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noelle Sep 2020
i could be sound asleep,
tucked away in my queen-sized bed.
but the thought of you consumes me.

your soft hands on my cheek,
moving lower,
making me weak.

you're miles away,
yet you seem to control my mind.
oh darling, you're one of a kind.
i miss you.
noelle Jan 2021
He handed me rose with a smile on his face
In each petal was a beautiful lie
The rose touched the tip of my nose
My eyes slowly blinked as my head fell back
I took a light breath over the slightly, wilted petals and just sat still
Feeling everything surrounding me
But, only with my mind
I pull the rose away from my nose and tilt my head a little to the left
I glance at it like it is the most elegant object I’ve ever come across
My finger slid over the soft, thin petal
I watch as I notice a little wind carry out of the rose
It glided past my ear and I hear a slight sort of whisper
“I love you”
My eyes smiled
What a beautiful lie.

noelle Dec 2020
i didn't even realize i was addicted
until i tried to stop
noelle Sep 2020

this pain can't be explained;
it's so terrible i almost can't feel anything.

being numb may be better than this, though.
i'd rather feel nothing
noelle Dec 2021
all of me
was never meant
to be touched by you
noelle Apr 2022
sometimes i think
i resented you so much
that it felt like love
noelle Sep 2020
the feeling of lonliness
is awfully scary.
you have no one to talk to,
no one to keep you company.

i feel stuck.
i can't get out.
please help me
i'm stuck
noelle Nov 2020
i didn't want to be
another one
with depression
and anxiety
i'm sorry mom
noelle Aug 2022
i'm not happy
and im not sad,
not enough to tell anyone at least,
but enough to keep my mind
awake at night.

nights are the hardest:
when you finally throw away
all your distractions,
so it's just you and your thoughts,
awake until the sun rises once again.
noelle Dec 2020
it drains the life out of me
it makes me want to dig into my skin
i don't know how much longer
i can do this
noelle Apr 2021
before i die,
i want to
feel infinite
noelle Sep 2020
it’s my birthday tomorrow.
why am I celebrating my life
when I don’t want one anymore?

this feels like just another dreadful day.
i stare at my birthday candle
in a longing daze.

everyone asks what my wish was,
but if i tell them
it won’t come true.

i wished for it to appear as an accident;
like it was not my precise intention.
noelle Nov 2020
i'm still breathing
and i can't tell
if that's good or bad.
noelle Jan 2021
i never believed people
when they said they put on a mask
to hide their pain
but i do it without noticing

i am confident
i am secure

but that's not true
because i do not show the real me
i don't think people would like that side

confidence is key,
noelle Mar 2021
tears flood my eyes,
i try to keep them back

"are you okay"
"yeah, why do you ask?"
noelle Sep 2020
how can I ever be perfect
when i don’t even know what it means to be myself?

i’m thrown into a sea of lies:
drowning in the false idea that i’m more
than i really am.

i put a mask for your standards.
is it really becoming me,
or is my face cracking underneath?

i replay these words in my head
like a broken record.

they break off a piece of my true identity
until i cannot recognize myself;
until i look in the mirror and hate who I see.

but you made that happen.
i don’t know i am...
because of you.
noelle Jul 2021
i sat there,
watching my blood
drip onto my hands,
and on the floor,
seeping through
the rug below me

i sat there,
and said
"it didn't even hurt"

but sadly,
that was a lie

i can still feel
the knife slicing my skin,
but i liked it
noelle Aug 2021
sunday, august 8: 477
monday, august 9: 679
tuesday, august 10: 666
wednesday, august 11: 230
thursday, august 12: 1,085
friday, august 13: 105
saturday, august 14: 348
noelle Sep 2022
sometimes i forget
that truly forgiving them
doesn't depend on their apology

forgiving them means
that their actions
don't control you anymore

it means you see them as humans
who have treated you
from their level of maturity
and your awareness of that
takes away the power
they hold
noelle Dec 2021
the only thing you were good at
was making me feel useless.
noelle Dec 2021
what draws you to her
tell me what you like
so i can practice
noelle Dec 2020
and i am afraid that the alcohol i drink
is filling up my body so much
to the point where i am starting to choke
on my last words

i am already six feet underground,
rehearsing my goodbyes i never got to say

i am getting drowned in the tears of those
who never showed love to me when i was alive
but are showing it now that i am dead

the drugs coursing through my veins
are decaying my body
and i am nothing more
than a skeleton in the ground

at least if i am dead i will no longer receive
the pain i know i did not deserve
when i was alive
noelle May 2021
inhale it
exhale it
feel it burn your lungs

i'm better now
hopefully someone gets this
noelle Nov 2021
in an empty room
there is no doubt
you'd choose me

but in a crowded one
would you choose me
or her?
noelle Nov 2020
the sun rises
the sun sets
days pass

what's the point?
to live?
to die?

you make me want to figure it out, though
noelle Nov 2020
i don't want to ruin your days
because i struggle to get out of bed.
i'm terribly sorry for being this way;
i tried to be different than them,
but it's harder than you think.

i wish i could change me
for you.
noelle Sep 2020
it’s buried away,
and you know it.
that secret - that truth -
you can’t even admit to yourself.

do you not want things to change?
maybe you don’t want it to be true.
but it eats away at your body,
until there is barely anything left.

