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Beneath the surface of our daily lives, we are always asking the question, “Who am I, really, and where is my true home?” The answer to this question is so utterly obvious, so beautiful, so ordinary, and yet so profound, that like the nose on our face, we have a hard time seeing it. Because of our own self-imposed limitations, the answer to this mystery can only be revealed little by little, as if a great veil were being lifted inch by inch, until the truth is completely exposed. Yet, we are destined to receive this knowledge.

Today-all around us: the electro-magnetic field is active and alive, whether we feel it or not. Imagine all the electromagnetic-digital devices surrounding us! Take a moment to think about their direct or indirect effect on our bodies. Global warming is by far the most serious manifestation of the “collision”—and Mother Nature is making the evidence ever more obvious. Our bodies are like little vessels of light reflecting our bright birth right. However these vessels constantly need nourishing and care. These are amazing times for us all but we must take care of our bodies inwardly and outwardly, else we are left at the mercies of the “spiraling” energies circumventing the universe. Both scientists and spiritualists have verily presented groundbreaking evidence about what is happening beyond what can be felt, seen or sensed by human sensory perception. At times-you may feel odd sensations or more anxiety than usual. Breathe in slowly and deeply. Take your time amidst the “rollercoaster of the city’s rush hours”. Remember to connect to the “higher frequencies” of a positive lifestyle in healthy ways. Exercise, Pray, Meditate, if you can- use flower essences everyday such as: Silversword, Shooting Star, Morning Glory, Sagebrush, Snap Dragon, Cosmos, White Magnolia. Growing a flower garden has its rich rewards too.
Nature’s healing effects are unquestionable, for within nature we come face to face with the Divine infinite source of All creation-as it was, as it is and as it will ever be.

Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda once quoted:

Harmony with nature will bring you a happiness known to few city dwellers. In the company of other truth seekers it will be easier for you to meditate and think of God.

There is a magic about periodically moving out of the “city’s confinements” to the richness of and around nature: forest walks, boat rides, mountain trekking and much more. The main essence is in feeling a refreshed aura around and within you-an indication that the city and all its toil on you have been left behind. We have to try to get rid of the notion of time. When we have an intense contact of unconditional love with nature or another human being, like a spark, then we can truly understand that there is no time and that everything is eternal.

Other simple ways of raising energy levels include: silence in isolation and more “interaction” within you inner spirit-your Higher-self. There are always two forces warring against each other within us and we can bring these forces to a balance during silent personal introspection.  In order to relate properly with and to your inner being, one must follow the “truth of imagination.” From the word-imagination, we find the word-image, which is the manifestation of our physical form and body identity.

As William Arthur Ward said:

If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.

More than ever before on our planet, there is now great need for interpersonal sharing and the acknowledgment that ups and downs are a vital part of our everyday life. This process is internal as well as external. The “key” is a flowing pattern that is beneficial to all concerned. Take good care of yourself, your relationships, and your health. Exercising both mind, body, and spirit can bring you the agility to incorporate balance, whether you are alone or with a partner. Life can seem like a seesaw existence, but you can still have a wonderful time if you maintain a playful attitude.

The “image” we carry of our self within our mind and heart carries the power to bridge our highest ideals into our everyday practical life. On the other hand, attachment to a poor image of self condemnation and suffering carries the potential to destroy our right to joy and abundance. Which do we choose? Practicing the laws of “visualization” is not unlike the practice of prayer or meditation, where the seeker opens oneself to channels of higher guidance and inspiration. Ideally, we are given the opportunity to walk through the gardens and forests of the earth with astute concentration and attunement, opening our opportunity to the light of healing and service, each and every day.

Whatever your tradition or practice, however you offer your skills to the world, trace your roots and find the center of stillness and peace within. Only from this grace-filled place can we restore the health and well being of ourselves and our planet. Become one who engages the full power of the mind, heart, and spirit in the interest of alleviating suffering and making our present world a true “Garden of Eden”

Remember to build the world around you in a practical manner. Is your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical universe anchored in truth and wisdom? Follow the “call of the wild” and listen to your inner voice within that guides you to fulfill your higher destiny. Take time to make weighty decisions. Realize the implications of your acts for the future. Stop wasting your strength by criticizing others. Recall the ancient adage “Judge not, lest you be judged”.

