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Alright, I know I said goodbye, but I'm waiting for my ride home.
So, while I wait, let me get another 20 minutes on the guest computer downstairs, so I can talk about something.
This time, let me talk about Smackdown 1000 for a little while.
I love Smackdown Live, and can say it's been doing better than Monday Night Raw lately, though, I still watch both.
I love Smackdown Live, and I still can't believe tonight is their 1000th episode.
There are so many people I'm hoping to see tonight.
There's a list on YouTube channels saying all the people who are gonna be on it, but I haven't watched it.
I only know of the few that were advertised on last week's Smackdown Live, and on Raw the last two weeks.
I refuse to watch the video, because I wanna be surprised.
Mainly, I hope The Rock and Edge come back for tonight.
I mean, they were both a huge part of Smackdown.
And I heard Smackdown got their name from The Rock, if that's true, then it would only make sense for him to be there.
I also just wanna see them because I miss them, especially Edge.
I never really loved Edge's character, but him as a person, the one we've seen the last four or five times he's come, I love.
I love seeing how much he loves it, and the promos he gives are usually so heartfelt, so I would love for him to come back.
I mean, I've loved The Rock since I was a kid, so I would love for him to be there.
I only have five more minutes, so I guess I have to wrap this up.
Let me just say those are two people who I don't know whether they'll be there or not, but I hope they are.
Alright, it's time for me to go.
I need to get food, then eat it in time for Smackdown 1000 at 8 tonight.
Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, bye!
I don't know if anyone will read this, probably only WWE fans will like this, if anyone, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm waiting for my ride to come so I can get KFC and go home, so I'm writing this while I wait, that's all.
First of all, let me just say, I'm in love with where I live now.
I mean, I didn't know I would love living in a mobile home, but I do.
I've only been there since about an hour after leaving the library last night, but I still love it, regardless.
Knowing that it's my home, for the rest of my life, makes me happy.
Our kitty is adjusting to it quicker than we thought he would.
At least, we thought so, until he started meowing at around 5 or 6 this morning.
He's still a little scared, but he's definitely doing better than he did at the condo, which is awesome.
Also, can I just say how my I love my new room?
I mean, I haven't even put all my stuff in it yet, and my clothes still need to be washed, and the desk needs to be fixed a bit.
However, when all of that is done, and my room is complete, it will be amazing!
I can't wait to see how my keyboard looks against the wall.
I can't wait to start working on my Korean and Japanese at computer, when I can't do it here, due to a reason I'll discuss in a minute.
First, let me just finish saying how much I love how things are picking up.
I mean, I slept in my new room last night, on my bed, and I was happy.
Now, I'm using an old bed from the old house, until I get my new one, but I grabbed a pillow and my new blanket, and slept.
The bed is comfortable, way more than the air mattress, I must say.
I mean, I didn't mind sleeping on the air mattress, but after it deflated, it was extremely hard to get comfortable.
And last night, was the most comfortable I've been in almost three or four days, which is nice.
I only woke up a couple times, for random reasons, but finally woke up officially about ten or fifteen minutes before my alarm.
You know, the alarm that lets me know I need to wake up so I can get here by eleven or so.
Well, I got here at twelve something, but that's alright.
I still was able to do the things I need to do.
Anyway, I'm happy with my new room, and my new home.
Now, it's time to get down with what I have to switch up on around here.
Due to needing to work on memorization and speaking when it comes to Japanese and Hiragana, I need to be able to speak.
Now, since I have to be quiet at the library, I may need to work around that for a while.
And this week, I have an excuse to.
The time I usually spent working on Japanese while here, is going to be spent writing my Tumblr review on the WWE Pay Per View.
You know, the one that was supposed to be done last week?
Well, since what I typed up didn't get saved, I have to do it all over again.
And since, I didn't get it all typed up in time anyway, I think that's okay.
That means, while I'm here, I'm going to watch and write the way I wanted to do it.
Then, when all the writing is over, and I've finished watching the Pay Per View again, I'll type it all up on my Tumblr, and post it.
Tomorrow, I have to make sure I'm sitting outside by 3, so I can watch the first episode of NXT UK, which is on the WWE Network.
I can't wait, so until I have all the writing down, that's what I'm gonna be doing instead of Japanese.
Not the NXT UK, the writing up my review of WWE Super Show-Down.
I'm determined to have it down before the first ever all women's Pay Per View WWE Evolution next Sunday.
Alright, I have to go, I only have a minute left.
That's all I wanted to say, now I'm gonna go outside.
See you tomorrow, bye!
Well, today is officially the day my family move in our new home.
