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I look at you through sleepy eyes,
Stretch my fingertips out to touch you,
Feel your hot breath on this cool early morning,
I am blessed by your presence

You my sweet, and cherished comrade
You will never forsake me, nor I you
You have never judged me
You accept me without question

Always, you are there for me
You give my soul energy
You awaken me to my potential
And allow me to clearly see

On this, another frosty morning
You are there, as comforting as always
Your scent urging me to awaken
So thank you, I love you coffee
I really have to do something a little more on the serious side ....or maybe not ...
M D Smith
There is a female cardinal
Eating on my bird feeder everyday
In my mind I love to believe it is my Grandma's spirit
Allowing me to thank her for all she had to say
Some in words, some in smiles
At times just squeezing my hand
Her touch soothed my soul
She always knew how to make me feel complete
She is a key piece that has made be become whole
I was not thankful enough to her while she was alive
In my heart I knew she understood
To this day the love she embedded
Is the love that gives me strength to strive
Red headed cardinal
Fill your belly full
Perhaps you will grow such strength
Fly so high
Become a beam
Celestial light
Within the realm of the sky
If you want to get into the society
You must die to yourself
And swallow alot of pride,
The education is interminable.

Here is what you must do:

Become authentic and genuine,
Speak as the world speaks as
If it were from another planet,
Be shiny in your darkness,
Consult with other dead poets,
Know the difference between
A haiku and a senryu
And not count syllables on your
Fall in love but be aware
Your heart will be astonishingly
Carry a pen and paper even
If you are going to the lake.

And if you have loved and lost
I suggest the following:

Read a book in the middle of a park,
Look dignified while doing so,
Walk around in soliloquy,
Bite your nails in public
As you write;
This suggests a deep thinking
Moment is occurring;
Talk on the phone at home
With a new friend for hours.

If you really want to be
In the society
You must know how to dance
When there is no music,
Wipe your nose with the inside
Of your shirt,
Laugh at the abyss of life,
Cry at the grandiosity
Of time,
Look in a mirror and have a staring
**** the paper you write on
With sonnets about ***.

Remember also that you must
Conquest the metaphor and allusions
Of yourself,
This involves but is not limited to:

Falling for a circus acrobat,
**** roaches and then write the
Experience as a poem,
Become part of a vicious cycle
The break it,
Able to appear and disappear
On demand,
Kiss a baby that isn't yours,
Ask a newly married person
For their phone number,
Go to the Pyramids of Egypt
And see what the big deal is,
Cross the street using only
Your peripheral vision,
And finally to become a full
Fledged member,
Well that one is easy,
We all do it anyway.....
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