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282 · May 2014
Bree May 2014
i am not
and nor will I ever be yours
i am not
the girl that shows up at your door at four in the morning
i will not be
your manic pixie dream girl
i will not be
the girl who twirls your world
i do not
need to be fixed
i do not
want a kiss.
i am not
167 · May 2014
"its creative writing"
Bree May 2014
i think i may not want to remember writing about about you in a few days or months or years and i'll try to scratch out everything i ever wrote about you but i’ll never succeed because you wrote yourself into my lips when you kissed me and you wrote yourself into my skin when you held me and into my blood when you told me you loved me and i’m never going to get rid of you not when everything about you is all over my mind, in my eyes, and in my ears and i might try to fool myself into believing that nothing is about you in a selfish attempt at pretending you never existed

— The End —