Reinforce your positive, upbeat, and inherently good nature so that the dark elements of this world cannot break down your resolve and dedication. For those who have suffered emotional pain from all sorts of physical or spiritual abuse, If you are to walk the path of consciousness, enlightment and empowerment, you must go beyond your “old wounds” and accept this golden opportunity to metamorphose into a new “body of light” – one that rejoices with the understanding that all aspects of life are sacred and it is in the weaving of the dark and light within ourselves that we find our true wholeness. We heal ourselves and others by first contacting the inner nourishment or the "water fountain of life" within us which sustains our ability to create beautiful things in the world as well as to act from the depth of our hearts.

Imagine opening your arms to upward spirals of your divine existence like a beautiful chalice and ask that all love pour into the vessel of your heart. This love is abundant and rich, offering the fertile elixir of passion and creativity. These are exciting time and we must accept the challenges offered to humanity at this time; in it all: Unconditional Love, Peace and Unity is the answer. Change all bad habits-those that leave you with tingling bits of guilt. Cleanse your body and home and adore the “temple of beauty” that is your embodiment: your real reason for being!

The mystery of the universe is within and without us. Love the world...Love yourself...Love the change. Anticipate illuminating insights from places deep within you. Let the inner truth of your radiance come shining through. Most importantly, focus your attention and thoughts and blossom like the beautiful morning-glory. The yearning for our lost perfection, the urge to do and be that which is the noblest, the most beautiful of which we are capable, is the creative impulse of every high achievement. We strive for perfection here on mother Earth because we long to be restored to our true oneness with Almighty God.

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra.
May 2010 · 1.4k
~Dusk Grandeur~
Summoned at an elevation of a height
The ensuing plodding gloomy twilight,
and sweet sound of the night cricket
denoting yet another moment
of Peace after the bust,
from the twiddling day in haste,
now the full Moon smiles in glee
in a split second above the fig tree
Tally-**!!...the startling howl of the fox in the dark at three…
Scintillating tales about Angels of the night…
Dazzling as emerald gemstones
Speaking to awakening sons of men to affirm…
The third unseen soothing divine presence
Basking in the resplendent mysterious
Peace of dusk grandeur…..

Kenneth Muhumuza.
A Verse I scribbled down one early morning at 5am, while watching the beautiful Moon by my Balcony. I took a picture of the grand beauty that unfolded before my sleepy eyes.
May 2010 · 1.6k
Time disappears silently like the cryptical fog at dawn!
Reality twisted for a moment without feign;
what seemed to wait for ages is now drawn
Flanked by an overwhelming urgency
To give and to share this flash of fragility
Were tomorrow...befits a charming after-tale of yesterday;
With summer blossoms kissed by the mild long awaited reign
Of the dusky aureate nobleness of men and women,
spellbinding-like a magnificent gold plated gemstone
Sealing this moment of a sweet clandestine
sparkle grinning in the lonesome orchid garden;
Wooing Romeo and Juliet like the equinox sun........

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra.
Foretelling the sweet aura of a dream
Signaled by the silent whisper of the southern winds
When all that counts is the smooth sail downstream
And a peaceable expedition upon the Sahara silky sands…
Nowadays a young voyager seeks to understand and affirm
The recourse being presented by this mysterious cosmos
Which stealthily conceals its activity like swimming *****
Pursuing its ambition surreptitiously to win the dummy run;
Searching, leaching and escaping the monotone matrix amid countless
Incidences of mystery that only point to infinite possibilities
Devoid of meaning to the ‘blind’ mainstream masses
Initiated into scripts they did not opt to engrave;
The vexed issue of priorities to save
This amateur spirit innocently postulating for pity,
Searching to find the obliterated Sovereign deity
Whose sacred truth is jam-packed with piety:
Imploring, musing and mulling over yesterday
To sequentially understand today and tomorrow beyond the unvoiced valley,
Ascending the irksome expedition to the mountain top
Were the most wondrous reality awaits this intellectual creep,
That the delightful fortune being sought
Is the world “With-In” and not
The world “With-Out”  

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra.
(A Poem about ***/AIDS & how humanity has dealt with it since its mysterious onset-and the future too…)

