Tonight the moon is just a sliver, I don't remember what that's called.
Everyone is either sleeping or working and going about their lives.
While I am horribly heart broken.
Just ship wrecked, stuck against the rocks getting beat by waves.
I told him that I thought I was lucky.
Lucky. I thought I had found that person for me that the movies have convinced me is out there.
The one.
But somehow, now, I am the most unlucky ******* earth.
The boy I want more then I've ever wanted anything doesn't want me.
I thought I was falling into joy, and cozy sheets and love when really I was tumbling into a black hole.
I am so empty now I don't want to live.
Just the other day I was so excited for the future, with him.
I will always be alone.
Just like the moon.
Surrounded by stars but never gets to touch them, never getting to feel the heat that could make me happy.