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I don't want to go to sleep

Weeks that stretch to the ends of forever

Because sleeping is weak

Never stopping weeping with the weather

And although I am that epitamy

Lost in the tangles in equal measures

I've been weak for weeks and weeks and weeks
Amara Pendergraft 2014

It might be lonelier
Without the Loneliness—
I’m so accustomed to my Fate—
Perhaps the Other—Peace—

Would interrupt the Dark—
And crowd the little Room—
Too scant—by Cubits—to contain
The Sacrament—of Him—

I am not used to Hope—
It might intrude upon—
Its sweet parade—blaspheme the place—
Ordained to Suffering—

It might be easier
To fail—with Land in Sight—
Than gain—My Blue Peninsula—
To perish—of Delight—
we will take our fires
to light the stars
and paint the horizons
with its flames of red

and from the ashes
we will rise again and again
with phoenix wings
to soar the heavens
searching for the real meaning
of love.

We will take our fires
to the icy polar winds
if we ever feel the chill
of not knowing
what love means.

we will take our fires....

Author Notes

Simple and adorable, trying to create imagery opposing each other.
Indian Poets did a great job of poems like this.

© Marshall Gass. All rights reserved, 18 days ago

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I would much rather be studying
where you move your hands
and how you will kiss me next.
It's hard to concentrate on the different conjugations
of the verb querer,
when all I really want is your couch
with the torn up leather
and the small tables
and drizzle on the windows.
So come save me from the textbooks,
crawl into my body and unwrap my soul
until I can remember what your name tastes like.

— The End —