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 Jun 2017 Nadine Swain
She is both,
hellfire and holy water.
And the flavor you taste,
depends on how you,
treat her.
Am I falling
Or am I gliding
Is this me dying
Am I passing over to the other side ?
The ripples in skin says other wise
As the wind whips past me
Screaming, blasting in my face
I descend faster
Gaining speed
Into the blackness
The darkness
I fall and fall deeper darker
Almost reaching the ground
I pull the parachute
There's still a glimmer of hope
A chance my life will be spared
Is there anything I should live for
No nothing
I'm to close to the ground
For the parachute to matter now
She said, "I can't swim"
With a voice so confident
The ocean believes
They're still best friends.
 Dec 2014 Nadine Swain
Kate Irons
she roamed in the pale moon light
only so no one noticed the physical scars
that bandaged her broken heart
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