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Jan 2021 · 240
kind of girl
noelle Jan 2021
she is the kind of girl
someone writes poems about
Jan 2021 · 309
gone from my sight
noelle Jan 2021
the dirt stained my palms
my heels dug into the mud
a rose stem pricked my finger
my eyes are bloodshot and puffy
i carry grief around in my head
my body is cold from the rain
the priest's words stung my soul
you would've hated this,
but mom insisted
Jan 2021 · 240
noelle Jan 2021
to this day,
your name still hurts my tongue,
but i say it anyways,
because i like the sting
of knowing you're gone

all those years
dedicated to you,
now i lie here alone,
why didn't i leave earlier?
Jan 2021 · 724
multiple personalities
noelle Jan 2021
i'm a different person
around everyone
i interact with,
that i'm not so sure
who the real me is
Jan 2021 · 259
broken mask
noelle Jan 2021
i never believed people
when they said they put on a mask
to hide their pain
but i do it without noticing

i am confident
i am secure

but that's not true
because i do not show the real me
i don't think people would like that side

confidence is key,
Dec 2020 · 206
hidden truth
noelle Dec 2020
it's funny what long pants
and a smile can hide
Dec 2020 · 197
heart of love
noelle Dec 2020
fall in love with a writer
because underneath the mess
and in between the lines
is a heart full of love
that will follow you to any city
Dec 2020 · 156
to my body
noelle Dec 2020
as i look into the mirror,
i start to notice all of the things
i despise about myself

i notice my pale body
and the veins that protrude through my skin

my fingernails are chipped
from the black and red polish
and the skin around it is peeled
from my teeth

the beauty marks trail down my cheeks
and onto my arms
leaving traces of dark spots everywhere

my green eyes speak of sorrow
and they darken within every night
that i stay awake with my insomnia

i hold my body, without ever looking at, it too closely
and the tears within cry out
in shame

it asks me why i cannot love it,
why i dig into it,
why it's not beautiful enough
and i cannot tell it a good enough reason

i blame the world,
i say it maddens me
and i crave the look of impossible

to my body,
i am terribly sorry for picking apart too many things that you cannot fix

i wish i could be kinder
though it is hard to be
in such a difficult society

i will preach self-love
until it comes to myself

Dec 2020 · 209
noelle Dec 2020
it drains the life out of me
it makes me want to dig into my skin
i don't know how much longer
i can do this
Dec 2020 · 107
noelle Dec 2020
it stings
Dec 2020 · 141
the hurt
noelle Dec 2020
every day i crave the pain
of my legs stinging

every day i crave the colors
of black and blue

but i try not to
for you
Dec 2020 · 93
the long run
noelle Dec 2020
i have been fighting for so long:
pushing my way through the inevitability of life.

but my knuckles are red,
my legs are bruised,
and my heart rate continues to slow.

there's still so much left in the race,
but the thought of making it to the finish line
just isn't enough for my weak bones anymore.
Dec 2020 · 106
noelle Dec 2020
i didn't even realize i was addicted
until i tried to stop
Dec 2020 · 104
noelle Dec 2020
there are still many things i have not done,
therefore, i'll stay a little longer.
Dec 2020 · 83
inevitable death
noelle Dec 2020
you have to remember to fight each day,
for your inevitable death will not save you
from your current excruciating pain.
Dec 2020 · 90
noelle Dec 2020
isn't it so strange
that we carve into our skin,
we let drugs course through our veins,
because we don't love ourselves.

we make wishes upon our blood,
hoping maybe tomorrow
we'll be dead.

we are all so painfully tired
that we cannot bear to live in our bodies
for one more day
stay for me, okay?
Dec 2020 · 97
you never deserved me
noelle Dec 2020
i remember falling apart in your arms
from the words
that fell from your mouth

