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Olga Valerevna May 2019
I think it unfair to The Poet
she said with her heart on its knees
to share only half of your person
when Love comes to fall at your feet
I think it unfair of each other
to hide what is heavy and blue
if talking leads halfway to nowhere
I’d rather stay home with The Truth
see, Nature’s The Scribe of my sorrows
The Knower and Maker of all
I’m safe when I share what is ailing
the every beat of my heart
“И вот, женщина того города, которая была грешница, узнав, что Он возлежит в доме фарисея, принесла алавастровый сосуд с миром и, став позади у ног Его и плача, начала обливать ноги Его слезами и отирать волосами головы своей, и целовала ноги Его, и мазала миром.”
‭‭От Луки‬ ‭7:37-38‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna May 2019
do you know what I mean about feeding
the every need of this world
there’re so many folk who don’t see it
caught up in a life gone awhirl
where the pain and despair got the better
of all of their moments in time
and right now there is nothing but Me left
said Hope, I’m the last One to die
even if both your hands have grown weary
and all of your strength disappears  
just remember the Words I have spoken
they’re with you forever, my dear
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭17:1-26‬
Olga Valerevna May 2019
so how do you discern the every thinking of your heart?
and when are you in synch with it and when are you afar?
does every thought you have consider what is Good and True?
or rather does it consecrate the darkest parts of you?
are you the kind of human who lays every word to death?
or are you not the former, too aware of every breath?
do you know what it feels like to be everything you are?
or do you bend your knee instead, to every fallen star?
“Имейте добрую совесть, дабы тем, за что злословят вас, как злодеев, были постыжены порицающие ваше доброе житие во Христе.”
‭‭Первое послание Петра‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Apr 2019
I never had a friend who knew me any way at all
except The One Who promised He would be there if I fall
my ev-er-y emotion makes it harder to believe
that I am of more worth to You than anything that be
for who am I to reckon with a debt I could not pay
let by and by my heart accept Your ransom every day
I never knew a Friend the way I know You here and now
in Spirit and in Truth I’ve learned to worship You somehow
“Бог есть дух, и поклоняющиеся Ему должны поклоняться в духе и истине.”
‭‭От Иоанна святое благовествование‬ ‭4:24‬
Olga Valerevna Apr 2019
I woke up by the waters where my yesterdays were you
and watched as both our bodies turned to every shade of blue
our breaths were getting shorter and our hearts were beating fast
until the Sun appeared and cast its shadow on our backs
more beautiful a metaphor I couldn’t hope to dream
to wake up by the waters, let my yesterdays to be
to wake up and walk.
Olga Valerevna Apr 2019
I lean into a rhythm when I write a single phrase
find meaning in the beating, let each Word to make its way
my body always follows and my soul surrenders too
and suddenly The Sun has a horizon made of You
I revel in the warmth and choose to share it with the world
to give as much as possible to few or many more
my poetry is nothing but a measure I received
I offer it to anyone and everyone in peace
“Мир оставляю вам, мир Мой даю вам; не так, как мир дает, Я даю вам. || Да не смущается сердце ваше и да не устрашается.”
‭‭От Иоанна‬ ‭14:27‬ ‭
Olga Valerevna Apr 2019
if there is a point to my writing
it never involves me at all
the best I can do is be mindful
of keeping These Words from withdrawal
my tongue has been some kind of a vessel
a pen that has ink, so to say  
it speaks out in every direction
of places I want to remain
I thought I could pass for a poet
but all I’ve been given is Yours
so here I am being a person
admitting I am nothing more
«Ибо хотя я ничего не знаю за собою, но тем не оправдываюсь; судия же мне Господь. Посему не суди́те никак прежде времени, пока не придет Господь, Который и осветит скрытое во мраке и обнаружит сердечные намерения, и тогда каждому будет похвала от Бога.»
‭‭Первое послание к Коринфянам‬ ‭4:4-5‬
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