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Nancy Delgado Sep 2015
antique platters of synchronized hearts
stamped with eternity from the beginning
yet, foolishly dancing the night away.

as if the breaking dawn is honestly promised.
oh, weary traveler,
find rest under the moon light.
for herein is thee one and only  
everlasting river that'll quench your soul's thirst.
in abundance- grow, my dear...
you are not meant to stay a seed to be thrown away,
if, you have already questioned the planets' Maker
and amongst this wandering- there has been a momentary
fear and tremble along with an annoyance of self
truly, the Author of life is in your midst.
be prepared for the breaking down of the walls you took years to build up

regardless, when He comes, breaking through glorious thundering clouds of sheer mystery above your weary soul, you'll be remade into a modeled castle,
pointing to that which is soon to come.
Nancy Delgado May 2016
i will stand like the trees in the rain, simply accepting the storm - seeing that the showers bring much fruition
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
Surely there’s more to it than unforgettable moments of clear stupidity, time consuming idiocy of slurred thoughts filled with feelings of constant annoyance towards everyone but ourselves.
No satisfaction, endless depression, fleeting pleasures.
There had to be something more than this, I thought to myself as I hit the pipe one more time but this high is but a lie to distract us from the truth. What is truth?
How had it not reached me and yet was in front of me the whole time? Surrounding us, showing us reality but, of course pride blinds all eyes and when looking towards ourselves we refuse to see that which is clearly greater than us. We might in all honesty continue to participate for the temporal escapism but when it does die we remain empty for we’re surely it's slave and this type of medicine is not being prescribed with pity but with all intentions of making us more greedy.
Whether we realize it or not we carry out the purpose of the deceiver for surely we’re slaves but the source makes all the difference.
One brings forth confusion, isolation with false ideology of power over all ending in death, the other frees to bring us into Eternity's hands and I must say that my being a slave to the fountain of life is not always typically beautiful but, the joy is infinitely worth it because the Creator keeps me and that fact is why I am at all for if it wasn't for the higher call, I wouldn't be, literally.
Suicidal thoughts knocking on my door until revelation with reconciliation came to the rescue.
Without grace I’m no better than the ******* out in the streets yeah, for there’s none good nope, not one.
Stop resting in justifications for addictions to the diminishing ice.
Behold His luminous voice as He melts the walls you hid behind only to restore your fragmented soul, surely you'll be whole. You've been deceived so stop saying you're good vibin' when really you're just blinded. Come taste & see the greatness of new life. An eternal canvas in the making instead of a cycle that's constantly breaking.
Nancy Delgado Jun 2015
attempting to be the giver when there's a Father of all lights to beget all things to His self is fatal.
open up your wonder to give and receive
wake into reality of transparent grace
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
Still, without breath
Melted by thunder
Alive for the first time
Nancy Delgado Sep 2015
empty me of dreams
that i may live in the fulness of life,
away with the fog that comes my way-
nothing but distractions
give me Adonai,
He who my soul loves and eagerly longs for.
birth in me a new desire to learn of Him and know Him who took delight in me, even in my death.
Chaser of my soul,
if i fall and You permit it and better yet, construct it- let me know that it is towards Your arms that i am landing on,
then will the fall be eternally sweet and the ground less fearful,
since You, even now, sustain me.
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
in the chaos there is room for interpreting things as they are,
there's barely a glimpse of hope that we're actually still alive, yeah- the hearts' beating and one may seem attentive to their surroundings but the artistry of the mind is so complex that when so many events get thrown at it all at once it is only natural for it to react in defense mode. yet, multitasking never was, is or will be an art but a false justification for getting things done all the while, things are falling apart. in the mind of one that has been wholly separated and made new- it is an obligation i would dare to say- to depart at once and flee to the arms of the everlasting Father. receive His divine listening ear and pour out our chaotic storms before Him only to go away in abundant peace. yes, it may sound so simple yet the cure is but that easy yet complicated all at once for the pilgrim. hence, we need the reality of our pilgrimage to be ever set before us so that we may therein never equate ourselves with this fleeting world and find a place to rest our head here, no this is our battle ground. oh precious kin- if you were to but merely glance up and see your ever triumphant Home- the Lion of the Tribe of Judah then, and only then will you find rest. but even at that, do not let your comfort lead you to pride and rarely approach the throne of grace just as much as you shouldn't let His never ceasing mercy lead you to slothfulness disguising itself as rest. nope, holy war and peace are hand in hand. learn this oh weary heart of mine.
