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18/F/New York City   
Dave Cortel
26/Non-binary/Philippines    drafts
Pagan Paul
Bristol, England    I am Unique + I am a Capricorn = I am a Unicorn. . .© Pagan Paul 2016 - 2023 . .
Skyye Yoder
26/F/GT Guyana    I'm a nurse , loves writing .. only way I get to truly express my feelings
20/F/Missouri    I hope you can find the solace in these words that they have given me
Germany    21 year old student with an unconditional love for words and poetry. Feel free to scroll through my work and discover the passion of poetry ...
Thomas P Owens Sr
M/New Market, Va    Lover of poetry, film, comedy, the paranormal, OBX, Rush and women named Eve
Skye Marshmallow
The Stars, Outer space    Sporadic outbursts of poetry about escape, emotion and experiences. Thank you for reading :)
21/M/USA    All I want is to be understood and to understand myself.

— The End —