The mobile home is ready enough for us to move in, and we have cable and WiFi now, so we're moving in.
Actually, when I get off of here at around 5:24, I'm going back to the condo to get my Mom and our cat, then we're leaving the condo.
It's gonna be weird leaving for the last time, I have to admit.
I mean, I thought I was leaving for the last time as I left to come here, but I was wrong.
Actually, now that I think about it, I'm glad I get to leave for the last time.
I mean, I get to take one last picture of the room where I spent almost two months, while the mobile home was being delivered and set up.
One thing I would like to do, is ride w/ my grandfather in his truck on the way there, while my grandmother, Mom, & cat ride in the car.
I don't know why, I would just really like to see it one last time from that view, rather than , from the back seat of the car.
My Mom needs to be in the passenger seat with our cat, and I really don't like the back.
Also, I would like to be able to actually see the condo from a closer view as we're leaving.
I don't know, I think it will just give me more closure to do it that way.
It's not that I don't wanna ride with my grandmother, Mom, and cat on the way to the new mobile home.
I mean, that's fine, but I just wanna leave with this different point of view.
I just wanna be able to see it from the passenger side of the truck, and get a final look around, you know?
Alright, that's all I really wanted to say.
Now, I don't really know how to spend the remaining 50 minutes of my 120 minutes, maybe I'll work on a story, or go on Tumblr.
I don't know, I'll think of something to do.
I didn't get on here earlier, since I got to the library a little late, and when I was done with my Japanese, someone was on downstairs.
The fact that I didn't get my 20 guest time on the downstairs computer leaves me feeling like something was mussing.
However, I was still able to get onto this one, and I was able to do what I needed to do, which is nice.
Hopefully, I'll be able to come here closer to the normal time tomorrow, and will be able to get on the 20 minute guest one.
Until then, I gotta go and do something else on here, and I have nothing else to talk about.
See you tomorrow, bye!
Since I wasn't able to get here for two days, I had to spend a lot of time writing notes on my how to write Japanese book.
Literally, the only reason why I stopped, is because there are some things I need, that are at the condo, since I didn't know I'd need them.
Well, at least, I was finally able to get here, I was starting to think I would have to wait until Monday.
Therapy kept me from here on Wednesday, the rain on Thursday, and contractors at my family's new mobile home yesterday.
Today, I was finally able to come here right when the library opened, and I'm staying until the 120 minutes on the upstairs computer are up.
Of course, I'll go up there after I've had my lunch, which I'll have after the 20 minutes on the guest computer that I'm on now is over.
I have things I need to do, but I need the WWE Network to do it, so I can't, which stinks.
What also stinks, is that I was going to continue with the Tumblr review yesterday, but since I forgot to save the draft, I lost everything.
Now, I have to watch the entire Pay Per View all over again, so I can do it the way I wanna do it.
And I'll either do that today or tomorrow, depending on what's going with my family's new mobile home.
My room is just getting it's second coat done today, then my room will be ready for me to move in, once it dries.
Seriously, I can't wait until Monday, when I finally get to be in my new room, and sleep in an actual bed.
Because, funny enough, the air mattress that I've been sleeping on in my room in the condo, deflated a few days ago.
And because of a hole that I can't find yet, every time I put air into it, it deflates not even a few hours later, so I gave up on that.
Now, with only a couple more days to go, I'm having trouble sleeping on the floor, because it's suddenly become uncomfortable.
However, I don't wanna pull out my purple chair thing, because there's only a few more days to go, and I wanna come out on top.
So, all I can do is try to get comfortable, and hope I can sleep the next few days.
Because, I woke up early this morning, and was finally able to get back to sleep, only for my alarm to wake me an hour later.
Because it was time for me to wake up and get ready to come here for when the library opened at 9:30.
Well, I was five minutes late, but that's okay, because I was still able to come in here and make up for lost time.
I'll have to stay for a while either Tuesday or Wednesday, because I don't think I'm gonna be able to come Monday, due to moving.
Since I'm moving into the mobile home, and my family will be moving in to, I might not be able to get a ride.
If I can, then I will, if not, then I'll have to wait a few more days, then make up for even more time lost.
However, I might not be able to come on Wednesdays anymore, which will really confuse the life out of my.
WWE NXT UK is starting on Wednesday at 3pm, and since I've started watching WWE NXT every Wednesday night, I will watch.
So, now I have to figure out if I should just come earlier, or what I'm supposed to do.
Well, I'll figure it all out at some point.
Now, there's only five minutes left, so it's time for me to finish up here, and hope the rain has let up so I can get.
