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Apr 2021 · 763
kaleidoscope eyes
nic Apr 2021
they say weird words that feint romantic
between the arson of feelings and antics
twisted like kaleidoscope eyes
that's the only way to see you
through a lens not quite right
telling you it'll all be fine
Apr 2021 · 437
nic Apr 2021
look into the mirror, say "i love you"
don't know anyone in this world
who would ever want to
you can tell me different, but i'll never take it,
i'll never take it for truth
Mar 2021 · 136
beautiful stranger pt3
nic Mar 2021
picture perfect moon
picture perfect day with you
sunny side up
sunny afternoon
the water's so blue
i used to be too
the clouds turned from grey
to a nice shade of light white
brown and sweet color
when i look in your eyes
i could get lost for a lifetime
so get lost with me
the best is yet to be
you're the only one worth following
so get lost with me
#beautiful #stranger #lost
Mar 2021 · 126
a view to death
nic Mar 2021
i can ignore the apparent drops in my mood
but i cant ignore you
i can take care of your problems if you want me to
i'll try my best to make your dreams come true
you have a lot of words you haven't said
and leave me alone hasn't been one of them
just give me some time
i will give you a proper view to death

ride with me in the city at night
you'll be fine
and ignore the scent of blood on your finger tips
i know you like the taste of iron on your lips
who are you trying to convince
cut open old wounds and they still bled
i can give you a proper view to death

no, no, this is therapy
but its unorthodox and never recommended
because everyone knows how it ends
i think i can learn to love your pain
like we said
a view to death
Feb 2021 · 468
a.a p.ii
nic Feb 2021
we fell in love
in late june
but you told me
its not like it used
to be
but i don't believe in
love based on seasons

there's a song that playing in the back room
i think i'm gonna have a heart attack
because its the same song that you
told me to listen to

we fell out in early august
a year and a half later
and i wished you happy birthday
for the last time in july
but i wonder why
you were the first to say goodbye
i'm the only one who cried
Feb 2021 · 150
atypical american teens p.i
nic Feb 2021
think i'll love you forever
and i just wanna know
how are you doing?
quite interesting when both of us are no longer
going through it
you seem to never need to say anything to me
now i'm someone you don't wanna see
wondering did we say things we didn't mean
what did summer love to me
we, the atypical american teens
Feb 2021 · 138
nic Feb 2021
religion is the human response to death
to know that there's something left to be left
death- a note unsaid
its all in my head
looking down or looking up
reaching down to those you want to touch
they say good deeds aren't enough

— The End —