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She ordered another drink
He was already high on her;
She sipped at her glass-
He drank in her charm, her tattoo, her careless beauty.
She made smoke rings
He inhaled the broken wisps
She left;
He served drink to the next customer.
 Mar 2015 Isaac
The world was full of light,
But it didn't understand her,
And she didn't get it either,

So she became the storms
The thunderclouds
The lighting and the fire

She became the night
The velveteen blackness
And the unknown

She became the dreary
The gray
The worn

She became the crows
The scavengers and petty thieves
The witches and the branches twisted

She became the dust, the rust
The vagabonds
The other us

She became the roaches
She became the mud
She became the things unseen
When we walk the path that's painted clean
I wrote this a few months back.
Oh, darling, you have so much farther to go, and in a little time, those storms won't seem so dark. Or at least not so ominous. They are powerful and real. Be not afraid.
"I was not strong."

And with that, you
sold yourself
short of that
which you've
Shown me so much of.
That very

There was so much wind
On the glass in our room
At the end of the hallway
The windows were battered
Inside and out by
Immense and handmoving
Waves and
words of

And when we walked
I held your hand
And I swore you
Could have
Stood on your own
With your
Beauty and

And now, when we sit
With our legs crossed
On your second bed
I can stare into your
Eyes and feel at home,
I can look at you
And fill my gaze with
All of your different
Little beauties
And all
of your
I love you.

— The End —