The mystifying howl is still irksomely faint yet vividly heard,
Akin to orchestrated footsteps of the undetectable command
As the new twilight tries to light-down the “smoldering fire” beyond the horizon…
It’s just so violent and it has been destroying everyone
Generations “screaming too loud” and many fallen
It has been “too thunderous”-“too rowdy”: it has stolen
From humanity-the Joy to enlighten-a Truth to reign-
A divine right of our existence here-but this pain…
Through our deepest thoughts-and dreams gone
Because of the “Teardrops and caskets”-loosing our own
To this “brutal-fierce beast” who “eats” without remorse and direction-
Evading all “the hunter’s Traps” to pursue an exuberate mission….

Life gets risky sometimes!
Are we now left with “frozen wrists”?
Or do we continue laying “stronger bricks”?
To lay a universal foundation with hooks
That will keep us together like strong rocks-
Even though we’ve suffered from “shell-shocks”-

…Which has only answered mother-nature’s call to catch
Humanity twice as much-and wish thrice as such
For a better day-a bunch
Of signs to watch….  
Even though the “streams of tears” continue to drive
Mortals to an “invisible-penitentiary” without Love;
Perhaps one day-The “Light” will save
Us out of this awkward predicament-similar to a bee-hive

Through all this “fire and smoke”-when everyday is a test-
We can only control our mental-states: settle down and just set it straight,
Else this classical tale of “Loss-Vs-Triumph” will be a total waste-
Though some souls have learnt to take a second to “pump the brakes and wait”;
Will it be too late when they wake up-to let their “dreams-of triumph”….escalate-
Amidst so many trials and failures-making it hard to tolerate
An “Enemy” who attacks without warning-to even hate
On the most innocent “creation of nature”-an infant!
Though everybody dies-The “Dream of Triumph” is still straight…

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra
May 2010 · 890
~The “Divine Kingdom”~
If any one should wish to get “The Divine Kingdom” for “self”
And to effect this by what “self” does for the expected “wreath”-
He/She will not succeed at both.
The “Divine Kingdom” is a “Spirit like Thing” or path
And can’t be got by “active doing” in sooth!
He/She who would so win it-destroys it;
He/She who would hold it in his/her grasp-loses it

Who knows his “manhood’s strength”
Yet still his “female feebleness” maintains;
As to one “channel” flow the “many drains”
All come to him/her-yeah! All beneath the sky
Yet still many continue to ask of “The Void”-Why?
Thus the constant excellence retains
The simple “Indigo Child” again-free from all “stains”


The course & nature of things is such that-
What was “in front” is now “behind”
What was warmed anon-we freezing find,
Strength is of weakness on the toil;
The store in ruins mocks our toil
The soft overcomes the hard-
The weak surmounts the strong
And the “magnificent castles” are revealed from the “morning fog”….

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra
May 2010 · 958
The “Sword-Of-Clarity”
Talk about an adventure
This is “Dragon Land”…
Here, “dragons” are not imagination…
They really exist…

If you don’t tame “the dragon in your adventure”
It will “eat” you…
And if you don’t “tame the dragon”
You get to fly on “its back” wherever you want to go….

There are many “swords”
But there’s 1 sword with such “Unbelievable powers”

“The Sword of Clarity”
We all have it but are “afraid” of it…
Some are not afraid of “the dragon”…
But they should be
Because “the dragon” has only 1 mission in mind: “Food”

If you are not careful—some of your “most treasured”
Things will be “taken away” from you
You are the “Protector, The Knight” in Shinning armor of this “battle”
You have the “Sword of Clarity” that can make everything right—
So why are you afraid of pulling it out?.....

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra
May 2010 · 1.6k
~Passions of Humane mortals~
  Passions! Exist,
     desist not let
         thresholds of passions.
              Vikings yet…
                  Kings regard King Arthur,
                      snow white snow flakes glisten,
                        “winter, the snow-cold thaw”
                              Spring chime of Big Ben!
                                    succinct debonair benevolence.
                                        Pedantic pedagogue
                                            of impudence of More Thomas!
                                               passions of Love, unity, solidarity.
                                                  a blend of humane, man, men.
                                                                ­  Love,
                                                                ­     Love!

