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 Mar 2014 -
 Mar 2014 -
The tears on my keyboard
bespeak the pain
that is in my heart

I can't write research papers
about books
I can only read books

and besides
are the best kind of writing
 Mar 2014 -
Eddie Starr
 Mar 2014 -
Eddie Starr
What a sad pathetic existence that a lot live in.
For they are so consume by what they feel and need.
That they fail to see the hurting, Christ and everyone else.
They are so caught up in hording everything from everyone else.
You should be ashamed of yourself, this is not about you.
But it is about Christ, the creator of each of our very souls.
Who are you to think that the world evolves around you.
On judgment day, you will wish that you had heed my warning.
 Mar 2014 -
 Mar 2014 -
it's work to be healthy, to be happy - good thing I am strong.
 Mar 2014 -
Alvira Perdita
 Mar 2014 -
Alvira Perdita
Imagine your favourite celebrity bumped into you
On a busy side walk, and quietly apologised
Before slipping off, back into the crowd
And stole your heart in the process

Imagine your favourite actor bumped into you
Looking for a place to lay low for a while
And to pass the time you got to know them
And the whole time, they seemed impressed

Imagine accidentally dialling the wrong number
And your favourite singer answers the phone
And shyly you apologise, and they tell you it's fine
And the whole time you're mentally celebrating

Now, imagine after all this has happened
Or only one of the above
And you didn't have a friend to share it with
Friend appreciation poem!
Love you my pumpkins.
 Mar 2014 -
Black Hearts Collude
 Mar 2014 -
Bleed* like me I *promise it will hurt.
That is how I flirt,
I run to sorrow,
I do not borrow...
I rob souls.

Do you accept this dark blessing?
I cannot guess...
but I will stress.
For I am heartless and artless.
There is an endless winter in my heart.
 Mar 2014 -
I'm thinking maybe
It's time to move on
No matter how much
I want to hold on
I remember a time
When you held onto my heart
Now the memories are fading
And tearing me apart
I thought you were the one
I would spend forever with
Until things went south
And we slowly separated
I didn't mean for this to happen
But no one can control fate
Yet now I look in your eyes
And all I see is hate
I miss our friendship
But you brought so much darkness
I did what I had to do
But now my heart is a mess
Because of you
I'm afraid to get attached
I'm afraid to get hurt
Trust is what I lack
I hate how this has happened
But I guess it's how it has to be
Never again will there be a time
A time of you and me
I'd hoped to forget the past
And move on to a better place
But now I keep getting attacked
Keep getting slapped in the face
Why can't we be mature
Like the adults we both are
I strictly remember
Calling "no holds bar"
But you can't just move on
This I've come to see
We'll never go back
To a time of you and me
I've lost my best friend
I'll add you to the list
The list of people who left me
The people that don't care a bit
I can tell you hate me
I guess I understand
I wish I could have read our future
By the palm of my hand
I guess I'll just move on
And forget what used to be
I guess I'll just forget
That time of you and me
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