I love sleep
Don't get me wrong
Sleep feeds me
Without it I'm pretty much useless
Batteries always need to be charged eventually, right?
Sometimes I'll snuggle up and close my eyes
See the wonderous things that reside nightly
Behind my eyelids as my brain plays
The projector, eyelids play the screen
And I'll awaken feeling like I've just returned
From a land of fortune and prosperity
Like Columbus after he returns to Italy
But from time to time
It gets really, incredibly difficult
To willingly fall victim to the beautiful Sandman
And I'm left squirming uncomfortably
In the center of wrinkled sheets and blankets
Spinning endlessly between reality and dreams
My mind running a marathon through rough
Terrain and hopping hurdles that keep
Growing taller and wider and more menacing
I'm flashing beacons desperately trying to
Get the attention of the ambassador of slumber
And sometimes I'll "wake up"
As the Sun peaks it's God-like face
Over the unassuming horizon
Rays of warm light taking refuge where
The moonlight once settled and called its home
And I'm left there, head in hand, eyes nearly
****** and feeling like I've never slept a second
In my life