Her name was Diana.
She was my queen. Her eyes soulful
Her spirit was clean.
I betrayed her love. With cold calculation.
Numbers .
Choices shaped by urgent circumstance.
The scales tipped away.
She spoke to me from a far place untrod .
I saw her in the flesh again. The woman stood next to me.
A total stranger. She spoke with care and compassion though
Her voice was not the same.The spirit arced the void.The eyes.
Her body was a replica down to the way she stood. The face older,
the lines less sharp.
Her husband stood by quietly as we moved in the queue.
A prop. Voiceless.
Then and there I knew.
Diana had touched me over the years but she never came to me
This way. I struggled.
But I could not. Make.the leap and so
She went her way with. Strange goodbyes.
I knew she waited for me.
She said she.would in life.
She had forgiven my betrayal
Oh how she loved me. And oh how I loved her so.
She spoke to me from the grave. Her power was
Always pure love.
The breezes blew the flame from her candle
Her candle stood alone in the whipping wind.
Where I left her standing
Years ago I left her standing as the world cruelly closed in.
The hounds of her existence claimed her.
She will be mine again.
Those eyes that so engulfed me.
That heat that ever loved me.
Goodnight my sweet. Rest again.
My journey leads back to you.
In time the circle will close.
Goodnight my queen.
I know that you await.
Rest my queen.
Unspoken as before.
The boatman
Stands on the far bank.
His fare in hand.
I love you.
I always have done.
Read THE LINK. This happened on veterans day as I stood in line to board The U.S.S. Idaho for a tour.
Repressed until now. Wow.