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Lately I’ve been having thoughts that left me long ago,
A once forgotten process, is back and ready to go, you know,
I hate my lack of happiness, I feel conflicted,
My self pity makes me sick, I call it sick addiction,
What exactly gives me the right to say I’m sad?
When so many people have never had it as good as I have,
I mean, I’m not mad, But i’m not glad, I’m basically existing,
Caught up in the middle, insisting I need assisting,
And wishing I wasn’t missing, the secret key to joy,
I’m the 6’3 frame of a man, but inside, i’m just a boy,
 Jan 2013 Natalie Wood
I think I'm leaking inspiration
It's running off of my page
Or maybe I'm just forgetful
And I'm only starting to age

Maybe the doctor can help me
Get back to feeling young
Give me a shot in one of my arms
Or a pill to put under my tongue

Words don't seem to fall in place
They keep dripping onto the floor
I've got buckets sitting everywhere
I just can't write anymore

Whenever I write, I fall asleep
I guess it's because I'm bored
Waking up, scared half to death
Only because I snored

The doctor has to help me
There has to be something to use
I'll get him to give me a prescription
Maybe a bottle of muse
 Jan 2013 Natalie Wood
Today is Sunday.
For the first time they took me out into the sun today.
And for the first time in my life I was aghast
that the sky is so far away
          and so blue
          and so vast
              I stood there without a motion.
Then I sat on the ground with respectful devotion
leaning against the white wall.
Who cares about the waves with which I yearn to roll
Or about strife or freedom or my wife right now.
The soil, the sun and me...
I feel joyful and how.
I precariously teeter in the morning air...
And happen chance does find me there...
On breeze...on edge...I ride the waves...
Of sunlight through the morning haze...
In noonday's glow I drift abroad...
Subdued by warmth my spirit nod's...
I search for bliss on evenings air...
It sweeps me swiftly from my cares...
Then night sweet night extends it's hand...
Invites me to another land...
Extract the stars one by one...bundle them and I'm undone...
Lasso the moon...pull it near...
A glow that has become so Dear...
Cheek to of delight...
Oh how indeed I love my night...who knew that it could hold such light?
And I am now the captured holds's forgotten sun...
And Glow begets glow begets glow...
© Nancy McGinnis - Roberts 2013
Sweeter still.
Tickling the tongue,
Numbing the body,
Surrounding the pillar,
Like a fruit dipped in sugar.

Sweetness and glory,
Morning or noon,
Noon to the dusk time,
From the moon to the Sun.

As an Aquarius climbs her Walls,
Walkers begin to shiver,
Teeth begin to clench.
Eyes roll back into the mind,
Oh but yet dig deeper
For any treasure we should find.

Humidity, with no rays.
A high, but no purple haze.
Precipitation with no sign of clouds,
A body of water in a body of water,
To be released onto this silk.
Like a lamp to be rubbed
There is only one wish,
If time could simply rewind.
Sweeter still.
The dreaded Halloween Dog

Teamed up with Franken-Frog

Along with the Vampire Bat

Also the terrible Zombie Rat

The world would be theirs

As long as there were no bears

Because that is what they feared

Grizzlies that were long earred

Now the hero called Mister Toad

He was with Brave Kitty the Bold

Toad said "these fiends we must stop"

"Come with me, time to hop"

For days they battled the four

Until battered bruised and sore

Mister Toad had a trick up his sleeve

Something they would never believe

Vampire Bat was the first to fall

A giant robot bunny hit him like a ball

No one knows if he will be seen soon

He was last known to be orbitting the moon

Zombie Rat tried to put up a bitter fight

But that robot bunny held him tight

He never did make a sound

As he was buried far underground

But Franken-Frog battled to the end

Then robot bunny became his best friend

They went on holiday on a plane

Now enjoying the sun in Spain

So Halloween Dog stole all the gold

Waved at Mister Toad and Brave Kitty the Bold

Decided it was time to run away

Then come back and fight another day
 Jan 2013 Natalie Wood
Once in a while
A flower blooms
Sprouts, shouts
In a dismal, dark room

And it makes
Me wonder
What if (just what if?)
It's birth hadn't been such a blunder

How would things be different?
How would that flower's life
Have been altered?
Relegated to obscurity from the first click of the knife

Was that flower given
That situation
Because it was able to handle it?
Was it meant to be a sensation?

And then I think
What if it was just random
As trivial as a grain of sand
In the midst of the worldwide kingdom?

Trivial, random
Sensational, remarkable
I'm just don't know
Which way I'm meant to turn the table
There is this energy to it
all the dramas and he did that and so i did and said
and so did she and then...
it buzzes on and you cannot get any peace
and my parents lived like that and never payed any
attention to me most of the time
and it is a drug
it prevents you from sinking into yourself and your
fears, and it is exhausting
recognize the energy, that drug frenzy energy and know you
must just stop and be here
and breathe and calm your mind until it is a placid, loving lake
peaceful, yet alive and lively, with the reflections of the beauty
of world just here, in the moment, light reflecting off the mirrored surface
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