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 Feb 2013 Nenookaasi
These lines penned by a gentle hand


nothing more.
Figures Stand Stone Still In Stained Glass Windows,
Yet Their Colors Sway To My Lone Voice

Vultures Soar Under The Eye Of The Sun,
Yet They Pause Just To Enjoy The Sound

Butterflies Flutter In The Hue Of Dusk,
And Then Are Lulled To A Gentle Slumber From My Despair

I Am In No Despair Currently! :)
 Feb 2013 Nenookaasi
Afraid to breath...

for fear    
I may inhale
My Whole World A Light Pastel Grey,
Grey As The Mighty Wolf's Pelt,
Grey As The Ocean's Water On A Misty Day,
Grey As The Iced Concrete,
My Whole World Is Cold,
Cold As The Common One--Nose Raw And Red,
Cold As A Demon's Heart,
Cold As My Pale Pale Skin,
My World Is Broken--Beautiful China Shattered,
Broken As A Branch After A Storm,
Broken As A Window After Abandonment,
Broken As My Very Heart,
My Whole World ****--**** As Nature,
**** As The Tree's Brittle Fingers,
**** As The Cloud Covered Sky,
**** As My Freckled Face,
My Whole World Waiting Quietly,
Waiting For Spring--To Bloom,
Waiting For Something Spectacular,
Waiting For A Better You
Don't Know Where This Came From:) And Yes I Spell Grey--G. R. E. Y.
I Am A Flower--Summer Serves Me Well,
Though I Love Winter It Holds Like A Spell,
The Snow Is A Place I Am Forbidden,
Though I Can't Resist Being Frostbitten,
The Frost Withers My Petals--Soft As Silk,
But It Is Okay, It Is Just The Bilk,
The Cold Chills My Stem And Gets To My Brain,
My Skin Turns Brittle And Old--It's Death's Stain,
The Other Plants Have Had Their Kiss From Death,
Though I Know I Am Close To My Last Breath,
I Try To Stand Tall And Reach The Pale Sun,
I Tried To Win A Battle Which Can't Be Won,
I Have Stood Winter's Blizzard--Ice And Snow,
Though I Get Buried The Longer I Go,
Hanging Onto The World I Do Not Need,
The Reason I Love It--There Are No Weeds,
I Know If I Let Go There Will Be Spring,
An Eternity From What Frost Brings
Rhythms of Mother Earth
Those which to life give birth
The pulse of all her life
When disrupted cause strife

Why is it we feel better when we go outside?
What has Mother Earth that is not inside?

Everything is connected
                                       And, in turn affected
                                                        ­                 By that which causes disruption
                                                      ­                                                                 ­      Mainly, human corruption
Drop a pebble in a lake
All things affected by that wake
Of those energy waves emitted
Like those from a tower transmitted

Where have the butterflies and bees gone?
Those that took fancy flight above our lawn
Why have their numbers decreased?
And why have more become deceased?

What is this pulse, what is this beat?
That which surrounds us and is beneath our feet?

Mother Earth's heartbeat, herRESONANCE...7.83Hz (hertz)
The same rhythm with which humanity flirts

Circadian rhythm, day and night
Daily cycle of dark and light

A world, from the eye unseen
Yet perceived by those who are keen
Aware of our world which is synergetic
With waves that are light, electric and magnetic

What happens in a world without bees?
Does the fruit still fall from the trees?
Do we want to live without the beauty of flowers?
All for the incessant need for transmitting towers?

What is the ultimate price that we may pay
If we do not hold our cell phones an inch away
As waves lethal as high concentrations of uranium
Are pumped continuously into our cranium

Wireless hot spots become pervasive
Much like a species that is invasive
Birds migratory instincts disrupted
By those towers that have corrupted

That natural balance we have with our mother
A balance that cannot be replaced with another

This resonance attributed to Schumann
Is a frequency that is also human

(C) 2013 Shawn White Eagle
I watched the documentary, "Resonance - Beings of Frequency" and was inspired to write this poem.  The film has some amazing information.  I have long been aware of the collapsing bee colonies and potential correlation with cell phone towers, but this film does a good job of laying out a solid foundation as to why our Mother Earth's frequency is so crucial to, not only bees, migratory butterflies and birds, but also to us as humans.  If we could only visually see the disruption caused by all of the various waves our technology emits on a continual basis.  I wish U all 7.83Hz on a daily/nightly basis.  Thanks for reading.

Live 4 Love
Shawn White Eagle
Star Light, Star Bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
For a new beginning apres tonight

A new DAWN, a new hope
One with an illuminated scope
Halting our slide, down this slippery *****
And freeing us from this encumbering rope

The new dawn, of a new consciousness
This creation of a critical mass cognizance
This genesis, of  a collective awareness
That is filled with LOVE and fairness

Star Light, Star Bright
I see no stars tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
That I share my light with humanity tonight

(c) 2012 Shawn White Eagle
I just happened to look our window at the wind singing through the trees and noticed the cloudy skies when "Star Light, Star Bright" popped into my head.  I immediately moved towards the Mayan end date and instead of having the fear of an apocalyptic end to time scenario...shifted to the idea of a critical mass of us who are able to shift humanity into a newer, deeper and more divine guided consciousness.  I wish U all well my friends as we move into this new era...Peace, Love and Light to U all.

Live 4 Love
I Was Hoping Today It Would Be Fine,
That The Mayan Prophesy Was Divine,
That We Would Be Saved By A Glowing Light,
I Was Stirring  In My Blankets All Night,
For Curiosity Bubbled Inside,
To Bathe The Spirit In Which I Confide,
Yet The Road To Redemption Is Still Coarse,
Screaming For Wanted Change; My Voice Is Hoarse,
We Still Hold The Bottle To Our Stained Lips,
Holding On To Hope But Losing My Grip,
Today I Wish Humanity Is Healed,
But The Atmosphere Is Starting To Peal,
Why Should I Hate When All I Feel Is Love,
Yet All The Owls Are Killing My Doves
Again Trying Iambic Pintameter! I'm Deathly Afraid Of Owls So That Explains The Last Line
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