deny, deny, deny!
but why?
someone has the key
to the mystery
locked up in your mind.
noelle May 2021
i depend on everything
i depend on people,
on drugs,
on alcohol
to simply numb the pain;
to keep it away

because the truth is too scary:
i don't want to be alive

it's unbearable,
the pain.
i've learned
that i cannot
control it

i cannot control
my need for everything
that makes me feel
noelle Dec 2021
i am so desperate for touch:
to be caressed
and kissed
all over my body.

oh, for someone to
touch me like you did
is all i need
on a night like this.
noelle Nov 2020
i no longer have motivation
for things that once
kept me alive.

what do i do
when that one thing
doesn't help anymore?

i'm trapped.
someone get me out
of this draining cycle.
noelle Sep 2021
i haven't felt pretty recently
i'm constantly trying to find
something different about myself
that i like

it just never seems to appear
noelle Sep 2020
oh, to be at the train tracks in the dead of night,
after being trapped in my tiny box.

i feel the air rush through my hair
when it passes by on the rail.

it’s ethereal;
it’s too good for this world.
maybe my next life will be as perfect
as the moon’s reflection on this small puddle
my feet soak in.

the pavement feels cool,
just like the breeze.

my last moment at the train tracks,
in the dead of night,
was better than anything i ever experienced
on this cruel earth.
noelle Mar 2021
they're fading
you're faking it
do it again
it wasn't deep enough
noelle Nov 2020
i'm standing at the bottom of a hole
with a shovel in my hand
noelle Sep 2020
i feel colder on the exterior,
but as the leaves change,
i am comforted
by familiarity.

it's finally sweater weather,
and i'm cozied up
next to you.

we fell in love
in october.
we fell in love
watching green turn red
among the horizon.

familiarity, nostalgia

i miss you.
noelle Oct 2020
you call women *******,
but men bosses.
you force women to cover up,
but men walk around half naked.
you call us ***** for having ***,
but men are praised for it.
you tell us what to do with our bodies,
but men refuse to do the same to theirs.  
you say it was our fault,
but we never asked to be sexualized.
you say you want a strong man,
but i am a strong woman.

we are equals,
we deserve respect,
we demand more.

we are women,
and we are powerful.
noelle Oct 2020
i didn't eat for four days
so i could feel small.
the sound of my stomach rumbling
gives me comfort
because that means
i'm thin.
being full is something i hate.
noelle Dec 2020
it stings
noelle Jan 2021
the dirt stained my palms
my heels dug into the mud
a rose stem pricked my finger
my eyes are bloodshot and puffy
i carry grief around in my head
my body is cold from the rain
the priest's words stung my soul
you would've hated this,
but mom insisted
noelle Sep 2020
your eyes said it all,
but your words hurt the most.
at least we got to kiss
and hold each other
and laugh
one last time.

you were my wife,
but how you're an acquaintance.
sure, we can be friends,
but i won't be able to control myself.
this is going to be hard.
i'll miss you.
noelle Nov 2020
your hazel eyes
and beaming smile
make my day
a little better
noelle Nov 2021
close my eyes
and pray
i'm enough for you
enough for you
noelle Dec 2020
fall in love with a writer
because underneath the mess
and in between the lines
is a heart full of love
that will follow you to any city
noelle Dec 2021
i wonder why i wasn't
beautiful enough for you
or if i'm beautiful at all.

i changed what i was wearing
five times before i saw you,
wondering which pair of jeans
will make my body more tempting
to undress.

tell me:
was there anything
i could've done
to make you think

she is so strikingly beautiful
noelle Nov 2020
you loved her when we were together.
your feelings for me slowly faded,
while i was still head over heels.
you chose her over me.
noelle Dec 2020
it's funny what long pants
and a smile can hide
noelle Dec 2020
god i hope i can look back
at how dramatic i am

i hope i will be here to reflect on my mistakes,
on my regrets

tears blur my vision;
i cannot see far enough into my future

every wound, every mark,
i become less hopeful

maybe things do change,
but this feels like rock bottom.
noelle Nov 2020
i don't want to sleep,
but i don't want to be awake.
i don't want to eat,
but i don't want to be hungry.
i don't want people around me,
but i don't want to be alone.

i want to stop existing,
but i don't want to die.

how the ****
do i get out
of my head?
noelle Feb 2021
"how are you, really"
they ask, and give you a smile,
make some meaningless small talk
"i'm fine, and you"

sometimes you tell yourself
those exact words in the mirror
sometimes your smile is a little too convincing

you're never "just tired"
or "a little stressed out"

and sometimes, alone in your bed at night,
you ask yourself
how are you, really,
and the answer is always truthful,
but never simple.
noelle Jan 2023
overanalyze every single word you hear
was this a sign that things were going wrong?
no, no,
you were the one who cared too hard,
not them.

stay up every single night on your phone,
either attempting to gather the courage
to turn these demons,
these constant reminders of your loneliness
into nothing more than a bad dream,
or praying just for one second
that you could feel the warmth
of equally returned love

talk down on yourself whenever possible
my life is **** because i deserve it,
you must’ve done something really bad
its nearly impossible for you to cry now

become a secondary character in your own motion picture
but most importantly,
drown every single one of your feelings
in old, stolen ***
learn to love the taste of it dripping down your throat
find comfort in the warmth coming from your stomach
you’re drinking bottled love now.
my favorite sad song
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