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 Jan 2013 Miko
On the L:
She is simple and frivolous
You are far from chivalrous
She is fueled by fearlessness
You are pumped full of stimulants
She sees the entirety of innocence
You focus on the sombre imminence
She is bright & heavenly but wingless
Your eyes are dark with wickedness
She flicks her hair, always vertiginous
You are both unawarely synchronous
She smiles to her self, radiating magnificence
You feel the bitter grimace of indolence

something is changing, slightly, hardly noticeable

But her light, it shines on you
And you find your self shifting
Glancing at her sun tattoo
She turns to you & smiles
Then everything is changed
Everything floats for a while
As she puts her hand on yours
She scoffs - 'You look gloomy & brooding'
A chuckle escapes, long ago abhorred.
And slowly it'll spread
With the help of this lovely woman
But it'll take awhile for you to get into her head
And you will show her that the glass isn't half empty,
It isn't half full.
It's just a glass of water.
I wrote this a few weeks ago, but I wasn't really sure about it. I'm not really sure about it still. The style is kind of awkward, but I felt like it was supposed to feel like it was edged and awkward because they were just meeting then as they meet, the words begin to flow and are not so forced, as if the encounter begins to take a softer approach as they become more & more aware of each other.

© Amara Pendergraft 2013
I wiped the tears from her eyes
as she whispered
"I dont understand"
her gaze pierced through me
while awaiting a response
from mine

there are a million things I could say
they'd all be completely true
but in that second it was a strain
to even say what I wanted to say--
those words were never spoken

when she looked away
I swear she was disappointed
by the words that were said
and that she knew I would stay
no matter how many times
she throws me away

I will still be there by her side,
to have her hand in mine--
when she's happy, when she's sad
I know its crazy, and utterly mad
but if I could give you the world

I would stop at nothing to do so
There are only a few things that make me feel alive
The pang of hunger
The feel of summer
And your fingers intertwined with mine

A breath of fresh air
The sweet nectar in the breeze
Birds singing in the morning dawn
Warm pavement on slippery feet

The dew in the grass,
The leaves on the tress,
The wind through my hair
And the sound of the bees

Your eyes locked with mine
Quiet noise and long stares
Staying up all night,
Not giving a care

The sound of the moon
The tide coming to shore
The crickets in the thickets
My heart is no more
 Jan 2013 Miko
Tom Orr
gun unslung
hanging by his side
swaying with his step

his step thorough
leaving sand behind
floating like particles of dust

dust now forgotten
as his step imprints
upon broken glass

glass shatters more
like the cities of Israel
beneath the feet
of falsely declared gods

gods that now drive the mind
with intrepid pace
towards the unsuspecting

the unsuspecting victim
of such malice
that can only be embodied
by death

only defied by those
who can truly consider themselves
wholesome and true

and yet the truth struggles
to stop this relentless growth
of pride and self righteousness

and thus the marksman
raises the gun to his target

his breath steady
his heartbeat in his ears

a resonance that he despises
his imperfections are his enemy
And if not to be perfect then what else?

he pulls the trigger
 Jan 2013 Miko
Mirror Images
 Jan 2013 Miko
Sleepy murmurs with the shades drawn shut
Only a thin crack of light attempting to say,
A early & abrupt good morning
But I don't really want a morning at all
Rolling over as the sheets rub my skin
Light & airy, but I feel very heavy
I admire you in muted silence
You meet my eyes with ocean calm
I shift closer to you, pulling my chest to yours
You wrap your arms around me
And I do the same, we are mirrors
I lay my head against your collar bone
Let out a long held breath,
That pushes it's way out hurriedly
One of my legs goes between yours
A tangle of me & you
I feel your chin on my head
I feel like a tiny flower in your hands
I whisper, closing my eyes,
"Is it going to be like this forever?"
I feel you sigh,
Your chest rises & falls
Filled, then emptied with it
You run your hand over,
Then through my hair
And I let out a thankful bit of air
"Only if you want it to be, my love."
Being alone lately, has been a lot, harder, than usual.

© Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Dec 2012 Miko
Beauty is but a construction
               Of our mind.
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
 Dec 2012 Miko
If she needs her plume
and her book, why would she seek
a critical look
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