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 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
i've never seen
a single thing
about you
that i haven't liked
Hush darling you don't have to speak
There's pain in your eyes and it make a you look weak.

2am and you're chasing back time
Hoping your past doesn't haunt you this time.

No matter how broken, how tired, how grey
You don't let them see, to them you're okay.

Nobody really cares so you make yourself look strong
But beneath your empty surface, everything is wrong.

They don't see the scars or hear the piercing words
Because you put on a smile and you laugh through the tears.
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
you say
let me use your shower
i say
you say
watch my baby so i can hang out with my boyfriend
i say
you say
i'm hungry
i say
i'll make you something to eat
you say
i need someone to talk to
i say
you say
i need somewhere to stay
i say
you say
just hold him for a minute
i say
you say
watch him while i do this
i say
you say
i love you
you're my bestfriend
i say
you say
i say
i say
help me my hair is falling out sometimes i can't breathe i think i'm going crazy i'm cutting my arms open mom won't talk to me i don't sleep doctors say i need
to learn how to be calm
you say
i'm busy today
 Sep 2013 Nicole Fraser
Jared Eli
Writing poems but who are they for?
Are they secret notes to myself
To read
When I'm old and gray?
Are they
Simply lyrics to
Songs I'll never sing?
Are they my
Crudest representation
My soul?
Yes they are.
I'm not ceratin.
To be honest
I have
No clue.
the trees beckon                            
"hang yourself here
this branch is strong"

cliffs and ledges entice                
"just jump already
its far enough down"

sign posts point directions          
"straight into the rock
off the road"

large water calls out                    
"breathe out, jump in
then breathe in deeply"

i'm scared
is wanting
me to die
is calling
out to me
i can't not
hear it, its
i never knew you
but its funny/strange
how i know                                
so much                                
about who you are                                              
what you like                                            
favorite food                                      
it freaks me out
so much                
i cant help
but cry
when i realize
how much
alike you are
to him                
and i loved him
with everything
it scares/                              
makes me wonder
if as we're helping
each other, as much
as possible                                      
will there be more?                                      
and yeah
that scares me
so much
i feel so bad    
so guilty
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