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 Oct 2014 Chiffa
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
do you remember?
i do
when we walked down the quiet pavement
giggling at the other kids who thought they were cool
when we were innocent and kind-hearted
chattering excitedly about stupid things
when you knew you were beautiful
and i didn't have to remind you
when the world was soft
do you remember?
i do
for the quiet nights when you wish you were still innocent
 Oct 2014 Chiffa
Its so easy to say someones wrong.
To call another out for all their faults.
To look down on someone because they wear all black.
Or because they sit on the corner and talk like gangstas.
Its so easy to judge someone just because they don't believe in a God.
Or because they're unashamed to walk with their lover, even though they're the same gender.
Its so easy to fit these people with labels.
Instead of looking at them as they are.
As Sons and Daughters.
As Mothers and Fathers.
As Sisters and Brothers.
Yes its easy to hate.
And you'll be at church every Sunday morning....
But the party every Saturday night.
Because while its easy to hate its hard to look for the wrong in yourself.

Now don't get me wrong I believe that Christ came and died for me and you.
But if you actually read that book you love to quote so much.
You would know he came for them too.

So who do you think will go home with him when our eyes finally close?
The atheist that preaches love?
Or the priest who preaches hate?
I suppose only God knows.
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