Dec 2020 · 120
consume me
noelle Dec 2020
and i am afraid that the alcohol i drink
is filling up my body so much
to the point where i am starting to choke
on my last words

i am already six feet underground,
rehearsing my goodbyes i never got to say

i am getting drowned in the tears of those
who never showed love to me when i was alive
but are showing it now that i am dead

the drugs coursing through my veins
are decaying my body
and i am nothing more
than a skeleton in the ground

at least if i am dead i will no longer receive
the pain i know i did not deserve
when i was alive
Dec 2020 · 68
where did you go?
noelle Dec 2020
you were stiff,
talking monotone,

where did my brother go?

your smile would brighten my day,
and you were so playful.
i miss that.

i don't know who this new person is.

it was barely a person;
i couldn't maintain eye contact
because i didn't know who i was looking at.

i'm sorry your brain doesn't work like others

i regret treating you poorly;
you did not deserve that,
for you cannot control what your head tells you.

will i ever meet the old you again?
Dec 2020 · 92
noelle Dec 2020
god i hope i can look back
at how dramatic i am

i hope i will be here to reflect on my mistakes,
on my regrets

tears blur my vision;
i cannot see far enough into my future

every wound, every mark,
i become less hopeful

maybe things do change,
but this feels like rock bottom.
Nov 2020 · 69
noelle Nov 2020
my hands are cold
my body is warm
my head is spinning
my legs are weak

i didn't eat.
Nov 2020 · 77
day after day
noelle Nov 2020
the sun rises
the sun sets
days pass

what's the point?
to live?
to die?

you make me want to figure it out, though
Nov 2020 · 125
self harm
noelle Nov 2020
it's just a cut.
it's just a bruise.
"what's on your leg"
it's my new tattoo.

it's just a disguise.
it's just another lie.
"what's with all the sweatshirts"
it's just style, why?

it's just a tear.
it's just a scream.
"why are you crying"
it's just a bad dream.

but it's not just a bruise,
or a tear, or a lie.
it's always "just one more"
until you die.
Nov 2020 · 62
noelle Nov 2020
i feel like i do the most
and get nothing back.
Nov 2020 · 65
noelle Nov 2020
i'm breathing,
but i'm not alive.
Nov 2020 · 85
negative thoughts
noelle Nov 2020
someone could tell me every day
that they love me,
but i will always remember
that one time
when they forgot to say it back.

why do we think back
to the negatives
when the positives
are right in front of us?
Nov 2020 · 59
the hotel window
noelle Nov 2020
the hotel window
from the sixth floor
was higher than i expected.

i looked down
in a longing gaze,
imagining myself slowly falling
and finally being at peace,
dead on the ground.

but i felt something.
my heart was racing:
i was scared.

i was actually scared
to die
Nov 2020 · 65
if only she knew
noelle Nov 2020
if only she knew
how effortlessly beautiful
she can be.

when i look into her eyes,
i see no darkness;
no uncertainty.

she gives me hope,
and that's all i ever needed
from another being.

if only she knew
how much my love for her
grows each day.

no matter what she does,
or how imperfect she looks,
i still admire every aspect of her.

she has her own special way
of expressing her love,
but i know she does.

i am hard to handle,
and i can be a lot,
but i pray she sticks with me

because it is almost certain
that i like her more than my last.
(and i'm still getting to know her)

dear sophia,
i love you.
yes, this is cheesy
noelle Nov 2020
we were infinite

you are alive

we accept the love we think we deserve

write about us

life doesn't stop for anybody

everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other

this moment will just be another story someday

enjoy it because it's happening
all i want is a tunnel scene
Nov 2020 · 57
noelle Nov 2020
sometimes i get sad;
i can feel the little weights
tugging at my heart,
and my thoughts engulfed
in a freezing fog.

and just as i begin to doubt
if it'll be like this forever:
if i'll feel happy again,
if i'll even feel anything again,
it passes.

