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Neville Johnson May 2023
Kisses in the rain
Walks along the shore
Lattes in the morning
That and so much more
Sighs that were simultaneous
We could not believe our luck
Life was a dream to live
For we had found each other
No way would we be stuck
In love’s doldrums
With the wind at our backs
It all turned out perfectly
Yeah, we can relax
The road goes on endlessly
Our endeavor so sure
To make the best of our true bond
That’s what we ensure
Neville Johnson Apr 2023
It came is such a shock
That final goodbye
What, our relationship ends for good then and there?
Left to die?
Just a brief goodbye?
What am I supposed to do with these memories?
Not to mention our hopes and dreams
What am I supposed to do about us?
Now blown to smithereens
This is the problem with human relations
So fragile is this world
That thing called love
Hello sadness, bye-bye girl
How easy it is to hurt someone
What is the remedy when love is lost?
I had it all planned out
In a puff of smoke my plans were tossed
Neville Johnson Apr 2023
A kiss, the kiss,
Our kiss
The simple expression of a complex thought
In a word, love
Trust is a must
Along with touch
It’s such a mystery

We live to love
We love to live
Seeking true harmony
With the one I love
I’m secure and strong
Hope guides her and me

But it’s that kiss
That daring, darling kiss
So hungry are we
For each other, forever
Each other’s guiding star
Neville Johnson Apr 2023
I’m in love with the teller, but how do I tell her?
I try to deposit my interest
Obtain some currency
But I always withdraw
I come up short
This deficiency will not last
On account of my ardor
Wait and see
Neville Johnson Mar 2023
Love doesn’t wait around
It didn’t for me
When my inamorata
For whom I had waited so long
Announced she was ready
Ready to be with me
I delayed, chuffed at her delay
Three weeks later she was gone
Married a business manager
Took me many years to get over her

Then there was the time I was a two-timer
Stupid me
I didn’t push enough to see which one was real
My true love left me with that last great photo
It’s all is that’s left is to conjure up what might have been
So take it from me
Be on your game
Because love is no game
That love was taken from me
I was robbed by my indolence
That robber is me
Neville Johnson Mar 2023
The rain falls gently
Softly soothing the sadness
As time goes by
A crackling fire
A happy tabby
A glass of Chardonnay
Everything I need
Except her
And what has come to be
Will she return?
That I’d like to know
Gone for good?
Or just the ebb and flow
The ups and down of any relationship?
I just don’t know

So I like the rain
At least it’s there for me
I stay inside
Inside with my thoughts
And memories
Watching, waiting, hoping
For the doorbell to ring
I’ll have another sip of wine
Try and think of other things
Neville Johnson Mar 2023
She can’t hurt me anymore
I have no more tears to shed
If that means being alone, then, so be it
I know what’s ahead
Oh good times will come
I’ll just wait and see
I’ll get a new baby
Someone who will be
In my corner
In my heart
Who will be there to stay
So she can’t hurt me anymore
It’s a brand new day
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