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Nidhi Manchanda Apr 2016
When she was young
She was taught
"Two roads diverged in yellow woods and I
Took the one less travelled by,
And that made all the difference"
Now she is old (as people say)
Still young at heart
Ready to take one less travelled by
She is still taught the same
Beware! This can make all the difference
Nidhi Manchanda Apr 2016
Those torn out dusty pages
She was afraid...
The three dots at the end
meant something...
Something that was left unsaid

For times she had been kept aside
With the bookmark (hope)
Someone would come back
And say his heart out...

What if it ended messy and
She was left alone...

Said the pen to the book
Be bold and you will turn out beautiful...
#bohemian #analogies # love #reading
Nidhi Manchanda Mar 2016
The Little firefly
Went out in the night
Looked up at the sky....Full of stars
Wondered...if her light made a difference

Then she saw a sudden brilliance
A STAR has fallen

And then she realized
It's not those million ones that count
It's the one that falls
Makes all the difference
in someone's prayers

And so does her light
That makes all the difference
When it makes her eyes shine bright..
Nidhi Manchanda Jan 2016
Like Fire flies...
Your eyes...
make me follow you and fall

In love with you again
Nidhi Manchanda Sep 2015
While she untangled the two sound wires
He stayed back and just looked
As if saying let the silly girl play
The moment she had two resolved ends
His eyes said - O princess this sparkle in your eyes

They listened to the music as it played
She lost herself in his heart beats
As if saying i know this is how u make my life simpler

Staying close and letting me fight
Coming closer to make everything right
#love #music
Nidhi Manchanda Aug 2015
The moment she blinked her eyes

It disappeared in the vast.....

Her wishlist wasn't large
Just that he seemed bit too far...
She loved but could not ask

The sky is full of sparkles
But can you please come again and
Light up the dark

Dear Shooting STAR
Nidhi Manchanda Aug 2015
Poetry isn't about rhyming words....
Its all about rhyming emotions
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