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
time, a dance of shadows
scattered, going and being gathered
all the while eternity is at hand
don't focus on deceiving definitions of meaning
for it is not something to be gained but to breathe in.
Nancy Delgado May 2016
you played this song in my heart therefore i have hope that i belong and my mere belonging is because of you and for you alone. glory on high! here is true confidence that gives pure courage, Christ makes new. Christ alone.
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
you claim that there never has been a Creator or ever will be,
but tell me why this supposedly nonexistent God can never escape your lips?
your thoughts and dreams all are consumed by Him, sure a denial of Him but yet you find Him never really leaving,
indeed something nonexistent could never occupy anything if it is not yet- in the quietness of our fading time- the mere thought of His Omniscient Presence discomforts you.
oh i pray you may but look up to see how The Triune Fire is in your very midst- indeed, giving you the ability to even breathe- yet you use it to blaspheme.
foolish yet understandable to our nature- know this, it will not be long if you are His- He will not hesitate to bring you Home
oh foolish one- come Home.
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
observe your actions. submit em and your thoughts to the LORD for He alone knows what you need. do not doubt what He has so mercifully proven but do test yourself constantly. a challenge is necessary in order to fall deeper into the Beloved. from glory to glory- testify. submit every fibre of your bones. He is all the strength you need. indeed all the strength you have.
Nancy Delgado Mar 2015
tiny riddles towards fleeting masks,
never hearing or seeing but following;
nap time is over,
rise up and let truth shine into the cracks of your fragmented heart.
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
constellations strumming through the nature that once was and the dawn that did set it and is still breaking in-
thunderous mountains move as Christ speaks.
in assurance from the truly Beloveds' warmth upon the blue...
it'll make sense once it makes sense.
for now, turn, turn and keep on turning- looking unto the Son that perfects all parallel dimensions in you that never wanted to be a part of this artistry.
temptations without a home, give them no pillow to rest in your paper heart.
this is for Him to write on alone and the fleeting desires are but flames that crave for a name but you, having once been lifted are part of all the everlasting winds- which now rest as comfort in your very veins- resembling the morning to come- hold on, soon He'll come...
Nancy Delgado Jun 2015
learned what is needed
in the *****
sent into the unknown
to tell of all the magic
taught to me
embracing it
as i remain held,
i grow
Nancy Delgado Mar 2014
You come with power
You reach out to grab my heart and surround it with Your mysterious peace
I can't comprehend it
no, I can never fully explain You but rather rejoice in You as I hug You back
I look at Your infinite art and long to get lost in Your creativity
joy makes it worth it
Your glory awaits me
You whisper "let it be"
beauty all around, waiting, patiently waiting to be discovered and exposed
taste and see, there's beauty all around
in my mind I see lightning
in my mind I see a flower gently existing, waiting for the rain to fall upon its yellow petals
in my mind I see beauty longing to come to life
in my mind I see that what You tell my heart is not only true but here
at this very moment I need only to let it be
I need to release the false control over everything and let You take over
my God
You will restore it all
pour down Your rain
despite the pain
the joy will remain
let it fall
awake them all
it's time to let go and be
until we are face to face with He that makes and takes for the glory of it all
let us dance and rejoice
I dance for He shall come
rejoice, through it all, our Love is Here
and He's longing to use us
use me for Your beautiful masterpiece
remind me, it is You who is shaping me
building me to be what You thought me to be
Nancy Delgado May 2015
what is revealed is far more difficult to be concealed than that which is a mere wish.
stepped into the Reality of which the lucid hovering was but a shadow telling of the present and I am no longer fond of shifting grounds.
Nancy Delgado Jun 2015
no addition to this selective redemptive melody,
all glory to He that brings us to His self despite ourselves.

precious crimson flow covering all born again sons and daughters in white's linen

come alive for the Risen One is the Source by which any can actually see

if you've been brought then i plead with you to go for many are still enslaved
waiting eagerly to hear of Life and how He died and rose mightily for them
oh, won't you go shout it?
don't ask but tell the bones to live,
truly He will call many to Him through us.
pep talk to self.
Nancy Delgado Jun 2015
the luminous has been set before us
whispering through day clouds
singing from high above the stars at night
let us not sleep for long
God is quick to wake His up with consuming light.
