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 Oct 2014 Nana Obeng
zaman hassan
I was lost
but now im here
hiding in the shadows full of fear
running in the dark can not breath
i maybe home
but i can not see
but then a light came
oh so beautiful
those eyes that smile
lighten the room
they show me my future
is it death
no it is love

- zaman hassan
 Oct 2014 Nana Obeng
zaman hassan
If I hadn't met you
I wouldnt like you
If I hadn't liked you
I  wouldn't love you
i wouldn't miss you
But i did, i do and i will
You made flowers
       grow in my lungs.

And although they

      are beautiful

I can't ******* breathe.
 Oct 2014 Nana Obeng
Nana Obeng
she is a lovely painter
but this story has a twist
her paint brush is a razor
and her paper is her wrist

she paints a pretty picture
in a color blood red
because of her sharp paintbrush
she ends up finally dead

Her pretty pictures fading
quite slowly on her arm
because of her current state
she can no longer do any harm
the first verse is not mine  !
 Oct 2014 Nana Obeng
Nana Obeng
A lonely girl
with her vacant stares
screaming in silence
but nobody hears

Her pain goes unnoticed
no one can tell
she smiles like an angel
but she's living through hell

Her eyes brim with maddness
she cuts her own skin
her sad little smile
fades and grows thin

scars on her body
scars on her soul

this hateful world
on her has taken its toll....
Being in a crowded place,
makes me feel numb.
Because dispite being surrounded
by smiling faces,
happy people
and positive thoughts...
i am so alone.
i'd prefer to be in bed
Forgetting the world.
Because being surrounded by people
who seem to be so fine..
makes me fall apart.
Because truth is,
im not okay.

— The End —