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Feb 2018 · 211
The Way I Feel For You
Loving you was a dream, but now its a reality. Ive never said this before but loving you was the best thing that's ever happend to me, ill take the part of loving you the way your exes couldn't do. The man you had could keep you their but the man you have can let soar high. Because of you I'm a new man you know. Being with you has changed my attitude. Even tho we fight, I may not want to, but who are we if we can't get through. Your an angel and you have lifted my curse. Because loving you was the best I could do. I may not be perfect but hopefully I am perfect to you. Because **** do I care for you. Kiss me here and kiss me there. I will never be soaring away. The love I have for you will never be the same with out you. Xoxo to my beautiful Fiance Kailee Rhea Wright Xoxo love your man Nathanial Lee Ray Fowler
Jan 2016 · 511
The "Scary" Darkness/Light
You know that feeling that you get when your walking down the street at night and its dark, you start to think that someones watching you. Don't worry your not the only one that thinks that at all.
The darkness is a place,
a place of light,
a place of peace,
a place of life,
a place that most of us are scared to enter,
a place that not one we are scared of but the things in the dark also,
if your mom or dad or any family member that has ever told you that there was a monster in the walls of the house or under your bed or even if there was a monster out there in the world that will one day find you a take you away from all your loved ones you have ever know,
That monster i have met but not only is it a monster its a gal in my life, It may be a guy for you but it was a gal for me and its not bad that she took me from the others i love like my family its good because not only did she take away my love for them but she made that small love for them turn into a love that cant be deprived of anything at all ilove this gal with all my heart and she makes my world and life a better place than having a life that hurts. I use to cut and think about committing suicide i stopped writing poems because i was depressed...... not only was i depressed i was in a horrible place at the time, then i met this gal and this gal has changed my whole life. She made my life, a life to remember ilove this gal to the fullest.
love is not just a feeling
love is an emotion
its an action
and its everything
to show you have love for something
you cant show it
you have to feel it.
you cant deny the feeling
love is love.
Dec 2015 · 294
For the ones that love
The world isnt just one place and one girl/guy isnt just one girl/guy when you find that girl/guy that makes you happy and makes you feel blessed and makes it to the point where you want to do better keep it dont let go not one person is what you need find the one for you then move on in that relationship this is your time to shine and take pride in what you can have and dont Stop holding back go out there and find that person.
Oct 2015 · 371
Stuck in my head
The thought of you was stuck in my head today just hear things that sounded like you made me shed a tear not of sadness but of happiness
I checked my phone all the time and everytime that I heard a vibrate I was hoping it was you so now that im with you today telling you this poem I want to tell you Iloveyou and I dont want this nite to end
Stay with me forever and ever
Oct 2015 · 298
you say you love but is it true, all these feelings i have for you.
Days go bye with me thinking do you really? Are you sure?
Why? what do you see in me? I am not saying this in a bad way I'm just wondering is this true and if it is please clear my confusion and show me? PLEASE? :'(
Oct 2015 · 323
To me this thing we got is something I want.
This thing you say is good
This thing we got is something special
Im scared to say iloveyou
But the only way I can is through the arms of poetry
Will you be mine and mine forever
Cause this thing we call a crush is something I longed for
Will you be mine
Oct 2015 · 356
To Her <3
your the one that i love, your the one that makes me happier than days go by, you make my day brighter than it was yesterday, this love we got is something special, this love we got could last forever, all we have to do is love one another, so today i will say iloveyou for the days of dark and the days of light but i need a love from you that can prove that love is something special iloveyou.
For that special someone
Sep 2015 · 810
Days are hard just like time in ways we know your mine, through hard times and easy times life might just bring us our happy and funny times, but love will always be there from the lord and heart you know your mine and i'm yours iloveyou.
Fourth poem
Sep 2015 · 384
The feel of her hand,
hitting my skin,
wet and hard,
looking in the,
mirror bruises
First poem i ever wrote

— The End —