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 Jun 2015 Nathan Adams
 Jun 2015 Nathan Adams
It’s Monday
I’m waking up without you
Rain is falling almost as hard as my tears
It’s Tuesday
I’m dragging myself out of bed with a heavy head and heavier heart
The glow from the outside is more harsh than uplifting
It’s Wednesday
I’m halfway between feeling everything and nothing
Birds chirping outside my window make it hard for the silence to get to me
It’s Thursday
I’m calling a cab to take me home from a night trying to forget what’s engraved in my mind
Stars in the sky are reminding me of your eyes
It’s Friday
I’m in my room confined to four bare walls
Breeze from the windows nearly freeze my body
It’s Saturday
I’m ignoring the calls and any efforts of communication
Dark clouds block the sun once more
It’s Sunday
I’m awake at 4am thinking about how you’re probably not dreaming of me
Rain is falling again, but my tears have dried.
 Apr 2015 Nathan Adams
Your voice is the only melody I've missed.

I guess the easiest way to **** someone isn't by saying goodbye; you never said it. The worst part is dealing with your absence and presence all at once. Time was on our side, I thought. Nights were short, but enough to be remembered. Perhaps dreams don't always come true, and nightmares don't really end. I wouldn't wish for you to stay, but I wasn't ready to get used to days or nights without you; and I don't want to right now. I'd rather be a stubborn stain, than be clean forgotten by you. Maybe I'd turn numb from the cold shoulder you've been shoving into my face; maybe only a frostbite would suffice. I can barely take seeing you in these places where we used to be. When you left, you took away what I thought you poured into me. I wouldn't have known emptiness could be so hard to carry.

I'd take my time. Maybe some days it'd hurt less, and I'd miss you less. Just today, I'm still lost without you.
I fell asleep trying to write this two nights ago. Sadness isn't always expressed in tears. Sometimes wasted tears tire you out too much. There are things that can't be thrown away just like that. Hope I wasn't a replacement to you as well. Don't leave for good. Stay. I still want you, friend. I miss you.

— The End —