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I want you to give me bruises around my neck,
so that i can put you behind fear.
I hold your music in my hands,
the notes falling off each page,
i don't feel the music like I used to with you.
Eyes burning, face burning,
waking up with Kleenexes underneath my fragile body.
Paper filled with tears to hold.
Warmth in your smiles,
hatred in your eyes,
rage in your hands.
I file our disturbing memories.
This is not a home but a psych ward,
the only protection is a lock on my door.
I didn't give you permission to stroke me,
to rip me from my pride,
to destroy my only innocence.
The flowers around the house begin to die slowly,
they smell the yelling and the throwing.
A girl weeping in a corner, a memory of my recent past.
I wish I could go back to ignorance,
when all I knew was the word "light".
I don't want to hold things in anymore,
i want to let my words spill all out onto the page.
Don't want to become like you,
but am already half you.
You know what they usually don't say,
like father like daughter.
It's a black and white picture,
no more differences.
Always your shadow behind me as I look into the mirror.
Your fingerprints are on the piano,
staining the keys.
The piano is your music,
voice is mine.
The times we spend together are the times I want to rewind back,
to make them into perfection instead of what they really are,
pain and dysfunction.
I am eating up everything,
but so empty inside.
I need something more,
a touch of love from you.
You don't know me at all,
but i know everything about you.
Your heart has broken into many pieces,
spreading through your body,
you just don't show any piece of it.
Who will fix your mess when everything you touch breaks completely?
I will, I have to, since I am your other half.
If you want the background/inspiration to this poem feel free to message me
Why Damon, why, why, why so pressing?
The Heart you beg's not worth possessing:
Each Look, each Word, each Smile's affected,
And inward Charms are quite neglected:
Then scorn her, scorn her, foolish Swain,
And sigh no more, no more in vain.

Beauty's worthless, fading, flying;
Who would for Trifles think of dying?
Who for a Face, a Shape, wou'd languish,
And tell the Brooks, and Groves his Anguish,
Till she, till she thinks fit to prize him,
And all, and all beside despise him?

Fix, fix your Thoughts on what's inviting,
On what will never bear the slighting:
Wit and Virtue claim your Duty,
They're much more worth that Gold and Beauty:
To them, to them, your Heart resign,
And you'll no more, no more repine.
Shakespeares words once beauty were,
through thought and speech they spoke to her.

Though in translations time was lost,
at dire end the beauty cost.

For only few still do perceive,
the words wrote down as he would need.

A scholar wise will still read on,
pursuing beauty long since gone.

Dead set in ways that harbor pain,
when sleepless nights is all you gain.

For trust of past is love soaked daggers,
each will stab and you will stagger,
and only now must I believe
it is not Shakespeare,
it is me.
Everyone's a poet to some degree
you don't have to rhyme
you just have to use your words purposefully
there are the self-procliamed poets
and then those who fail to see
that the words that they use  
and the cadence they choose
are all a form of poetry
I am writing this poem for those who are afraid to speak
whether it be for self preservation, ignorance, or those who are too weak:
A couple kissing on a moonlit beach,
     bathed in the soft dim glow
The smell of the sea and the sound of the waves,
     more romantic than candle light
A soft sweet touch and a gentle embrace
     seal a lasting love
Yet time is short and soon they must part,
     for how long neither knows
Only hope, faith, trust,
     can ensure their love will survive
Yet fate is cruel and both are world-wise,
     knowing the odds against them
So savor they will these precious moments,
     cast forever in diamond coated memories
The green, the blue, the red, the understanding in trichromacy,
And our optical miracle is used to tsk the voice of science?
But bubbling away under my eyelids where all the empathy is,
The meanings are fixed by a constant disintegration.
Force in which our major sense relies,
Is not a creation but destruction.

I cannot look now for fear of knowing,
The only truth behind that smile,
Is a soul shattering each second of contact,
And a window where the glass writhes.
I close my eyes; feel the melody;
Turn the volume down, it comes so softly -
Let it flow freely, in the air for forever -
And at the end, let it come in a whisper.

You hear another sound - the silence of tears
Of a broken heart urging for comfort to fears.
You, and only you, can hear this quiet pain
It is up to you to help them now regain.

For no one else can ease the agony;
This here now a fragmented ardency
Was once a great passion far inflamed
By the mere mention of her name.

So here now before you, a shattered soul
Incite a new passion, and expel the old.
Please, I beg you, warmth from this cold -
All these maddening thoughts of her -
Help my mind to clarity return
I'll be waiting for that whisper
I've known it was coming for a while now,
Spent years preparing for it,
Now suddenly it creeps towards me,
Pushing me to a place I've never known,

A place where I must chose who to be,
A place where I must fiend for me,
A place where I must never look back,
A place where I've been dreaming of,

Now it's finally here...

And it's somewhere I'm scared to go,
For this Change is something I must face all alone.
When life as opening buds is sweet,
And golden hopes the fancy greet,
And Youth prepares his joys to meet,--
Alas! how hard it is to die!

When just is seized some valued prize,
And duties press, and tender ties
Forbid the soul from earth to rise,--
How awful then it is to die!

When, one by one, those ties are torn,
And friend from friend is snatched forlorn,
And man is left alone to mourn,--
Ah then, how easy 'tis to die!

When faith is firm, and conscience clear,
And words of peace the spirit cheer,
And visioned glories half appear,--
'Tis joy, 'tis triumph then to die.

When trembling limbs refuse their weight,
And films, slow gathering, dim the sight,
And clouds obscure the mental light,--
'Tis nature's precious boon to die.

In rags mysterious as these
The shining Courtiers go—
Veiling the purple, and the plumes—
Veiling the ermine so.

Smiling, as they request an alms—
At some imposing door!
Smiling when we walk barefoot
Upon their golden floor!
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