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Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
whenever I see you, I travel in Time
I catch you in corners in both of my eyes
remember your story for both of our sakes
and walk on The Water as you do, with Grace
I pencil in nothing, in Pen it is writ
I can not erase what Forever will give
your joy is my Sun and your pain is my own
I feel you so much I could never throw stones
“Когда же продолжали спрашивать Его, Он, восклонившись, сказал им: кто из вас без греха, первый брось на нее камень.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭8:7‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
conclusions are walking this earth every day
in search of another to put in a cage
to sum up and swindle a Soul for its worth
and make it look something like death in reverse
they tell you to follow and promise you years
but next thing you know you are drowning in tears
see, earth is so tangible, tempting and crude
but it can’t define you the way it concludes
your heart is much stronger than all of earth’s roots
your mind has a way of guarding The Truth
“потому что наша брань не против крови и плоти, но против начальств, против властей, против мироправителей тьмы века сего, против духов злобы поднебесных.”
‭‭Послание к Ефесянам‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
but can you feel the Hands of Time
moving up the arch of your spine
no serpentine, He is The Vine
and you’re the branch He keeps alive

just breathe, you’re here, accept The Light
and don’t look back, it’s not a fight
the war you waged will fade by night
A Risen Sun will give you sight

and in the rays your fruit will grow
and golden morrows you will sow
don’t ask me how, I do not know
but this I cling to as I go
“Я есмь лоза, а вы ветви; кто пребывает во Мне, и Я в нем, тот приносит много плода; ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего.” От Иоанна‬ ‭15:5‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
if I were a painter then I would paint You
in every color and every fruit
I’d pray for my hands to be steady as Yours
and hope You would guide every move of my sword
I’d live on a palette created for me
but make Yours The Story that I want to breathe
so people could see and could know of Your Light
the One that illuminates all that’s inside
Olga Valerevna Jun 2019
if I could be anything more than than I am
I’d lay my whole being on soil and sand
I’d revel in people who want to know peace
and give them a place to find what they seek
my heart would be mortal, my soul would be more
my thoughts would be fruits of a labor adorned
by all of the beauty the flesh has denied
a key to the past that will open the eyes
of all who are waiting for something to give
your prayers will be honored as long as you live
“But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31
Olga Valerevna May 2019
there’s this girl I know, she knows me too
she will tell you my story tomorrow
she will beckon me like Autumn’s breeze
and invite me back into my sorrow
I’ll be gently thrown by what she says  
just enough to be wholly transparent  
in how I am and in how I love
used to think this was only inherent
though I’m fathered by and mothered by
every cell that exists in my ending
I am made of more than what I knew  
I’m a woman, a Helper, a blessing
title taken from and inspired by All Sons & Daughters - all praise be to God, always and forever.
Olga Valerevna May 2019
I think it unfair to The Poet
she said with her heart on its knees
to share only half of your person
when Love comes to fall at your feet
I think it unfair of each other
to hide what is heavy and blue
if talking leads halfway to nowhere
I’d rather stay home with The Truth
see, Nature’s The Scribe of my sorrows
The Knower and Maker of all
I’m safe when I share what is ailing
the every beat of my heart
“И вот, женщина того города, которая была грешница, узнав, что Он возлежит в доме фарисея, принесла алавастровый сосуд с миром и, став позади у ног Его и плача, начала обливать ноги Его слезами и отирать волосами головы своей, и целовала ноги Его, и мазала миром.”
‭‭От Луки‬ ‭7:37-38‬ ‭
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