Alright, I'll figure out how to get done all the stuff I need to get done.
Until then, good luck to me.
And, until I'm able to come back again, bye!
I'm very excited for what's to come when I leave here at five or so.
The mobile home that I have been waiting for the last two or so months to see, is finally here, and move in able.
Well, we can't move in yet, because we still have to paint the rooms and stuff, but we have the key, and it's officially ours now!
I said I was gonna talk about this when I came back in from my walk, and here I am, talking about it.
I just can't believe we've finally gotten to this day.
And by next week, we should be moved into the mobile home, our new home.
I actually can't wait for this moment to finally come.
I keep picturing what it must look like in my head, but I have to see it for myself.
My mom and I have big rooms, that's all I know.
I just can't wait to take a good and long look at it.
Walking through the home, knowing I'll be in it sometime next week, is gonna be an interesting feeling.
My mom has this thing where she likes to scare me, but hasn't been able to very much, due to me staying upstairs in the condo we're at.
So, I'm sure she's gonna have an awful lot of fun with me when we get all moved and settled in.
We made a decision this time, and that's that, we're gonna be a whole lot more leniant when we move.
Unlike, when we moved into the condo, we're not moving in until all our stuff that we packed is there.
That way, once we're there, we're there to stay.
And the only thing anyone's gonna need to do, is clean around the condo, which shouldn't take too long.
Also, that makes it a whole lot easier on our cat.
If everything that we packed from our old house is already there, then he won't get scared by us bringing in boxes all day long.
For me, this makes it less stressful, because I know I'll have everything in my room by the time I get in there.
I'll do it the way I did at the old house, only, when everything's there, that's where it'll stay, and I'm okay with that.
I'm so excited, I think I may have said that a few times already, but I am.
Just knowing that we're getting out of the condo soon, is something I didn't think I was gonna hear for a while.
And today, I get to pick out the colors for my bedroom walls.
For me, that means picking which shade of pink and which shade of purple I want.
Seriously, this makes me so excited, I actually can't wait for 5:00 to get here so I can go.
I'm just so excited!
I'm almost as excited for this, as I am to see WWE Live on the 20th of this month.
I was gonna say I was more excited, but if I'm being honest, I would be lying.
This makes me only half as excited, but still extremely excited.
My nerves are worked up now, because I really wanna see how much room looks.
I might leave before the 120 minutes are up.
And, while that usually makes me feel uneasy, it doesn't this time.
This time, for one day only, I can make an exception.
Alright, that's literally all I have to say.
If I say anything else, I'll just start rambling, and that will get annoying.
In fact, I think I've already started to ramble now, and to anyone who reads these posts of mine, I'm sorry about that.
Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, bye!
Alright, so I watched the WWE Pay Per View on 5 am last Saturday.
And, I have to say, it was a pretty good show.
However, I need to write my Tumblr review on it, and I'm procrastinating, hard.
My reason is pretty simple, I have a system of how I wanna do it, but that means watching the Pay Per View all over again.
And my problem with that is, the Pay Per View was four hours long.
Not to mention, the amount of times I have to stop during each match due to the way I'm doing my review.
I'm giving my opinions on everything, and due to being extremely detailed, I want to make sure I don't miss anything.
However, since Saturday morning, I've been having a hard time keeping up with it.
I'm determined to get it done by the end of the week, though, no doubt in my mind about that.
I think my brain might still be adjusting to the amount of sleep I missed that morning, I don't know why, but it still is.
I mean, I can stay up really late, and still get up at 10 or 11 in the morning.
However, my focus seems to be going in and out when I try to write this review on my computer at home.
I'll get it done, I guess I just needed to state my piece on here first.
I kept wanting to get on my phone and write about how I was too tired to do it, then I would decide against it, for some reason.
Now, I'm finally getting it out, and I can already feel my brain starting to clear up, which is a great sign.
I also have something else I want to talk about, something I'm excited about, but I also wanna rant.
However, I'll save my rant for my Tumblr with a different post, one I can make after I've had my lunch, you know, when I finish here.
I'm on the guest computer downstairs, which only gives you access for 20 minutes, and right now, I only have 11 minutes to go.
Actually, I think I might have time to write the other thing I wanted to talk about now, so I just might do that, after I finish this post.
I guess my reasoning for procrastinating when it comes to that review, is because I don't wanna watch the entire thing again.
Only, I know that I really don't have a choice, if I wanna write the review the way I feel to be the correct way for me to write it.
So, I guess I just needed to get on here and write out what was going in my head about this, and I just did.
And now, I feel so much better.
Like I said before, my brain feels a lot lighter than it did before.
