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Said the king to the colonel,
'The complaints are eternal,
That you Irish give more trouble
Than any other corps.'

Said the colonel to the king,
'This complaint is no new thing,
For your foemen, sire,
have made it A hundred times before.'
 Dec 2012 NJ McGourty
I love sleep
Don't get me wrong
Sleep feeds me
Without it I'm pretty much useless
Batteries always need to be charged eventually, right?

Sometimes I'll snuggle up and close my eyes
See the wonderous things that reside nightly
Behind my eyelids as my brain plays
The projector, eyelids play the screen
And I'll awaken feeling like I've just returned
From a land of fortune and prosperity
Like Columbus after he returns to Italy

But from time to time
It gets really, incredibly difficult
To willingly fall victim to the beautiful Sandman
And I'm left squirming uncomfortably
In the center of wrinkled sheets and blankets

Spinning endlessly between reality and dreams
My mind running a marathon through rough
Terrain and hopping hurdles that keep
Growing taller and wider and more menacing
I'm flashing beacons desperately trying to
Get the attention of the ambassador of slumber

And sometimes  I'll "wake up"
As the Sun peaks it's God-like face
Over the unassuming horizon
Rays of warm light taking refuge where
The moonlight once settled and called its home
And I'm left there, head in hand, eyes nearly
****** and feeling like I've never slept a second
In my life
A clock bongs out its chime
As we look at the time
That's never really acknowledged
until the hour is running out.

Cast sideways glances
never full attention
except for the ones
who have no intention

Around in circles I go
the same old same old
just counting up
then down
then up again.

And I grow weary
my movements becoming dreary
but time is moving faster
as around and around in circles I go.

Until I finally stop
with my one last tick-tock
and time is lost
until the batteries are rebooted

And I start new again
my cycle of endless circling
I'm 1, I'm 2, I'm 3, I'm 4
Ticking away to the end once more.
Loosing this battle.
Hoping I don't catalyze.
Found myself mooing in meditation.
Lost in space...
I heard it on the radio
My mind was sudden fizz
Did they just ask the questioned
Does Santa really live??????

Santa are you out there?
Santa do you care?
Oh Santa with your big old tum
That grey old fluffy beard

Oh Santaaaaaaaaaa
We'd love to have you come
We wrote a letter ageeee........ago
We've left some pies and stuff

Now telephones went mad that day
That some one questioned this
Did Santa really come each year
Oh my!!!
said all the kids

Santa are you out there?
Santa do you care?
Oh Santa with your big old tum
That grey old fluffy beard  

Oh Santaaaaaaaaaa
We'd love to have you come
We left a carrot on your plate  
Hope Rudolph fills his tum  

The callers of the phones agreed
That Santa's really there
Good people of the world breath out
No words of great despair

Oh Santaaaaaaaaaa
We'd love to have you come
We promise to sleep tight tonight  
No peaking to be done  
oh Santa !!!!!!

So children of the world tonight leave
Lots of pies and drink
And don't forget the reindeer's food
Or guess they'll leave a stink

Oh Santaaaaaaaaaaaaa
We love you
Yes we do
We've been so good throughout
The year
Our Santa's sack is hung !!!
Our Santa's sack is hung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
Our Santa's sack is hunggggggggg!!!!!!

— The End —