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Oct 2015 · 365
Narcisa Desiree Oct 2015
This is *******.
You know.. **** of bull
I can't stop thinking about them
comparing them
trying to find the good in one of them.

I know J used me to get 'what he wanted'
but hey!
at least we WANTED something from me.

But C... he just used me
he didn't even wanted that 'something' from me.
Hope he at least had fun.

Yes, you could say J used my body,
but C used my heart..
So you tell me wich one's worse.

I knew things with J were 'that' way
I knew we had nothing 'connected' (well, we actually did but, you know..)

But C... he told me he loved me
he told me I was important
he told me I meant something to him.

They both ****** me,
not in the same way
but they both ****** me really hard.

But now.. you tell me
wich one you think
I enjoyed the most.
Sorry if it's not good.
I'm just trying to write what I feel. Hope eventually I'll get better :)

— The End —