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
sueño de un arbol
despierto y encuentro la realidad,
yo soy el arbol,
mis ramas se cain,
mientras las raizes estan aún mas fuerte,
llueve y miro tu reyno,
me inco a tu hablar,
me haces crecer otra vez.
Nancy Delgado Aug 2014
it's in the clouds
the color of your eyes contains it as well
your smile has a story that i desire to learn
even if you don't believe it, you're here for so much more
and it's not for the temporary but
simply to practice the reality which is eternal
this is a mere shadow, escape it and you'll see there's so much more
you obtain much passion but your heart is weary
sleep in the hands of our Creator and live for today and forever more
we aren't that different from the roses, yes if you pay close attention,
even now we wait for someone to pick us without knowing that we've been planted with such care to create and share life
like this gift of simply living through the power of He who brings us water and light.
Nancy Delgado Oct 2015
though You are seemingly absent,
the scent of Your garment is near-
here at last, I've found a place to rest my head,
at Your feet forevermore.
Surely, this here is my Soul's True Home.
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
whispering truth in my dreams, awakened to them being a reality, my eyes gain true strength to look up, I bow, at last, new life
Nancy Delgado Jan 2015
Taste the sky, see new stars
Drop your hardwired heart and mind at the door, prepare yourself for the flames spoken towards you, about you
Look beyond the nebulas, know you're in Eternity's hands
Hold and behold
Let the languages of nothingness dissolve as you discover Secret's whisperings tell your life story like you've never dreamt of before
Put on the moon, dress in the sun rays that will so easily delay all other passing aways, such infamous costumes cannot touch you my beloved
Enter your reign and get done with the games
An intertwined birth right given to us by the One from which redemptive blood flows out to deliver
Fly beyond the lies, you never did settle
Truth knew and was waiting for you to be still
Now, go without regret of full abandonment for surely there cannot be a light that misses being diminished, a sound wanting to be cut off from our ears, it is at the great separative mystery where all will see that division lived in all roots, growing to display the difference between tale and reality, revealing the frozen hearts and the hearts branded by glorious fire
Having the Son as our warmth, we will never look back
With new identities we run this race with grace given freely by the King who abolished death forevermore
All in Him will be brought to a different seat of judgement, beholding His light in all His shining beauty, in a fear brought by awe rather than shame
Because of this freedom we sing and dance now
Because there is a Day we will enter into and be permanently Home
So we breathe and we fight through the Spirit, knowing that we are made fully alive by wanting Him to show His face now, rather than losing patience, we wait with joy for His promise to be fulfilled
You are either waiting or vainly living, fighting or blindly going
Listening to earth sing for thee Return or completely deaf to it
Surely there is only One with us, whether Risen or ashes to you, He is returning soon
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
Our conversation does not follow time's rules as it goes on and on for all of my days
suddenly, what i thought was kept in secret is most intimately displayed right in front of me.
a mere detail of what i thought my introduction towards getting to know each other was became a reality,
instantly did my soul smile. filled with wonder, under the shower of Your love that brings down droplets of pure mercy. a simple telling of what i didn't even focus on became seen and not just by me but by all. made me realize that it is You who will ever hear me, truly listen and know the smallest details, bring them before all into the Light and inform me of my deepest love for before this i saw a mere fragment always concealed, a blur. You brought forth clarity. Witnessed by all but known by me. Chaser of my heart, there will never be another One.
Nancy Delgado Aug 2014
torn streets
tired hands
come and drink from this cup
they've said it contains eternal life
and i don't know about you
but everything speaks of Him
who gave true freedom
and is now giving it
one must believe and stop over thinking
and conforming
not everything we see now will last
and there's still a hope in the air
stay attentive, if you listen
you can hear the songs
they're in the clouds and they fall like the rain upon my skin
this truth lives inside any who rejects the grand lie
that they are their own
look here, rest and look up,
the Creator gives purpose and i am not convinced that we have realized this, i still feel that we have not experienced the grand Reality,
consisting of His glory.
Nancy Delgado Mar 2015
with Your voice
You build up the House of my heart,
with Your breath
the fruit falls from the tree.
You smile through the clouds, I am free...
Nancy Delgado Apr 2015
the light, the breath, the water, the touch, the hope, the sound, the taste, these are but shadows of the beginning which will be met in the moment of our full restoration as the Bride of Christ, only then will we meet Intimacy face to face, we will be held as we behold, only then will our  true name be revealed, only at our far off country.