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra
"Victorian enigma"
May 2010 · 1.3k
~Gloaming imaginings~
Spells of chieftain splendor
Bespeaking of loyal grandeur
Now the eye clearly sees without fear
At dusk!
The ancient kingdom of Assur?
A flight in time and space from afar?
Was that ingenious creativity of flair?
Still bids indubitable eternal mystery!
Are clothes on man an anecdote of utter hypocrisy?
Is sarcastic humor a precursor of hidden sinister?
The animals hereof show their ******,
Undertone tinges of impeccant simplicity
Stirring poignant Achilles' heel character
As an infant suckling the breast of saccharine nature;

Lo! And behold…
Sage mortals envisage a grotesque quest for a promising stage,
Regnant and dignified?
The new-age psyches’ beatify and feebly beg
"Reform, in fact, is, rather softly, on the win”
The lighthouse flashing against the sleet-blurred fig twig
As every sacred notion becomes an unwavering origin certain,
With no remorse that mankind can now ascertain
The bewildering incarnation of science in religion!
Like a single lily among lilies in a dark dungeon
Great spirits now encounter violent opposition
“Un-awakened Children silently screaming with pessimism”
Hiding within the smooth sacred mask of personality
Yet the fear of “the unknown” silently plays a drowsier symphony
Calling back the violent rays to illuminate a peaceable destiny
Were illusionary realities conform to the whims of a veiled deity,
This goddess!
A mystifying inferno doing its own radiance faster
What a fuss!
So light-footed as love yet so heavy-footed as war
As if to justify the whirling gloom of despair
Like the bleakness of the morning cuckooing rooster
Or the dog which barks at his own image in a pond;
“What startling veneration”
Mortals without remorse still aspire to find
The misplaced diamonds and daffs upon the beamish ground.

Muhumuza  Kenneth Ezra.
May 2010 · 670
Fame or Life..?
Of fame or life,
Which do you hold dearer?
Of life or wealth,
To which would you adhere?
Keep life and lose those other things;
Keep them and lose your life?
Which brings Sorrow and pain more near?
Men come forth and live; they enter (again) and die!

Thus we may see,
Who cleaves to fame-
Rejects what is more great;
Who loves large stores…
Gives up the richer state.

Who is content
Needs fear no shame.
Who knows to stop
Incurs no blame.
From danger free
Long live shall he….

Who thinks his great achievements poor
Shall find his vigor long endure.
Of greatest fullness, deemed a void,
Exhaustion ne'er shall stem the tide.
Do thou what's straight still crooked deem;
Thy greatest art still stupid seem,
And eloquence-a stammering scream….

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra.
May 2010 · 983
~Catholic Acumen~
     success, Catholic
is! ecumenical
unity writhe:
                                                             eternal rock
                                                             beneath, my
                                                             Love is
         Wuthering heights,
                                                             Jane Eyre,
      Charlotte Bronte,
             Connotation, religion
motions of humane spirit guile not, vile not. Agile is
                              Catholic acumen unity acumen? Salvation of human
                                                             hearts heights
                                                             and hearth.
                                                             “Love one
                                                             another” An
                                                             angel begat
                                                             the scepter
                                                             of Lords.
    Heavens Love!
          acumen! Catholics,
                                                             the Holy Lord
       is our shepherd.

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra (Inspired by Stephern Tweheyo)
May 2010 · 771
~Savor the Moment~
In Light, we see!
With intent, we are free….
Choosing to live a balanced Life,
generous with our Love
Is it just for us?

How about the stray dog looking for its lost master?
Trampled by woe!
searching for a house with Love
With no Choice but to hold on.

Is there a way for us to Change?
To savor the moment now?


To Love unconditionally!
To give incessantly!
To draw closer in Unity!

Is there time for us to grow?
Could the Moment be now?
For whatever we sow…..
It’s not about how,
In time it will show,
However slow,


To savor the moment,
To regain the peace lost;
To keep the pride hoist.

