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Worry for my son
Worry for my son
Feeling 55
Keep him, keep him close

Slowly. Day by day.
Quiet in the Way
Ordinary, yea.
His Spanish is too fast
I cannot understand
Slowly guacamole
I hear the E Street Band

Lookin' for my Luisa
Across the borderline
55 and falling
I hope you treat me kind

1 eye on Chicago
1 ear, 1 ear on Rome
The temples at Angkor Wat
Very far from home

Quiet desperation
Please protect my sons
No woman, No cry
Please give up your guns

A little Spanish, senyorita
Viva Mexico!
Somewhere Across the Border
Where I long to go

2 years of Latin
But I wasn't very good
Rome on my honeymoon
And in my neighborhood

Philo Sophia
Phone calls in the night
Rest. Grateful rest
Sor Juana's mystic flight

                 Well, alright!
European history
Ever ancient, Ever new
My Irish eyes are green
But I'm Carolina blue

Took the London train
Oxford twilight too
In the time that is left
The best that I can do

Please keep him safe
        Gently grow
          Yoko yo yo!
Maryland is boring
But I like Baltimore
Rainy Inner Harbor

Therapy for my son
Keep him right on track
Nixon destroyed Cambodia
George W. destroyed Iraq

2 prayers for Pope Francis
The troubled Catholic Church
Hair-handed monks
Mystics in my search

Susan Darlene Meek
Dark hair, blue eyes
La Florida the Land of Flowers
I tries. I tries.
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