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This sunlight has traveled ninety-three million miles just to glow golden in your hair. There is not a more beautiful place it could have landed.
Are you having fun?

Tell me how it feels to be you, to be lost without a shred of reality.
Are you having fun yet?

I wanted to be the one by your side, the main man in your life.
You wanted to be free to party and sleep around, waking up unsure of who or where.
Well tell me then, are you having fun yet?

What do the cold morning walks feel like?
Does the morning mist make your disheveled makeup run even faster?
Are you having fun yet?

I wonder what you feel when you walk past couples in the park.
I wonder if you are sickened by the thought, the memory of you and I in the same place.
I hope you're having fun by now.

What went through your head when you saw me, my ******* my arm?
You were being pulled down a sidewalk by a drunken stunner you'd just met.
Were you having fun then?

I'm laying in my warm bed, beside my love, wondering about you.
I hate that I still wonder.
I wonder if you are having fun yet.
You're **** right I'm bitter.
I know you are there, somewhere.
I believe you must exist.
All my life I've dreamed of you,
All my life I've hit and missed.

Goals each come easy to me,
Never failing to score my desires.
Yet love has come and gone with years,
Continuous cycle of sparks and fires.

Working hard to become myself,
To be someone worth needing or wanting.
I knew that if I loved myself first,
You might see someone worth loving.

Through all the worlds that I have achieved,
I've learned I don't do it for myself.
The hours in iron, in the books, on the field,
They weren't for me, but for someone else.

They were all for you, for you,
Whose name I do not yet know.
Everything I have built or achieved,
Was only just for show.

It was to make me the person I am today,
The man now armed to love.
It was to show me who I needed finding,
To build character worth dreaming of.

I know my campaign to soon bear fruit,
For how can I, or you, so quickly fail?
We've made it this far, we've tried so hard,
Both taking the less beaten trail.

Every mouth we have kissed,
Every lover held in the night,
Each has only been practice, for you and I,
Each that we might get it right.

So come to me my love,
My anticipation weighs heavy.
I've practiced years for you, and only you,
Come and find me ready.
Withered wings of wanting height,
Soon to die for love of flight.
Here to sound the dreaded call,
Here the reaping at the fall.

We hurried here and quickened there,
But lost our calm to unkept hair.
The goals of all so soon let go,
Unraveled in the wanton glow.

The sound of space roars silent here,
The deafening answer to our turned ear.
Narry again comes the dreaded call,
Bittersweet love to lose the fall.

We shouted and cried with all we had,
Trials and tribulations driving mad.
Formidable strength too young to fail,
Sent packing down through winding trail.

The scent of shame soon loses taste,
Now accustomed to our normal waste.
Few echoes left of binding call,
Few echoes left to remember at all.

The golden light dawns yet again,
Past westward reapings troubled then,
The dirt and ash falls to the floor,
Fiery wings take flight once more.
I remember the night that I met you.
It was pouring rain, us huddled under a tree with the red and blue lights of police cars flashing in the leaves. You had come running from one side of the tree, I had come running from the other, looking for shelter from the downpour and the law. A startled look stole your face when we both stopped in front of the trunk.

I remember the lights flashing in your green eyes - such a lovely sight. Drops of rain clinging to your eyelashes and dripping from your hair, soaked and hanging down to the middle of your back. You had a light sweater clutched around you, as though it could protect you from the weather.

I remember grinning as I took in the sight of you. I think right there, right then, a switch flipped somewhere in my brain. A new synapse must have been created, or maybe it was just my pounding heart, but I thought you to be the most beautiful being in the world. Something about the curve of your lips and the glint in your eyes made me forget the rain or even the reason I had been running in the first place. Girls can do such incredible things to boys.

I remember wanting to say hello, but being far too out of breath. You must have been the same, because we stood there for a long while, leaning against the trunk of the tree, just trying to breath normally again. I kept making awkward smiles, glancing in your direction. Hard as I might try to play it cool, I couldn't stop stealing looks.

I remember falling in love with you. It was the moment that you said "Hey there," as though this was a completely normal meeting, under completely normal circumstances. You said it as though we hadn't just been sprinting away from a busted party, as though the heavens weren't coming down all around us.

With two words I fell in love, and I have fallen a little more each moment since. You are my law breaking, rule bending, social butterfly of a princess, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I never thought that I'd be the one
To finally make you cry.

I swear I always swore to you,
That I would never be that type.
I play my music load, I rev my engine to feel the roar.
I amp up the bass until I can hear nothing more.

All so that I might forget the silent emptiness of my heart.

I go to concerts that ****** the ears, clubs with no peace.
I plug in my headphones any time or place.

All so that I might forget the silent emptiness of my heart.

I never stop talking when I'm with friends, or family at home.
I can't stand silence when I am alone.

Because I can't stand this silence in my heart.
The emptiness and loneliness is always waiting to pounce.
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