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra
Why muffle nature’s cause
    For a second chance?
        To heal a soul returning to light plus
            Bespeaking an impending course
                 Predetermined in time and space
                      That this voguish emotion may win benevolence
                            Explaining such a remarkable science!
                                 “The Science of Love”
                                        That protects humanity twice
                                             As much…
                                                  And warms the rousing soul thrice
                                                        As such…

Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra.
Often times, abominations misled;
memories beyond travels abound,
with a mint of souls falsifying the "wind"
"flossing" our inner guide they intend...
maintaining a "*****-game" like "secret agents"
what’s for the future?
having travelled from afar
is this our place?
to delineate as “aliens” scudding from the surface?
Who are we-but sojourners casting a dice of chance!
hitting the freeway, but for what "price"?
followed by a little "preparing the way,"
What else would we think about, anyway?
In time and space...or anywhere else!
We are always here!
We will always be here...

Muhumuza Kenneth. E
The "abductees" can comprehend this more "deepely".
once in a while we encounter "visitors" from afar. you can only "believe-when-you-see". (whatever else said about "them" seems to be so shallow & vain-as compared to the reality of a cosmic equation that earthside mortal intelligence hasnt managed to "answer" or "calculate" as of now. "Visitors" or not: some of us will always Love & Cherish them for what they are. it doesnt matter what they are here for. what matters is the idea of "cosmic oneness". arent we All "One"? )
Sep 2009 · 1.2k
Save me from this ailing sudate disdain
To pursue an oath to ordain,
Crimson dark stains yet uncertain.
Beneath a soul’s secret door to obtain
Pure pardon from this wretched torment and pain,
The sickening impudence…an implication!
Yet I try that Grace, Harmony and Love may win,
What am i…but a travailing mortal machine
Taking flight from this mundane plight to become even.
I plead that this conscious with mildness can reckon
In awe I cry out…
“Please don’t forsake me divine Logos”
In dilapidated pieces without price am torn
Helpless and lost behind the aisle,
Not more than an infantile person
Searching for a comfy path back home,
Sad but at times to admit the autism awoken.
In solitary at the center of crossroads
Were do I turn to run?
My heart so weak and slain without feign.
I have judged without concern
To satisfy an ego unknown,
On my stifles I now implore of the Passion
That she may patch-up for a peaceable Parturition.
Sep 2009 · 2.3k
~Lo! An Archangel~
An Archangel dazzled as lightening! Swapped, clasped the wings as an eagle’s talon beneath:
Climbing the thrones of Heaven swapped Lo! “An Archangel” Lo!
an Archangel? Hypnotized a soul with a lance in a trance? The crown
Arch type
Fingers, flowers in the moor in the hands. The ancient manor
Of Archangels in the palaces of time and space, it takes two to tangle that “Iam…that...iam”; Germania the Archangel!
Sep 2009 · 2.6k
Implacable fate
Percepts of enlightenment & civilization to encounter
The grim aftermath of tales unspoken from the galaxies afar
Betokening Indian tales of deeper truths than ever,
For the Great Spirit still swirls in gestures previously milder,
At a snail's pace and surely winning the pursuit among souls or
Is example better than pre-conceived precept?
“Is that a dog in the manger?”
Now cherishing the viper?
The human dilemma between liberty & authority?
“Has mythology now become psychology?”
A dingy white color in disguise of tranquility
To suit the blemished features of the 21st century
With fair women & brave men turning fables into verse,
Yet Socrates’ doctrine about death bespeaks a wafture so callous!
The new-age “iron claw” screams nastiness in time and space.
The pretences of mankind like the puritan;
Mars trapped in the net of Vulcan,
Jupiter is serene and above the conflict to win,
While Venus tries to fight upon the plains of troy
That the Greek gods of serenity may win at Tuscany.
“When do these sultry groans of mortal remorse cease?”
To calm the sordid uproar that Love may peruse
Through the scattered white aromatic rose petals
In search of the scintillating path back to the highland stables
Were snowflakes are an irresistible lure for the Arctic snowbirds!
Nature herself is proud of her designs
There is nothing grating in mortal cosmoses but direct villainy.

