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Neville Johnson Jul 2023
When he entered the room
Her heart did quicken
So self-confidant she thought
His look so pleasing
There was an aura  of nonchalance
She surmised
She couldn’t help but stare

He’s the perfect stranger she thought
The kind you don’t find everywhere
So she intentionally bumped into him
He took it from there

One thing led to another
It’s still going on
Neville Johnson Jun 2023
Trouble is my business
The name of my game
I fix problems
Don’t assign blame
Keep it under my hat
I don’t complain
I go about my business
Sunshine or rain
If there is trouble
Trouble is my name

I don’t look for it
But if it comes to me
I know what to do
I got the beat

I’m a tiger in a tornado
I am the wind
You don’t want to mess with me
I always win

Trouble, trouble, toil and trouble
You know the drill
My compatriots will call on me
When there’s a need, they will
Neville Johnson Jun 2023
Those were real tears
Those I cried for you
I went all the way to see you
Then you told me we were through
I had never wept like this
Not before or since
This prince became a pauper
He has been ever since

When you give your heart to someone
When your hopes are on high
When you give everything you’ve got
When you don’t wonder why
For you know in your heart
Truly, she’s the one
Only to find out it’s over
Over with and done
It’s a mountain of heartache
With so much more to come

That’s when the real tears descend
They burn through your soul
Sleeplessness is de regueur
You lose control
Overcome by sorrow
No longer whole
Just feeling empty
About what could have been
Never will it be
For the future is foreclosed
Deliver that woe to me
Neville Johnson Jun 2023
She’s a wild one
But that’s all right with me
Saucy and elegant
I guarantee
You’ll be entranced
It happens regularly
To anyone who meets her
You see
I’m in love with her
Yes, and she with me
Fine turned into dandy
As I live and breathe
Got me a wild one
And she got me
We could be one
The wild one and me
We could be one
Wait and see
Neville Johnson Jun 2023
There was someone else before Jennifer
But she’ll never know
There’s no need to tell her
What good would it do?
That was a lifetime ago
It’s over with but not done
The heartache will last forever
Still, he’s moving on
Sandy is her name
She with the golden hair
Unfortunately, she was married to another
There’s never any good ending to an affair
So Jimmy has moved on
He’s now with Jennifer
What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her
Their future appears sure
No more Sandy
Jimmy is moving on
He’ll stay with Jennifer
Neville Johnson May 2023
I drove the blue highway
On my way to fields of green
Hoping to meet my true lover
Enter Barbara, that’s her name
We met in Canada
At a campsite in a park
She was on her way to somewhere
There were kisses in the dark
Promises to remember
She was supposed to come my way
I was then at university
So hoping she would stay
But she never came
I had no way to contact her
Somewhere our magic still exists
In the great ether
Those moments I shall remember
Forever and a day
The time I thought I fell in love
On the blue highway
Barbara, where are you?
Can you hear what I say?
Neville Johnson May 2023
Is it ok to give you a hug?
Tell you how great you are
You were amazing today
Such a star
You look so good
You’re so gracious
Charming you are
Everyone adores you
And you’re mine
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