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 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
Simple faces
Complex thoughts
We fulfill our basic needs
And then
Our precious
Starts to shine
I'm so happy I'm finally starting to think of myself as an artist. I find that important :3
He swoops gracefully across the field,
Propelled by the wind, a steady blur,

An arched neck, slender and toned,
Proportioned body of muscle,

Bird of ample strength, solid gold,
Thrushes out rabbits amongst the thistle,

Attacks with ravage talons and lifts,
Dying creature in mighty grasp,

Tight lipped until his catch is dead
He touches down upon the grass,

Sharp beak, hard as lead
His wary eyes the colour of wine,

Cuts roughly into his victim’s core,
The Golden Eagle begins to dine.
We were both running
But when we were together
It didn't feel like running at all

Your lips
Stained mine
With a taste
Both bitter
And beautiful
That I can't kiss away

After you
I could understand
Why the poets share their words
Why music can bring me to tears
Why I wake up hopeful

In the deepest silence
My heart started to beat to new
Music composed by the love you gave me

I am forever in those moments
We shared

I loved you
I thank you
Dear Pres. Obama,

Need a favor!

My business is falling apart.
Pretty sure, I'm going to get fired.

Can I borrow your
"I blame the Republicans for everything" speech?
Don't worry, I took a poll first.
Your approval ratings won't be hurt, cause they can't go any lower.

Yours truly,
A registered Democrat.
Can we get a leader whatever party, to accept responsibility.
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
im pretty sure i
eat less than
i should.

i dont have time for
breakfast and
the lunch at school is usually
i eat a lot at dinner but
thats all.
i dont get hungry but
im not trying to get
skinny either.

thats the thing:
im not trying and
yet im achieving

also, i just
dont have the

i doubt i even eat
over 1000 calories anymore.
and considering we do
******* workouts at
school every other day;
im losing weight.

it feels nice to
fit in my
     Goes the cap on this small, oblique, orange bottle.
     Out come the shapes.
     In my mouth they go.
     Something sweet to aid.

     A glance in the mirror.
     “God you’re ugly.”

     Try not to cry while you sleep.
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
Jared Eli
They say I'm lazy and unmotivated
That I don't apply myself fully
What they fail to say is that
I'm trying to cope
With the drowning feeling of
With the thought
That I'm a worthless ****
With the idea that I'm wasting my life
And that I may just be potential
Nothing more
They forget to say these things
But I don't hold it against them
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
Jared Eli
I wrote a poem
Seconds before my head exploded
In a flashing of
Cacophonous pain
Was it dehydration?
All I knew was that it hurt.
And the ibuprofen was safely at home
Out of reach
I've always hated geography
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