I mean, while I was finishing up my Japanese writing practice for today, I started to think about how I would put all this into words.
And now, I think I did it the best way I can.
So, I have to stop now, because I can tell that I'm starting to ramble a lot, which makes me think I've gotten my point across already.
Alright, I'm gonna end this post now.
I have only 7 minutes left, so I don't have enough time to write the other post.
So, what I'm gonna do instead, is go onto Tumblr or something for a few minutes, then go outside and have my lunch.
Then, I will get back on here when I get to the computers upstairs, where I'll have 120 minutes of free library internet.
Then, I get to leave and walk through the mobile home we're going to be moving into soon!
That's what I wanna talk about, but I only have 5 minutes, so I can't.
Alright, I'm gonna go for now, I'll see you when I get upstairs.
Again, to anyone who reads these posts, and like them for some reason, thank you so much!
Alright, I'll see you in an hour or so!
I just remembered what one of the other things I wanted to talk about was.
Alright, my mom told me I wasn't going to the library today.
She told me this last night, after I said that my legs were a little heavy while I was here.
And it's true, but I think that was because my body thought I was staying home, but I went anyway.
In fact, my cat thought I was staying home, and got moody when he figured out that I was allowed to go after all.
When I told her about my legs, she said I was going to be on bed rest for all of today.
Well, I wasn't a huge fan of that, but she pinkie swore that she was telling the truth when it came to this, so I knew she was serious.
Me and my mom have this thing were pinkie swears are very important to us, it's a mother-daughter thing we have, that's all.
Anyway, this morning, I really wanted to come here.
I told her that I know we don't break these promises, but I really didn't wanna miss another day at the library.
She told me I could go, because my grandmother wrote a note asking her to let me go today, in exchange for this weekend.
I asked her if she would take me on Saturday after the WWE Pay Per View Super Show-Down was over.
I also said she could tell me her answer today, because I asked her last night.
She told me she'd tell me, and I think this was her way of answering my question.
I mean, I don't mind if it was, because I didn't have to miss another week day.
However, I do wish she would've just told me herself that she wanted to stay home on Saturday.
I'm not mad or anything, the complete opposite, actually.
I love being at the library, it gives me something to do during the weekdays.
It's just, now I'm really gonna have to rely on myself staying awake tomorrow.
The Pay Per View starts at 5 am.
Remember, the one I was telling you about when I was on here yesterday?
Well, I was hoping that coming here afterward would give me more than one reason to stay awake all day.
I mean, I'm already tired all the time, but nowadays, it's been for no reason whatsoever.
However, I have to wake up at 4 in the morning, in order to be awake and ready for 5.
And that, will give me an actual reason to be exhausted.
I actually just decided that I'm not going to record my live reaction, because I wanna be able to eat or drink during the Pay Per View.
Honestly, that might be the only way I manage to stay awake.
I mean, right after it's over, I need to get straight onto my Tumblr, and start making my review, which I also said in yesterday's post.
Saying all of that, I was hoping I would be able to also work on my Japanese writing and stuff, but I'm sticking with my schedule.
I've said numerous times how important a set schedule is for me, and it's true.
That's the only thing that has me a little bit bummed.
That, and Mom might not even let me go for a walk to my spot by the mailboxes.
She might let me go for a walk, or to my spot, but again, she might hold me to being on bed rest.
I definitely told her that I'm going to watch the Pay Per View at my computer.
I have to, I doubt I'll be able to keep myself awake if I watch it while laying down on my bed.
I might have to convince her to let me write my review from my computer, but I think I can manage that.
I'll have to stay awake all day, so I can sleep that night, but I think I might be okay.
I may be able to fall asleep a little bit earlier tonight, so I have a few hours before my alarm that I set for 4 wakes me up.
Either that, or what my grandmother says is right, and I'll be so wound up by the Pay Per View that I would sleep at all.
However, I'm not really excited that much for the Pay Per View, especially, not when it comes to Raw's side of it.
So, I don't know if that will be an issue for me tonight.
However, I also have excitement when it comes to some of the things on the Smackdown Live side of things, so then again...
I don't know, but I think I'll be able to get some sleep.
Alright, this was the second major thing I wanted to talk about.
I'm glad I was able to remember it, because I was really annoyed when I thought I had forgotten about it.
But as I was writing that last post, it came back to me, so I was able to get it written down.
Alright, I'm done when it comes to this post, and I still have 69 more minutes to go.
Let me think for a second, and see if there's anything else I wanna talk about.
If not, then I'll see you on Monday.
Nope, can't think of anything else.
So, I'll see you on Monday, bye!
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