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 Jan 2016 Weariness
Waiting to Happen

Who is she?
This being
This life
In and out of existence with no real
A superficial exterior needed to shield
A crumbling, shattered spirit, hidden Underneath
There are no pieces
No fragments to paste together
Nothing inside but a void so deep it might never be filled
Be warned
This is a cruel and dangerous world
Where nothing is ever as it seems
I use words as weapons and then
For love
Other people's confusion will consume you
If you let it
When someone steals your soul
It is hard to find your way back
Gaze out with a longing upon a fragile memory
Don't let the demons of insecurity
Feast on your dreams
Journey inwards with permission to see
Rise again
From the ashes of reality on whimsical  wings
A masterpiece ......
Just waiting to happen

(C) Pixievic 2016
 Jan 2016 Weariness
Die hard hipsters
Wildly clinging to images of
Regaling epic fables
Lost inside **** infested minds
Grazing shoulders with the
Super cool young things
Franticly plunging ahead
Towards perceived sophistication
Bearded dudes
Heads cocked at a jaunty angle
Whiskey in hand, lust in their eyes
Just one sip away
Painted princesses
With ***** smeared lipstick and beguiling costumes
Stealing glances in the direction
Of anticipated adulation
Dreamy trumpets from bygone days
Colliding with breakbeats
Deliciously intoxicating
Across dance floors
Bodies blending
Contorting in need
Cheeks flushed
From a desire to complete
Glorious in their absurdity
Pretension festers
Brilliance diminished
Hidden within conformity
And a compulsion to submit
Its Friday Night
The pressure is on
To 'be seen'
Where intention is necessary
But the encounter

(C) Pixievic 2016
 Jan 2016 Weariness
Commuter Poet
Person for sale

Able to:

Breathe quietly
Talk when needed
Wear acceptable clothes on work days
Use transport facilities in a timely fashion

Willing to:

Spend time with people
They don’t like
Set aside any feelings of

And feign:

Joie de vivre

Willing to:

Sit stoically
In front of a square screen
Sending typed messages back and forth
Quietly count the days, months and years
As they tick by
Cover unsightly grey hairs
With unnatural dyes (at personal expense)
Spend hours in the same rooms with the same people
Use communal toilet facilities
Sit on trains
Day after day
Use caffeine and sugar
As the acceptable drug of choice

Prepared to scream out in silence
When it all gets too much

12th January 2016
 Jan 2016 Weariness
Joe Cole
In the gloomy winter months reading this one always cheers me up so I decided to repost it*

You Should Believe

You should believe in magic and the world of make believe
Of dragons who spout gold dust instead of fire when the sneeze
Of little folk wearing soft green hats with long white beards and such
Well you should believe in all those things because by magic you are touched
That tinkling noise in dead of night that has no earthly cause
That is the magic in the air and that magic is all yours
Believe in witches, black cats, cauldrons on fires bright
Believe in knights from ancient times in armour gleaming bright
Think about the moon dust making diamonds in the sky
Think about the magic surrounding you and I
 Jan 2016 Weariness
drawn to windows of silent blue
wooed by rays of genuine warmth
wavelengths of eternal promise
a clear gaze to tranquility

basking in a youthful sunlight
framed in crystalline emotion
purity of frozen concerns
azure passport to forever

trees reaching to one another
exposed in their frosted beauty
cornflower hues on snowy white
shadows of druid ritual

dreams arising from cups of tea
reflecting cerulean bliss
nourishment for ravenous hearts
fertile steeping for spring roses
 Jan 2016 Weariness
I         Stand        Still
Motionless, in a kaleidoscopic tide of emotion
Spewing it's entrails
Demanding I take - notice
I tell it to


It is relentless in its desire to consume me
Like a - bad trip
Lucy in her Sky with

Surround yourself with love

                                              they say

Well love, can              
******* too!

I conceal myself within a cloak of exasperation
Majestic in its cynicism

And     I      stand     still

Amongst the floating debris of dependency
In which my soul
Begs for escape

(C) Pixievic 2016
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