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 Dec 2012 Miko
rachel g
Let it out
 Dec 2012 Miko
rachel g
What do I do?
I watch.

I sleep, I eat, I breathe with everything.
I move as others do. My muscles are infinitely woven with strands of life, intricate designs etched forever into my being. The curve of my lips reaches across the deep, the soles of my worn feet swim with the wind across stretches of dusky sand. I feel pain, I feel pleasure, I feel every step of the nearby beetle. I am aware of the omnipresence of the light pouring; sometimes I wonder if that, too, is shining from within me--maybe from the crowns of my fingernails? Or the flat plane of skin along my inner thigh?--a question with a hidden answer, stuffed somewhere in forgotten shelves on faraway hills. I sit on a balance, watching time travel down the hourglass. I shrivel and I soar, I blow and destroy, but I always perch comfortably, palms firm on the granite, shoulders unfailingly square.

Do you?
I do. I
This is from two years ago.
A fruitful summer night reveals the thoughts of the mother
Fire a light, illuminating in the dusk, awaiting the smother
A sweeping, swaying, twirling breath rips through the gloom
Tearing apart the luscious flowerets which in the sun bloom
A wash of rainbow colours materialize from the faded sky blue
Somewhere in the world, you’re there too
Gazing up at the atmosphere gawking at the chromatic sight
Wishing a certain wish, for someone in your life    

Lonely, as lonely could be
Uncertain about the future, whether to fight or flee
The jaded green, scuffed and mangled, envelops our terrain
Ultimately, someday we will arrive back here again

The embraces and kisses will never occur too soon
Resulting in a budding romance that will eventually bloom
The time that was lost, will be regained
And all scars that were created, will no longer remain
 May 2012 Miko
Jon Tobias
It was like the time our cat died
And we buried it in a shoebox
And made a wind chime out of the bell
Carved her name in the tree we buried her under
Just says Beans

I imagine this confuses the family who now lives there

Coffins shouldn't exist for things that small

I asked a friend to sew you a quilt out of her clothes
So you still might know her warmth

Babies grow fast
So much clothes from the shower
It will be a big quilt

Your belly still a bulb of life bursting
But hollow
In thick black sharpie you wrote
Just above your belly button

You maker of life
Giver of the good stuff
Holder of the second heartbeat

You can only make good things
Your body is a mess
Genuinely ugly on the inside
But it creates good things

Remind it of that
When it rebukes its purpose
And lets go

The next one will stay

Because there shouldn’t be coffins
For things that small

You said I could be Uncle Jon
I have never been given that
I’m not allowed to see my own nephews
Because of how the past eats us

The past is a morgue
Of heartbreak festering

And forgiveness is not a time machine
Set to 10 minutes before regret kicked in

When my own children bury me
I hope they do something with what I leave behind
So I know that I actually have something worth
Leaving behind

You did not leave her behind
Even though you named her
But we knew it would be Ellie
She is not how you will be remembered

You do not make mistakes
You make life
In everything you do
As long as you are living

You make life

So when your body forgets this

Remind it

With breath
And tears
And sleepless nights
And anger
And happiness

Make life
 May 2012 Miko
 May 2012 Miko
I sketched a faceless man today
I put more details in his hands than I ever could in his eyes

I drew a faceless woman today
forward facing
I put more details on the muscles of her back
than I ever could her nose

I painted a faceless child today
I put more details on his body
than I ever could his lips

I painted faceless beings today
all hollowed out alone
my art teacher looked at me like i was a little disturbed
I could not explain to him that the hollow of her cheekbone
will have more meaning
than the color of her eyes
or the voluptuousness of her lips
and that the strain in her shoulders
will show
and that man will have more meaning in the creases
of his palms
than I could ever put on the lines of his face
And all I could think of was
How that faceless woman had a **** good
mostly trunk
 May 2012 Miko
I watch a sunrise behind an old abandoned church in my home-town
I haven't slept for two nights
the crystal clear beauty of the sleep-deprived
the jaw aching beauty of the pink sky
almost hurts my eyes
the irony I see reflected back at me
how such a daring light could hide behind
a cowardly institution
My thoughts are crisp and clear
after two nights of no sleep
and I cant describe
I cannot describe what I see
But its there behind my eyelids
when I close them shut
I am dreaming of tomorrow
But tomorrow never comes.
I am closer to god when I am sleepless
Though I'm not sure I believe in god when I am awake
like all things are during suffering
and the sky is just a canvas
for me to whisper my thoughts to
I paint his hands in the shape of clouds
under this red sky at morning
They hold nothing
and nothing holds them
heavy hands and my heavy eyelids
both closed
he holds me in his hands
he holds the promise of tomorrow
I tell him tomorrow is a lie.
This is not about religion.
 May 2012 Miko
Sean Kassab
 May 2012 Miko
Sean Kassab
You can find me there, in your hopes, in your dreams. The places you forgot when you closed the book on a life so intangible; now break the manacles and run, and you can find me there, need me there as the bullet needs the gun in the breaking light of day. run, run, run....and I will be there waiting....
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