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 Oct 2012 NA
Dianna M Coleman
if i were a fish
id be a bird
and have no home
but everywhere

flying deep into
blue waters
singing songs
to clear skies ahead

that is what
i have always been
something in between
and something opposite
but in love with everything

wind in waters
waves in air
full breaths in
whatever is warmed
by sunshine
and softly kissed
by moon glow

the stars are always shining
beyond where our eyes can see
and bittersweet life flows through all
even for those on the in-between
 Oct 2012 NA
I Had A Dream
 Oct 2012 NA
Goodnight my prince, the love of my life,
I wish that someday I could be your wife
To walk down the isle and see your face,
I would be in a beautiful white dress with lace
You smile at me and I smile back,
Love and admiration are things we wouldn't lack.
God I love you with every inch of my heart
Being away from you is tearing me apart
Can't we start over? Can't we start again?
I don't want to be out of your life forever, I'm okay with being friends.
But know ill always love you, lets make that clear,
You're all that's in my heart and soul forever my dear.
Copyright Nicole L Stowe 2012
 Oct 2012 NA
Quincy Poitras
 Oct 2012 NA
Quincy Poitras
You gave me a little slice of hope.
I told you how I feel about you and you said the same.
Then you said you wanted to think about it.
That was three  days ago.
I understand you want time.
But this is one of those things that you cannot make the heart wait for.
I want to be with you,
Show you I am not like those other girls.
I know I have made mistakes.
I know I am not perfect.
But I want to show you.
This is killing me.
I have been going back and forth between being optimistic and just throwing everything I feel away.
I want to be with you like I have never wanted to be with anyone before.
I want that chance.
But right now,
I don't think you will give it to me.
But I still hold onto that little shred of hope I have left.
 Oct 2012 NA
quite frankly you've put me to shame -
and not for the reasons you think.

my beloveds:
it's your hatred.

i sat in on one of your congregations.
i heard the words you put in my mouth and i smiled, sadly,
at your empty trying.
i heard about that man who performed what you call miracles,
and i heard the words you put in his mouth and i laughed, genuinely,
at how much store you put in a little age-old gossip.

but then i heard the whisperings:
and i have to ask you.

all this behaving as if you know me,
and dancing around with me in your hearts,
and you think i care,

you think i care about those two women
who love each other?
those two men with their beautiful children?
those millions of others?
you think i didn't make them that way -
and just the same as you?

you think you earn my favor,
accusing and oppressing your brothers, your sisters?
you think i smile on your closed minds?

you bring shame on yourselves.
my ad-libbed wrath, i can laugh at that,
and that man from galilee,
i can smile at your childish clinging.

but i didn't make you with hatred.
i didn't make you to see differences as anything
but a celebration.

if someone had told me this is what would take shape,
in my name,
i would have pointed at you hateful few,
and i would have said,

god forbid
(and i do)
that you spread this poison.
 Oct 2012 NA
Shayne Topp
The girl was red,
all fire and heart
the boy was blue,
sad from the start

time drew them close,
their worlds were collided
what came next
new colors they provided

it shone so brightly
what they painted anew
like lavender, like violet
such a deep purple hue

life became yellow
like the sand and the sun
no time for hardships
when life is so fun

settling down nicely
yellow became green
small house, three children
peaceful and serene

Green became brown
like bark on a tree
their bones grew brittle
it was harder to see

Age made them weaker, but
their love was still strong
impossible to stop
this halcyon song

Yet all turned black
with a note from a doctor
“Five months.” he’d said
this time he had locked her

They sat in still silence
not saying a word
at this mortal news
for which they’d just heard

Weeks went on
they wept in dark dyes
a song interrupted
by soft subtle cries

It was then they decided
not to end their song sung
not wade in blue shadows
but live life as young

Black shot to yellow
in the blink of an eye
they danced and they laughed
and flew through the sky

When the time came
for her to lay down to rest
it was not a sad day
it was one of the best

This symphony of colors
which he had played such a part
had flipped his world round
painted red, his blue boy’s heart

He joined her shortly
his world turned white
and nothing could dull it
as he walked into night.
 Oct 2012 NA
PK Wakefield
 Oct 2012 NA
PK Wakefield

                              ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­            ar


                                             ­                                                                 ­                              

                                                            ­                                                                 ­                               

                                                                                                                                                                  you awa



                                                  ­                          wake up.

                   ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                          .
 Oct 2012 NA
Lover of Words
Is it wrong to want a Disney romance?
That may seem a bit silly to say,
But really now,
Who doesn't want a prince to come sing sweet melodies,
"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream",
Like seriously,
Inside I be screaming "Marry me!"
Unfortunately, my life is not like that, at all,
I'm scrubbing floors like Cinderella cept I don't have a fairy godmother to help me off to my ball,
I am the little red headed mermaid splashing around, ******* down saltwater, glancing up at Eric,
wondering if he'll ever see me,
Yep, I'm Belle alright, reading every night,
Stuck in her dreams, hoping Gaston will quit bothering me,
Gosh! I want my beast already,
I want my star to grant my wish,
That the spell would break from true loves kiss,
But either way I'm still here, living with some dwarves cleaning up after them,
Lucky *******,
Hold up, that's not a very Disney thing to say.
Either way,
Disney got it right,
We girls just want to be saved,
Well I mean, I do,
I don't know about the rest of you,
Prince Charming can you just give me back my shoe,
My heart is your's in return, I promise,
Yeah, that's me waiting, wanting, wishing like always
 Oct 2012 NA
Conor Wilson
I hate this
I hate having to slap on a fake smile and pretend
I wish I could show you the real me, the me that hides behind this Halloween mask.
But nobody wants to be depressed
I'd **** the happiness out of you with a straw
I can't do that to you
I can't ruin you like the others
 Oct 2012 NA
Christy Pavoncello
Only in your arms
Do I sleep with utmost peace.
Only to your face
Do I awake with a smile.

Sweetly kiss, and say goodnight.
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