but it starts once more.
Nov 2020 · 257
obsessive and compulsive
noelle Nov 2020
everything is lined up perfectly, except my mind.
the urge to fix that blanket consumes me
because if i don't clean,
something bad will happen.

obsessive: unwelcome thoughts, images, urges, worries or doubts that repeatedly appear in my mind

compulsive: repetitive activities that i do to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsession

i am constantly submerged
in an overwhelming amount of anxiety
caused by little things normal people
would never notice.
Nov 2020 · 79
dear mom,
noelle Nov 2020
i don't want to ruin your days
because i struggle to get out of bed.
i'm terribly sorry for being this way;
i tried to be different than them,
but it's harder than you think.

i wish i could change me
for you.
Nov 2020 · 69
another one
noelle Nov 2020
i didn't want to be
another one
with depression
and anxiety
i'm sorry mom
Nov 2020 · 97
loving a poet
noelle Nov 2020
i am a forgetful person:
i don't know your shoe size
or your favorite food,
but the face you make
before we kiss
is engraved in my mind.

i probably won't remember what your plans are for tomorrow,
yet i still notice the way
you twirl your hair to put it in a bun.

i've memorized the feeling of your warm hands intertwined with mine.
i am a writer:
i notice small things about everyone,
but it's different for you,
because you're my muse;
my inspiration.
i create artwork
simply from observing.
Nov 2020 · 67
time to go
noelle Nov 2020
i need to accomplish more
before it's my time to go.
Nov 2020 · 67
love songs
noelle Nov 2020
i think of you
when love songs
come on
Nov 2020 · 79
live or die
noelle Nov 2020
maybe i don't actually want to die;
i think i just want to live.

i want to be me.
one day
Nov 2020 · 69
faking it
noelle Nov 2020
i'm standing at the bottom of a hole
with a shovel in my hand
Nov 2020 · 57
one touch
noelle Nov 2020
a brief finger on my face,
or your warm hands on my back;
i'm all yours,
and that's all i ever wanted.
Nov 2020 · 58
when i don't notice
noelle Nov 2020
i look away,
hoping you look back at me
when i don't notice.
Nov 2020 · 62
noelle Nov 2020
i don't want to sleep,
but i don't want to be awake.
i don't want to eat,
but i don't want to be hungry.
i don't want people around me,
but i don't want to be alone.

i want to stop existing,
but i don't want to die.

how the ****
do i get out
of my head?
Nov 2020 · 68
hazel eyes
noelle Nov 2020
your hazel eyes
and beaming smile
make my day
a little better
Nov 2020 · 100
noelle Nov 2020
i no longer have motivation
for things that once
kept me alive.

what do i do
when that one thing
doesn't help anymore?

i'm trapped.
someone get me out
of this draining cycle.
Nov 2020 · 67
noelle Nov 2020
i'm still breathing
and i can't tell
if that's good or bad.
Nov 2020 · 65
noelle Nov 2020
you say all these things;
the things i want to hear.
but why don't i believe you?

because she ****** me up;
she lied,
and now i don't believe you.
i wish i did
Nov 2020 · 61
noelle Nov 2020
i quietly beg for attention,
and it has to be from you.
Nov 2020 · 65
her over me
noelle Nov 2020
you loved her when we were together.
your feelings for me slowly faded,
while i was still head over heels.
you chose her over me.
Oct 2020 · 93
noelle Oct 2020
it trickles slowly
and melts quickly
after landing
on your warm body.

it feels toasty,
although it's close to freezing.
i think it's the nostalgia;
the feeling of winter.

it brings back memories
to building snowmen,
sledding with my family,
baking cookies,
and cuddling up near the fire.

after a year of torture,
it's finally christmas time.
my favorite
Oct 2020 · 133
six feet deep
noelle Oct 2020
i'm trying to save you
from falling into
the 6 foot hole
you're digging
for yourself.
Oct 2020 · 63
the rain
noelle Oct 2020
sometimes we need someone
to love us when it rains,
and especially when it pours.
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