Sinister fate climbs the lonesome banister faster
Before the “fanged dawn” descends nearer,
As stronger minds virtually become weaker;
These “shameless actors” are melted into “thin air”
“Must they cheat themselves with that same foolish vice of honesty?”
Mischievousnesses feed!
Like beasts till they be fat, and then they bleed
As they are led to bend the curve of “No return”
Since it is only rational that after the darkest of nights
There is a brighter day to reveal the true knights
Of the once gloomy age of Democritus.
Tis plain, from hence, that our vows
Request hurtful intense things,
or useless at the best.
Sep 2009 · 3.5k
~Epitome Heaven: UTOPIA~
I blend cry not,
An antic land, lest not
On a sparkling terrain
Epitome Heaven,
That I hearken an Archangel yet?
Gabriella tears, rears, near:
I saw a stag, reindeer, lag, and flag in the distant snowy mountains…
Sep 2009 · 3.5k
Sinister Mêlée…
The mystifying howl is irksomely faint yet vividly heard,
Akin to orchestrated footsteps of the undetectable command
As the new dawn illuminates a smoldering fire beyond the horizon-
“A sign of human activity-but an awful omen to the warlord”
Legions called into action, and for every step they take, matter is drawn from the ether,
Waiting for the final caravan of conquest and conquer;
Do the militias now turn their swords into ploughshares to suffer?
When their enemies-without remorse-silently creep up on them in silence,
However the distant shuddery sound of their battle cry is harmless;
But is the shunned “death-valley” an inescapable companion anyway?
With strident herons flying high above the maze-like island…so forlorn!
These shameless war-warriors!
Heroes With-Out!
Villains With-In!
Unlike them-the countryman is truly so fortunate nonetheless;
He marvels at the innate splendor of the single showy tulip in the bucolic wilderness,
Although now the heathen intimidate his terrain amidst his recoil in resistance;

The characters of men and women under this impudent sentence
On the uniformity of fate, however gay were the earlier scenes…
This sense of the seasons and mortality-more tragic in great cities
With mortals forgetting it is superfluous to go in chase of nature’s thoughts;
She comes of her own free will in the passing shadows of the seasons!
The boastful soldier…
The learned doctor…
Footing out of the masses for the qualities they assume beyond the galaxies afar;
The qualities they assume are those that most men admire!
Their hypocrisy, bravery and ingenuity survives more
Even in times of turmoil and war-with satirized lies and rumors
“Giving praise to bloodshed?”
Since when has the sight of blood been a derisory affair?
What a horrific carnival of double standards of power;
No laughing matter!
Doubtless criticism-sinister in origin with a false swagger
Sharper now in the modest gestures preaching feminism
For if modern elegant ladies adorn their bravura torsos in red fashion
Why give acknowledgment to this same reddened “color of death!”

The new world is finally shedding off the aged navel scar
Releasing the “Mother-Principle” instinct to be mothered and to engender!
Are awakening sons of men along with their nations betokening universal grandeur?
These lions among ladies!
These foxes in the fight for freedom…
“The men of Marathon”
Ironists-commonly more “characters” than thinkers,
Irritated further by the hypocrisy than by the ideas of those they portray,
Blind to the verity that modern tolerance might seem to go further than that,
As vengeful souls vanquish and oppress their enemies by craft and deceit;
…if they thought it was a sin, they would not argue about such a mischievous plot.
Finally money has a power above
The stars and fate to manage love:
Whose arrows, Learned Poets hold,
That never miss, are tipped with Gold.
(Commemoration of Earth-Day, 22nd-04-09)

Earth hath
Been Weeping!
Nature lacerated & pleading?
Extinct species beseeching;
Antarctica mercilessly melting,
Noxious gaseous emissions heating.
Have you ever wondered?
“Of the Greek mythology!”
women warriors of Scythia astray burned off the
Right ***** to try
to habituate the bow and arrow in sly,
arsenals of terror abound harsh shear ploy!
Hitherto, the atrocious force upon Nature ne'er stops.
Wherefore-now the lost leaf of the conifers?
Searching for the nearest route to the Savannah Plains,
Waiting pro the long anticipated cascades of the tropical rains. Babylon wrests & clinches intimately thy adored hanging gardens that black slaves tend no more hasten. Euphrates in the Persian Gulf wanders uncertain; Everest looks down in pitiful scorn…
As it wobbly looses its molecular activity in pain.
Humanity squirms in an enamored Trance
to heave a foundation Of conscious Purpose
That Earth day waits Upon us
To elucidate a divine Hypothesis.




— The End —