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Another sunset tries to survive, as it drifts beneath the earth and dies

The dreary dawn awaits for it's alter ego to stumble through the night
In theory gone, she baits the line, and casts our soul into another fight
A leery pawn, a game of fates, it's time to know, what feels just right
An eerie yawn, opens the gates, the perfect dream walks into the light

The sunrise comes with haunting cries, shining down on tearful eyes
Darkened skies remind last night's broken promises are Today's lies

Thieving Gray clouds shade the grounds as my head pounds and Throbs
Weaving Stray crowds of worried rats scurried about chaotically to Jobs
Leaving an unbearably noxious musk wafting throughout the surly Mobs
Deceiving another day until the dusk comes lofting like a thief and Robs

The morning's glory, came and went, and not a moment too soon
The mayhem and the havoc hellbent, clamoring to stay high noon
Tensed sheople just making life's rent, until the stars begin to croon
Incensed at the blanket time we spent, chasing the tranquil moon
It's too bright and hot out there, global cooling anyone? Biodome perhaps? Aliens please save us.
I used to read your poems
but lately you don't write
you're silent and aloof
you know that isn't right.
You can't close a door once opened
you can't abolish all your dreams
you're a poet of the heart
mustn't fall apart at the seams.
Say what you can in words
they speak the message true
spoken from the heart
the poems will see you through.
A hermit's not your style
a recluse, you are not
never give up writing
of things that you've been taught.
I used to read your poems
I'd read them once again
if you would send them out
(this one's from a poet friend)
With motivation so fragile and ever fleeting
like the bumbling male’s chances of meeting ...

In real life for a coffee, drinks, maybe dinner
She looks different from her pictures, thinner?
They drank enough to let the guards within her
Down until that Sunday morning original sinner
Came around, and only a priest can be a winner
Ramblings of a scrambled mind high on life yet low on humankind
 Dec 2018 Noelani Kamai
Ciel Noir
What other kind              of creature could divide        
        Each different thing             into its different sides                
  With chaos versus             order, dark and light
The stark duality of         wrong and right
We even split the very        world in two
With human versus human,       we and you
But still no matter how much      we divide
Each thing has infinitely many      sides
Somewhere, amongst the debris
of cigarettes after ***,
chemicals to induce sleep,
I forgot what it means to love.

I forgot what it means to breathe,
to sit still, and just be.

Somewhere, beneath these hooded seams
of solitude and well-versed grief,
beats a heart less cynical,
less tamed by vague distraction.

My nervous ticks and bad habits,
line of best fit for a near-hit
of satisfaction:

This is not enough, I know.
This is not nearly enough
to cool the bray of life
that still rattles meaning in my bones.

I forgot what it means to love,
what separates a house from a home.

Somewhere beyond this thirst
for brand-new words
is a gratitude for all that has been.
Every cliché holds a truth.

Every sentiment, a cocoon,
that I should lie so still inside

until I am wholesome,
until I am new.
 Mar 2017 Noelani Kamai
Trapped in a time loop
where all that happens is you
coming to me, kissing my feelings with your smile,
then crashing me
and leaving me there
with my naked hopes
hiding in the deepest grounds of my heart
again and again.

I am the prisoner of my own deathly wishes,
of the same repeating illusions,
and your voice in my head
is singing the same song on repeat
like a broken cassette
stuck in this old, rusty radio that is my mind.

I am trapped in a time loop
and all I do
is getting lost
somewhere on the paths of your soul
where my dreams get born
just so they can go to die.
 Sep 2014 Noelani Kamai
He stood
At the end
Of the days
That had passed
And he wept
For them all
As they spilled
Through the gaps
In his fingers
That clawed
The air
At their backs
Til the one
That he thought
That he'd caught
Was his last.
should have turned round
before it was too late !  :o(
Smiling while the Earth breaks around me,
its covered in shadow,
with little light trying to show,
I say to myself, "this should be a new low"
as fire erupts around me, beautiful chaos, like a mind after a line of blow,
but the darkness tries to take,
it tears and my mind it tries to ****,
but a little light tugging at my side,
forcing the darkness to run and hide,
the wind is rich and full of electricity,
my soul along its edges have burned,
I love the fact that I love you, even if it's not returned.

Smiling through the chaos.
I'm a lover of beautiful contradictions, and this is one I have always liked... I had an old friend and I didnt realize I was in love with her till after she was married to someone else...its not like loving someone you dont know or keeping it hidden or far away, I told her and moved on, but for that moment of realizing I had loved her was the thing I was trying to get at...and smiling at it ...on a side note..I think this poem is one of my most badass haha..

The saddest noise, the sweetest noise,
  The maddest noise that grows,—
The birds, they make it in the spring,
  At night’s delicious close.

Between the March and April line—
  That magical frontier
Beyond which summer hesitates,
  Almost too heavenly near.

It makes us think of all the dead
  That sauntered with us here,
By separation’s sorcery
  Made cruelly more dear.

It makes us think of what we had,
  And what we now deplore.
We almost wish those siren throats
  Would go and sing no more.

An ear can break a human heart
  As quickly as a spear,
We wish the ear had not a heart
  So dangerously near.
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