't want to go

maybe it's better as it is
pale moonlight Jan 2014
your halo is slipping
i can't stop shaking
your dreams are fading
i can't stop shaking
they all hear you
they don't hear me
you're like a cut that just won't heal
and i can't stop cutting
pale moonlight Sep 2013
let's forget
what happened to us
and let's forget
and yesterday
(and yesterday's tomorrow)
let's get together
and i'll breathe in
your musky scent
and we will be forever

let's stay together
(like you promised me)
let's stay together
(i bet you promised her)
pale moonlight Feb 2014
the other day
i drunk too much
and i thought of you.
i thought about you and
i thought about
how we used to talk all night
every night
and how i used to pretend
you were there when i was scared,
like a big brother
holding his sister's hand
on the first day of school
and how
you could calm me down whenever i needed it
and i smiled.

and then
i remembered
how you left
and how you forgot about us
and never came back,
how you knew everything
and never even ******* checked
if we were okay
and i felt as crushed
as i did the first day
that you left
pale moonlight Sep 2013
i fell in love
as you woke up
breathing a little harder than normal
and i fell in love
as you saw me and smiled
calmer now
and wrapped your arm around me

it's 3a.m. and i just fell in love with you again
pale moonlight Jul 2013
i'm glad you're sad
you don't deserve to smile
you don't deserve new life or
the sight of the sun splitting the trees
you don't deserve hugs or kisses
or the gentle touch of a lover
but you deserve hell
you deserve the hell you put me through
i'm glad you're sad
pale moonlight May 2014
when i was younger,
i was taught
that **** was
a man in an alleyway
or a drunken night out
gone desperately wrong.

i was taught
to always carry
pepper spray
and to always cover up
incase a boy took it the wrong way.

i was taught
that i am safe with a girl,
even if some higher being condemns it,
because they are not capable
of being monsters.

i was never taught this could happen to me.

i was never taught
that maybe
just maybe
**** is
a sober sunday afternoon
with your girlfriend
that just went desperately wrong.

i was never taught
that "no"
was still an acceptable answer
to the one
you were supposed to love.

i was never taught
that getting out was a good idea,
even with her threats of suicide
and the razorblades on her windowsill.

i was never taught
that i am more
than just my abuser.
pale moonlight Jul 2013
I had none of these scars
when I was a kid
they're just fragile reminders
of things that I did
places I'd been
places I'll go
cute little coffee shops
and parks in the snow
but also the nightmares
and the fights
and the heartbreak
and sitting alone most nights

I guess you'll never know
if someone is fine
or just trying to
get by
pale moonlight Jul 2013
maybe tonight
when we fall asleep
I will dream of you and I
but maybe tonight
you'll dream of me too
pale moonlight Jul 2013
will you love me in the morning?
the same way you say you do when
my clothes are on the floor and
my breathing is just a little heavier than usual
and we are closer than we would be
if we had just gone out for that drink
with a friend
I am looking into your eyes and I can be sure
you will not love me in the morning
or the evening
or ever
you do not even love me when
my clothes are on the floor
pale moonlight Jan 2014
it's been
572 days
since 'you' and 'I'
were 'we'
and it's been
571 days
since you decided to hate me
for breaking your heart
whilst trying to save my own
and it's been 640 days
since i fell in love with you
and the way you talk
and your voice at 3a.m.
i've been with 6 people since then
and had about 14 crushes
and you're still at the back of my mind
pushing forward
it's been 4 hours
since you last broke my heart
just a little bit more than before
but still enough to feel it
and finally
it's been 0 seconds
since you made your last appearance in my head
and i thought about how you used to hold my hand
with our little fingers
so you could break us apart
when anyone you knew came round the corner