Nancy Delgado Apr 2015
from the wind that surrounds to the lightest morning dew
grace keeps embracing us all
from the brewing of coffee beans to the wearing warm socks
grace keep embracing us all
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
feminism, a joke.
how furiously do they go on
chanting about how true femininity is found in
a complete surrender of all inner desires that
have been welling up inside of all our hearts-
as girls we ought to be the same and even try to
bring down those we ought to help- indeed we
were created for this-
except that
God created the woman out of man's side- to stand by them, never trotting them down.
we ought to, indeed- we must go back to our own gardens,
our sorts of gentle peace and joy if we are to be our real selves.
the Cultivator Himself is pleased in renewing us and guiding us into this very beautiful reality. we cannot go back on our own...
Nancy Delgado May 2016
the yellow imitations of sunflowers in the midst of grandeur planning- here is where we come to find that the Potter is indeed for us, in the most Divine sense of it really and we must- if indeed, hiding below the willow of His loving arms has been our all in all, yes- we must shine for the mere fact that He is and we are because of Him.
Nancy Delgado Apr 2015
whether deserved or exceedingly undeserved
loving acts are to be given with full intention to point all towards the Son-
calling His Fathers children Home- a call to depart from the ruinous castle in that folk tale dressed as reality
Triune fire exposes such burdensome roads
rescues us into family and calls us to a higher understanding, overflowing grace
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
passed the unfathomable mountains
ran through the fog
passed the tales of the tall trees in the mysterious woods
drank from the overflowing river
heard all of the ancient stories
yet, I remain to wander and long in this unending travel towards the Light that shines brighter than the moon out in the desert, my Home
I have tasted and I have seen
nothing in all my wandering can satisfy but the cup that Your gracious hands offer
I am but a howl amongst this dry land
Nancy Delgado May 2016
filled with a glimpse of this love that is immovable, ever unchangeable all the while remaining unconditional and overall unfathomable
i'm praying that this time i will not look to anybody, no, not to anything but keep my eyes ever praising my only Shelter above. it is only here that i can understand anybody, yes and anything correctly. it is here that any can be cured, even the weakest, yes even you and me.
Nancy Delgado Jun 2015
whispers of Lightning wake me from the resented slumber
once again do i fail to captivate
still, i cling to the reality of an illuminating rain
that will move me through the Love that is mighty to say-
"Eternity is at My hand,"
&, "come now, my Bride."
He breathes, all melts away.
Nancy Delgado Oct 2015
surely, i am still being awakened

the comforting sheets of
distant lands have kept me away;
my ship is here
and my travel is heavenly.

the Son shines and therefore, i must go.
Nancy Delgado Apr 2015
Rest in sunshine's gaze upon you
For truly then and only then will all other strivings to be disappear
As you breathe in and know you are truly beloved, clothed in lilies of the field that the Image created for you
A never ending romance of anchored assurance- every effort to become will be but a faint memory of a life you once familiarized with as you behold and know
Christ fully renews you, forevermore.
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
storm coming in the dry dead lands through the dark clouds and foggy breezes hovering over the sand
can’t help but spread the fact that the greatness of the land is not the plant firmly rooted but the cultivating and remembrance of the roots, including the present cry for a drop of water with much vulnerability as dehydration starts taking place
you can see the face amongst fellow traveling strangers
yet, there are still many who remain and stare with questions never asked. it is not merely a choice to be the one who digs into this land with mighty strength and bravery but a mere drop of the reality, the storm breaking in any time now, collecting all fruits and vegetations of life and it is not ours to choose but to be once we see we cannot help but to fill your buckets with life. selah, storm’s coming in, don’t rush for shelter yet with your empty heart that will restrain all sort of protection but learn that it is the rain where the true love is gained and then, be.
Nancy Delgado Aug 2015
even in the shadow, There is Light
flying by this present age that's already fading away
even the curious are starting to give up-
day after day, knowledge.
night after night, speech.
creation teaches us humility and the rod is not far from grace filled hearts.
it is much needed, you see, to boast in our evident weakness- to see Christ as evermore Strong
for in this meekness- Life is gained.
not life as most think of but the revelation of Jesus Christ in which there is no lack of anything
only eternal fullness at His feet.
