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I love waking up to you like this, with the sheet pulled up to our waists, my arm around you, your hair all tangled in my face. A dusting of light squeezes through the gaps in the window curtains, gracing your cheek on the pillow beside mine. It plays in your hair, caresses your neck, and flutters down the length of your bare side. The feeling I get when you move against me is indescribable. Your skin. Your scent. Electrifying and calming all at once.

You never wake up before I do, leaving me time to admire your beauty. I have heard people say that they could watch the ocean forever, getting lost in the infinity of the waves and horizon. I feel that way about you. Forever I could listen to your gentle breath and watch the ceiling fan move the little wisp of hair near your ear.

Alas, you always wake, usually first with a slight stir of your legs. Then you take my arm, the one wrapped around you, and pull yourself closer to me until your back is against my chest and your feet tickle mine. I pull you closer to me still, kissing your neck just below the ear. This kiss never fails to finish waking you up, pulling you from whatever remnants were left of the dream you might've been in.

You roll over to face me, your chest against mine, our legs overlapping. Your hand comes up to stoke my hair as you kiss me, my hand on your hip. Morning begins as soon as you open your eyes. Those deep hazel eyes that I lose myself in. The eyes that I can find myself in. I kiss you once more before throwing off the covers and rolling out of bed.

Like clockwork, that is our morning routine. I love it. But this isn’t about our usual routine. This is about the mornings that start with more than a kiss.

This is about the mornings when you first stir and pull me close, pressing your hips against me. This is about the mornings when instead of just taking my arm, you take my hand beneath yours and direct my fingers down your neck, across your chest, to your waist. This is about the mornings when instead of a brief kiss on your neck, I place my kisses all over your body.

You slowly roll over to face me, the sunlight rolling across the incredible slopes of your bare body. My hand is in your messy, wonderful hair as we kiss. Your legs and mine are entangled, our toes warm under the sheet. Awe is the word that comes to mind as you, this beautiful person, climb on top of me, the lucky man. I love the way hair hangs messy in your face, tickling mine when you lean in for another deep kiss, body tingling as you guide me in.

It doesn’t feel hurried or hasty. It is slow and calm, a comfortable warmth only alluding to heat. This isn’t the fiery passion of the night before, both desperate to pleasure the other. It isn’t the reckless abandon of two lovers lost to the night. There will be no sore muscles or exhausted bodies when we are done. Instead, this feels like comfort, understanding. It feels like love.

You used to worry about how you looked when you woke up. You worried that you didn’t look **** without makeup, with messy hair, and the remnants of sleep in your face. But the truth is that I don’t mind if your hair is a mess, if sleep still dusts your eyes, or that lines from the pillow are imprinted on the side of your cheek. To me this is the epitome of comfort, the clearest way I can say that I want you. That I want you now, that I want you at any time, and that I always will. This is the time that I will think on as I go about my day, waiting to get back to you.

I love waking up to you like this.
A single crack is all it takes.
A single crack for walls to break.
A simple start to a catastrophic end,
A minor flaw for havoc makes.

So simple, a crack; so simple the wall,
So simple a crack to begin a fall.
I long to look upon your face and feel nothing.

No more emotion, whatever it may be;
I want to be cold again.

I want you to mean nothing to me, nothing at all.

But you do.
You still do.

I still can't see your picture without feeling.
I never figured out how to stop loving.
It seems to come so easily to some.
One day they can be enamored, devoted,
Readily professing their love for you,
Then the next day, act as though a stranger.
I never learned how to do that.
I never figured out how to stop caring,
I never figured out how to stop loving you.
Everyone tells me that I’m the type of guy you fall in love with,
That I’m the type of guy every girl dreams of bringing home.
That to most, I am more than they had dreamt of.
But I’m not that guy,
I’m the guy that breaks your heart.
I’m the ******* that will let you fall in love with no intention of reciprocating.
I will leave you when you least expect it,
When you think that things are going great.
I’ll be the one to crush you.
The devil has blue eyes.
The devil has blue eyes.
He has perfect hair and a flawless smile.
He has a smirk and a charm,
An endearing laugh.
He’s funny, he’s flirty, he’s fit and handsome.
Everyone tells you he’s the type of guy you fall in love with,
The type of guy they wish they could bring home.
The type of guy they’ve only dreamt about.
It happened on accident.
I have demanded much from life,
Life has answered with the same.
I have shot for highest heights,
I never missed my aim.

I no longer have demands for life,
Instead, I make pleas.
I no longer stand with fists proffered,
I am on my knees.

I only have one request to make,
Greater than all before.
I only have one hope in my chest,
One final ember more.

Love is all I ask for now,
Love is all I need.
Love is all I think about,
Someone beside me.

Forever I may wander lost,
Looking for a sign.
Forever may she come to me,
Forever to be mine.

I have demanded much from life,
Perhaps too much, I see.
Worthiness no longer matters,
Let my love flow free.
She has my heart on the line, keeps me high strung.
If only she knew the power she held.
Her laughter chains me down while her smiles shackle my feet,
I cannot run, I cannot escape, her memory follows me wherever I go.
I cannot drown her out, block the thoughts, or hide from she, my *****.
She ruins my concentration, starves my love, and steals my every focus.
I cannot find repose.
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