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Neville Johnson Sep 2023
All in all, life’s been good
But there are certain moments that stand out
When time stood still
When it was that outstanding thrall
Of peace in our time of love
Lying in bed
Certain of our future
Holding each other close
These are the moments I remember
Those moments stand out
Neville Johnson Sep 2023
I'm so happy to see you but I always leave sad
For I know I will miss you
Me, your former lad, now just your friend
I still love you now
Just as I did then
That's the way it is
I'm Mr. Now and Then

Ah, those nights of passion
We went soul to soul
Inseparable we were
A love that made us whole
We were each other's best friend
You still bring out the best in me
So says Mr. Now and Then

     I'm a lover without borders
     A lion with no pride
     You wouldn't know it to look at me
     But deep down inside
     I know I really blew it
     That there is nothing I can do
     I can look but cannot touch
     The incomparable you

I know you know I love you
You said you still love me back
But you're with him and so secure
He'll never get the sack
I can wait and wait
Like Robin Hood in the glen
I know I'll never steal your heart
But I will still try every now and then

I know we will never be what we were again
Still I still love to see you every now and then
Neville Johnson Aug 2023
Ice cream memories
Sunday afternoons
Bicycles and swimming pools
No work or school
Friends and neighbors
Just having fun
Those were the days
We sure were cool

That tomboy Diane
Sure could hit the ball
Our club was named The Eagles
We had it all

We had our own tee shirts
With baby blue design
Diane sowed the insignias
Looking mighty fine

We were the best
Then Diane discovered boys
You can guess the rest
Goodbye to those joys

When I have a bite of gelato now
I think of yesterday
Diane is my first love
And though she’s gone away
Her sweetness is
An ice cream memory
Of those happy days

Here’s to Diane
Wherever she may be
My dear playmate
And what used to be

Long live The Eagles
Lucky, lucky me
Neville Johnson Aug 2023
I was 22, she was 20
They were glory days
The time when we were one
I get misty thinking of her
Her kindness and the sass
The many merry times
Her famous laugh
The softness in her touch
Even the bad times were pretty good
When she said I’m mad at you Mister
Believe me I understood
What we had was golden, irreplaceable
It’s why I sing about her
She’ll always be my girl

Here’s to her in the yesteryear
And for what is left today
The very best of memories
Why I’ll always say
I still love her
Yes, I always will
It’s why I sing about her
She’ll always be my girl

So when I get misty
It’s not by choice
But because that often happens
When I recall her voice
Neville Johnson Jul 2023
We were all head honchos
That was way back when
With youth and vigor
We thought we could do anything
We almost did
But life caught up with time
In the middle class we hid
Making our way
Fighting to make a life
Some broken hearts along the way
I don’t miss the strife
I look back in dismay
At the love I have lost
The ones I still think about
Measuring the cost
Those ships have sailed
Gone to foreign shores
Memories are our buried treasure
One way we keep score
You can’t be indifferent to what really matters
We keep searching for more
Life is an adventure
Love is the fuel
We may no longer be young
But we’re very much alive
And dare I say cool
Neville Johnson Jul 2023
She’s my partner in life
My partner in love
My dear loving wife
Sent from above
It’s the seventeenth year
Our anniversary
Good gosh almighty
She’s sticking with me

So I tell her she’s stellar
How I’ve come to be
Enthralled by her magic
Her mystery
The arc of our lives
Her mastery
Of the loving arts
So soft is her touch
As she rules this lair

My partner, my lover
My best friend is she
We’re on the right course
The way it should be
Neville Johnson Jul 2023
I guess I did not know her
She sure had me fooled
Those walks and talks
Those kisses
Enough to burn this city down
All a man could want
To be satisfied
Then, in an instant she was gone
This mirage who cornered me
My disappearing angel
It used to be lovely
I shake my head in anger
With a dose of what was that
Once upon a time is all it was
My world went flat
So she indeed is gone
But still in my thoughts
That tawny breath of sassiness
Who made the difference
In this ordinary life
Who means everything to me
Life goes on, but our love does not
It is just not meant to be
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