Nancy Delgado Feb 2015
Deep foundations tremble
As the thunderous voice speaks
All gathered by love, raptured by omniscient hands
Flooding again with realization and comprehension
Nancy Delgado Sep 2015
freedoms’ perfume lavished me
and loves’ petals clothed me, 
my eyes were perfectly shut
and innocence was my life
held hands with my beings’ Designer
until lies’ deceiving yet
ever so attracting shadow dawned 
upon the opening of my soul that began departing
as soon as i desired that which
was not mine own- nor was ever meant for my use.
so easily did it lure me in 
yet, the consequence became the stain that haunts me to this day.
with a disguise to seem but a hint of elegant,
its’ eloquent speech surrounds me still-
though the spiraling downward brings eternal destruction, 
my Makers’ arm extended towards me- lifted me
by the way of the Blood that immersed thee mark of death away-
i am called daughter and in His hand i do rest.
even now- the Resurrected prays for my soul.
Perfect unity awaits me…
Nancy Delgado Jul 2013
Slow and elegant
Cloudy and quiet
Love and rain
Flowers imitate
Illuminate and start to break
Break the gates around our hearts
Let us love* You *under the sun
Nancy Delgado Oct 2015
beating as i lay my head
ongoing fast pulses as i close my eyes
and when i awake, it's all the same.
conscious pulsing always.
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
divided melodies being united
through the sheer mist of love
unseen yet rendering us to draw near, compelling beyond all force- infallible indeed
a mere hint of that which awaits those in the Beloved
hear and know
our life's are flying away therefore we must,
in a sense, learn to dance with the clouds and
draw near the Source of lightning without fear
but rather, with inexpressible, exploding and uncontainable delight
Nancy Delgado Sep 2014
Made new in such a way that from the moment when You bestowed this never ending ardent flame in my heart I have yet to walk alone. Your Spirit is now my Vision, Your love is now the overflowing cup of mine. My life is no longer my own, no, it's in much Greater hands, dwelling in the Presence of the Star Breather. You took the bits and pieces I could never even begin to fathom and created a masterpiece to hang on the walls of Your ever triumphant Home. You gave me lenses by which I can discern the empty forests of various souls including mine own. Your light is a mystery to my mind, a joy to my heart. Your Spoken Word is the map which I make constant reference to for knowledge of my every step. I'm the flower of Your eye and You delight to see me lost in my thoughts of awe before the works of Your majesty. I will never turn back, You have won me ever since You resurrected me from that self made pit of mine. My old creature surrounded by chains was dead until Your thunderous Presence breathed Light into my inner being, bringing me to Life for the first time and now that I'm in Life, I can never see death again.
Nancy Delgado Jul 2015
real love
gleams through
much sacrifice.
for growth-
one must go forth
into foreign lands,
away from close kin
to tell of.
stories of
Truth being exposed
amongst unknown faces
and places bring all together.
go now,
to love more.
Nancy Delgado Apr 2015
nostalgic realities are the faithful arrows that lead me towards that everlasting future of which grace gently whispers into my soul daily,
all of creation really, we are all waiting though, only a few know what the longings and heart aches actually foretell
until we watch newness unfold, nostalgic realities are the names of promises given by the Name long ago engraved on many of our souls before creation was told to exist
nostalgic realities, a present analogy of that which no words can ever obtain
Nancy Delgado Dec 2013
But to actually come into agreement with our intellect and let all we observe take over our life’s to a level of complete control is rather foolish. We are vulnerable creatures even that to our own selves. We believe what we want to believe. We see only what our eyes desire to see, same with our minds except for the huge misunderstanding it has with the most important, the heart, the one that maintains, is, remains, everything overflows from it and it is there, deep in there, and I mean completely rooted in, where we will finally come into a contact so short that our minds will not be able to conceive it.. We’ll spend most of life in human terms trying to reach and achieve to the fullest extent but “it”, of course is beyond us all. It is wonder.
Nancy Delgado May 2016
noise everywhere yet the moment you draw near o Lord at once is my hearing true and subtle. peace is finally tasted when i believe in your sweetness to be my one and only satisfaction. nothing else will suffice!
Nancy Delgado Apr 2015
grappling hope, between what was revealed and what my feeble mind thinks could come to be.
strangled is my faith as i pretend to have control yet always fall short.
false expectations of demands no one gave, proud thoughts encourage unknown promises.
forget the temporary castle if eternal joy is what needs to be extracted in that dark old exchange that begs to be seen as beautiful.
i'll gladly be nothing if it means the King of Zion will be in control for therein lies all true peace freely given in abundance, overflowing mercies are truly gained on that gorgeous Mountain.
Nancy Delgado Dec 2015
broken at Your feet
is where i need to be
if the need to help others
is what distills me.
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