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No matter what
That boy
from Minnesota says
about me,
I showed him the song
Waves ft Kacey Musgraves.

You’re welcome
Chameleon Mar 18
Even when he’s
asleep he will
put his arm around
me and hold
on tight
and mumble
how pretty I am
or something
a little more private.
He is very good
with words
in moments
that I am not.
Chameleon Mar 16
He hugged me and
kissed my cheek
and said,
I like you.
I put my arms
around his neck
and said,
Well I love you.
I heard him laugh
and he said,
I’m just bad at saying it
but I love you too.
Chameleon Mar 14
All I know is
I love him,
and he loves me
and now that it’s
been said
I feel free.
Chameleon Mar 11
I had an epiphany
just now…
What if I did nothing
and don’t feel bad
about it?
Chameleon Mar 9
I sat in my car
by the small lake and
observed how the
shadows of trees
stretched out along
the grass.
It’s been months
since the sun has
shined like this,
a preview of spring.
I have impatiently waited
for warmer days,
and the sparkle of
the moving current.
Even on a low day,
watching a goose spin
itself around in the water
to get clean, helps.
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