(it's been two years and you're still breaking my heart)
pale moonlight Sep 2013
i understand struggle
and i understand recovery is hard
but what i didn't understand
is why
you didn't recover
until you had to
until you were f o r c e d
and she is such
a beautiful reason
for you to be alive
but ****
did you not see what you did
your tainted lies
clouding my view on everything
and now i am changed
as a result of poverty
second hand addiction
and narcotics
pale moonlight Jan 2014
"we'll sort something out,"
you said
and i believed you
   you started kissing my cheek
and not my lips
and you started hugging me
a little less tightly
than before
and you started spending more time
with friends that weren't me
you started breaking my heart
and you weren't around to see.
pale moonlight Jan 2014
drowning my sadness
in cigarettes,
three day old wine
and ecstacy
trying to find something
to make me feel alive
like i think i once did
but i can't remember
feeling anything but wrecked
pale moonlight Sep 2013
i don't believe anymore
that "it gets better"
because i have been living
yet not alive
and i still believe
that if i wasn't so tired
i'd **** myself
and finally feel ******* relieved.
pale moonlight Sep 2013
you came over me like the waves
small ones, then bigger ones
until i was entirely consumed.
pale moonlight Jul 2013
when I close my eyes and count to ten
you're all I can see
when I close my eyes and try to count sheep
they are overtaken by the thought of you
and although I complain
about being tired
because of you
it is the best way to lose sleep
pale moonlight Feb 2014
to take my mind off of you
but you're all i can write about
when i'm over you
but not over it.

when i look in a mirror,
i'm almost surprised when
a blackened eye or a split lip
are not parts of my reflection.

and sometimes
when i'm in bed
with someone that's not you,
i'm surprised when
when i just want to sleep
i'm not talked into anything else.

i find myself arguing without reason.
just because it's what i expect.

maybe soon,
you'll be gone
and i'll be able to sigh
without fear of being choked.
pale moonlight Sep 2013
i would love to think
that i'd have made it through this
with my heart and my wrists
still together, still sealed
but i think it's a little late for thinking.
pale moonlight Jul 2013
another year has passed
and I still haven't slept
weary and worn
merely lost in the depths
of the unknown
swallowing water as I
find my way to the
surface of the deep blue
sea, grasping for a
something more
real than what I have
pale moonlight Jul 2013
it still makes me sick to my stomach
the thought of you with her tonight
the moonlight touching your pale skin
and your fragile fingers tracing hers
it's only chemicals but no spark or scream or sight
has made me feel like you made me feel
I want to inhale your every breath
and watch every word drop from your tongue
I want to kiss your neck as you sleep
and hold you close as you dream

but instead
all I have
is my heart
not yours
and mine is
to the bottom of the sea
pale moonlight Apr 2014
you held my hand
and just looked at me
and i could see
all the things you wanted to say
running across your mind
"i love you,
you're like a sister to me
please don't hurt yourself.
i need you.
you're worth more than this"
but you didn't say anything
you didn't have to

i squeezed your hand tight
and lay back and smiled
please remember,
it is not your fault.
pale moonlight Sep 2013
i have a problem
i have a problem in that
i am again questioning
if i am allowed
a glass of juice
or if i should have had
three grapes instead of four
or if i am ever going to be
pale moonlight Jan 2014
i only realised what "love" was
as we sat in my room smoking
breathing in eachothers scent
and i knew
that neither of us
would rather be anywhere else
pale moonlight Jul 2013
please don't let me go
please don't leave me alone
pale moonlight Feb 2014
as i caught your eye
i pulled my sleeves down
and i guess you were confused
but so was i
you know
and you don't pay much attention
so i'm not sure why i thought you'd notice
the new scars
blending in with the old
but still obvious
or more obvious than me, anyway.

"i didn't know you were still sad,"
you said
and i didn't reply
but looked to the ground instead
as if it would give me the words to console you.

you put your arms around me
and kissed my head
"i love you,"
"and i love you," i said.
but sometimes, it's not enough.
pale moonlight Jul 2013
you said, "what's the problem?"
and i could see your heart break
i was the only one who knew
what you had seen not five minutes ago

you said, "it'll pass."
as you sat in your room alone again
night after night
too afraid to let anyone in
because you were even more afraid
to let anything out.

you said nothing
as i watched you rip your heart out
through the tears
and permanently attatch it to your sleeve.
pale moonlight Aug 2013
I used to think
that maybe
if I tapped the doorframe thrice
or switched the lights on and off (nine times)
or missed every crack in the pavement
then maybe
just maybe I wouldn't lose you

and I used to believe
that when the stars shone at night
they were sent to watch over
and keep me safe
from the things I may do

and I kept to my routines but
I woke up on a cold morning
and you were gone
and no tapping doorframes
or turning lights on and off
or missing cracks in the road
could bring you back

so I didn't bother

and the stars are burning out
and one day they may just end us all
they are no beings
sent to care
or calm
they are ruthless
designed to fight
and succeed

so I stopped believing

(you took away my dreams
when you left)

— The End —