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We dreamed of becoming more than what we were.
And we escaped in the smoke that filled the room.

Our souls trapped...
Jailed behind our ribcages.

So we sat there...
Changing out the records.
Mouthing all the lyrics.

Waiting for the perfect moment to speak words.
Those times never came...

Instead we became more silent.

Inhaling the smoke.
Exhaling it all the same.

And I sat there wondering what else was out there.

I felt so comfortable in your surroundings.
Too high to realize what was really going on.

I broke the cycle.
The routine of a roller coaster ride that wasn't fun.
Longing for something more.
Wondering if I deserved better.

Even when I thought you were the best...
I started to question that.

My love for you may never die...
But my addictions did.

My tears brought on the clouds.
And I had to follow the sun.

No more.
No more tears.
No more love to give to you.
Dancing on leaves of flowers.
Swimming down water so clear.
Sleeping in cracks of an oak-tree.
Dreaming of things so dear.

Clutching hands as we jump off a mountain.
Getting lost in a maze of love.
Watch the display as we’re kissing.
Flying high on the wings of a dove.

Hide-and-go seek in the forest.
Whispers of words in secrecy.
This is the world I’ve imagined.
Our world of pure fantasy.

Chasing after blueberry fairies.
Wearing their wings on our backs.
Swooping through thistledown fields.
Making up for the things you lack.

Building sandcastles by the river.
Drinking dew from a redrose leaf.
Cuddling at a warm, cozy fire.
Creating memories in which to believe.

Eating white cream and strawberries.
Laughing at elves in a tree.
This is the world I’ve imagined.
My world of pure fantasy.
© Annilda Esterhuysen. All rights reserved.
I keep such music in my brain
No din this side of death can quell;
Glory exulting over pain,
And beauty, garlanded in hell.

My dreaming spirit will not heed
The roar of guns that would destroy
My life that on the gloom can read
Proud-surging melodies of joy.

To the world’s end I went, and found
Death in his carnival of glare;
But in my torment I was crowned,
And music dawned above despair.
She said "how do you have the audacity?!"
I felt her words, tearing, blasting me
words cut like shards of glass to me
as if desert sands beating on my weathered skin
I feel her composure wearing thin
water droplets become the tell tale sign in her eyes swelling
hands violently flapping in the air in tune with the yelling
her motions far too compelling
bringing troubled thoughts to my eager mind
eyes search to find my way out
no neon arrows point to my escape route
I must bear the brunt
of what I had done
never expected her to try and tear down the sky above
When I finally, after so many years expressed to her my love...
Can I be close to you?
Hold you the whole night through?
When the day is engulfing night,
can we strangle a ray of light?

In the morning when I wake,
there will be nothing more of me to take.
Will you still want me then?
To rediscover where you have already been?

Can I still be close to you?
When you’ve had what you pursue?
Is there a piece of me, some fragmented part,
you can love with a sightless heart?
 Oct 2013 Odessa Avramidis
I was little and afraid
Of your anger in the world
That we made.
The loudness and the shatter
Of my heart when nothing else mattered
In the dark, but not at night
I knew nothing could ever be right

I really tried and I lied
When I swore I wasn't tired
Of all of this
Of the constant panic and alone
Too familiar in this awful home
I remember running and
Wanting to get caught
Because i just forgot
That you were nothing like i thought

And I want to let go
But your anger eats away
At all i should have been
And now it's dark all day
Do you even see me?
Did you even know,
That all I ever wanted
Was for you to let go.
Cast your wishes to the wind
Launch your desires to the sea
Throw your emotions to the ocean
Set your most intimate aspects free
Most of all, leave your secrets safe from me
Baby, I'm an anchor
rusted steel exposed to the seaward breeze
aching to race from the sun to the darkest depths
pulling you under in my selfish plummet
there's no escaping the salty abyss I'm rushing towards
You see the bottom suits me, beautifully
perhaps for the bottom is nothing new to me
dwelling out of touch from the sun's rays
never yearning for the warmth of another to rouse me from the darkness
for perhaps the bottom was always meant to be home
rusted steel set perfectly in the moondust sand of an ocean's farthest depths
so cast your wishes to the wind, never tied to the chains linked to me
Baby, I'm an anchor
I was never meant to be
soaring in the winds, together with you set free...
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