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Andrew Gomez Dec 2019
I see you...
Do you see me...
Can you see my breath on the glass...
Can you see my tears...
Can you feel my pain...
I am wounded but there is no damage...
Andrew Gomez Dec 2019
People say that time is relevant...
How can we go by time when we move on our own...?
Everything consists of time from the moment we're born...
We are always moving forward but yet the system we're in is moving backwards...
Today is going to be tomorrow and yesterday is going to be today...
Does that really matter when all we have is darkness around us...?
Are we really afraid of the dark or are we just scared to be alone...?
Can you look up at the stars and gaze ever so gently and realize that the light is old...?
They say light travels fast but not fast enough to escape that dark abyss called a "black hole"...
Do we really know what happens when we are trapped for eternity...?
Does time really stop like they say it does...?
There is only one way to find out by going through my mind and taking this path...
Let the stars in my mind guide you so you don't stray from this path...
Stray from this path and you fall off this course called life...
The abyss calls your name from my soul so just take that leap...
Do you really love me like you say you do...?
Are you willing to give your heart for mine...?
I'm willing to do anything for you...
I see stars when I look in your eyes...
They guide my soul towards your soul and I'm rejuvenated...
It makes me feel younger again...
There are always this little things that bring me down but you're always there to catch me...
I love you for that...
Don't make me regret this feeling...
I chose you...
Please stay with me until the end of all this...
Andrew Gomez Mar 2021
“Hey dad what are you doing up?”
“I don’t feel good mijo.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I just feel like this because of my sickness.”
“Hold my hand mijo.”
“This is how I want to pass.”
“In a dark room with someone holding my hand.”
“It’s going to be okay daddy”
“You’ll live forever and ever.”
“I love you.”
Andrew Gomez Dec 2024
I keep dreaming of you...

I know I don't exist in your life...

I see that pretty smile.....

I see your nice caramel skin...

I can hear your laugh.....

The way you say my name makes me melt..

Those pretty eyes that I know...

Never knew I live, but in my dream...

For now I walk alone...

To meet you one more time under a false moon...
Andrew Gomez Mar 2021
“Are you proud of me..”
“More than you would ever know.”
It was all a dream about you.
Woke up crying
“I’m here for you.”
Andrew Gomez Jan 2020
My baby is my world.
She's the only one that keeps me grounded.
Her voice makes me stand still and quiet.
Just like water she fills my thirst.
I want to drink her daily.
She waters me like a plant and helps me grow.
When there are bad things growing she will trim.
I love the way she touches me.
She picked my crown up and dusted it off.
Her look has me stand at attention.
She calls me her king.
I will lay my life down for her like a king should.
She is my queen.
She rules the throne over us.
I answer to only her.
"My Queen? What is on the horizon for us?"
Andrew Gomez May 2020
My cup is completely empty...
I ask that you fill it for me...
Careful not to spill it...
Drink me and I will quench you...
I will do the same with you...
Lean on me as I lean on you...
I will be your rock...
Please be my shade...
Andrew Gomez May 2021
“Hey! What’s-?”
“I almost did it.”
“I almost forgot about you”
“I was so close.”
“What stopped you?”
Andrew Gomez Dec 2021
I want to tell you that I like you but I'm afraid of rejection.
I'm afraid that when I look in your eyes I won't see my reflection.
I want to try and hold your hand but I feel it would be denied.
I was so close to grabbing it one day when we hung out.
But then I strung it out.
Now it feels as if were only friends.
Destined to be nothing more and nothing less.
Andrew Gomez Oct 2020
This loneliness is just bitter.
To cold for my heart to bear.
The freezing point that I can barely stand.
Freeze my soul and just leave me be.
In time someone will warm it back up.
Andrew Gomez Apr 2020
You move on, forget and forgive...
You forget the pain they caused...
You forgive them for everything...
You forgive yourself for hurting them...
You forget your own damage you caused...
You move on toward the future...
If they decide to follow you, then let them...
Hold their hand and be happy together...
Hold their soul dear...
You damage it again that’s it...
They stepped in your life again...
Don’t take it for granted...
It might be the last time you see them...
Just remember everything falls in place for a reason...
I just hope you choose the right path...
Follow what calls to you...
Look with your heart...
Listen with your mind...
Feel with your soul...
Time is all we have...
Andrew Gomez Feb 2021
“You think I’m ready?”
“I wouldn’t have done it if you weren’t.”
“What if I make a mistake again?”
“You have the tools to fix it.”
Andrew Gomez Mar 2021
“Oh, hey! I didn’t see you standing there?”
“That’s a lie. You looked right at me..”
“Hey. You haven’t been talking to me?”
“Hey, I’m just checking up on you.”
Check all you want...
I won’t be there anymore.
Andrew Gomez Apr 2021
I look at my hands and they are shaking.
My breathe is shuttering.
My words are stuttering.
My ease has been stirred with a blender.
Now I feel eager when I’m with you.
Andrew Gomez Mar 2020
I’m at that
Moment where
Death seems right
And living is suffering
Andrew Gomez Nov 2020
I'm finally free.
It feels good.
My heart no longer hurts when I think of you.
My mind is no longer at war with my words.
I've finally sailed to the eye of the storm.
I'm calm and collected.
I thought you would be happy.
Andrew Gomez Nov 2020
Opening up a book is like opening up a womans feelings for the first time.
you never know what you're gona get and you can't see what's happening down the way
but just know by each chapter there's always something new to learn
the more you progress the deeper in the book you get
it's just lika woman.. the more she opens up the deeper her feelings also get
and when you're almost done with the book you can see that it's already getting good
it's just lika woman she almost trust you with her feelings and not meant to be joked about
it's just like a book even though books don't become true
it's just lika woman not everything you know will come to life
except for the feelings that are burning inside
after the book is over you reminisce about what happened
and just lika woman when she finally opens up all of her to you
you sit there in aw
because you know she trusts you
reading a woman is like reading a book
Andrew Gomez Apr 2020
What do you do when you lose someone...
You pick yourself up...
You dust off your knees when you fall...
You wipe the tears away...
You suppress the memories...
You forget their touch...
You forget their voice...
You forget the things they loved doing...
All that stuff I said doesn’t apply...
You’re going to miss them...
You wish you could forget...
You want to move on but can’t...
You cry every night...
You miss their touch...
You miss their voice...
You miss doing the things they loved...
When you miss it’s hard to forget...
Andrew Gomez Aug 2021
Your mind is a warzone.
Your soul fights for you.
It sends the strongest thing to battle the mind.
Remember to focus.
For you are not weak.
You are strong.
You will come home (soul)dier.
Sometimes we are at war with out own mind. We fight ourselves because we don't know what to do.
Andrew Gomez Dec 2023
Have you seen death at your door before?
Do you know what that knock sounds like?
The heavy burden of those sounds still echo through my mind.
Do you know that death has a voice?
Have you heard someone talk about life so blissfully?
Death laughed about life being bliss.
Death said, "I'd rather live with the hurtful truths than beautiful lies."
Death has no friends but still confides in me.
Andrew Gomez Jan 2020
Breathe in...
Breathe out...
Do you feel that...?
The air leaving from your lungs...
That's my life without you in it...
Andrew Gomez Dec 2019
This pain I feel is deep...
It's like the tallest mountain steep...
This coldness is taking my breath...
I'm shivering down to my soul...
This heavy feeling is called grief...
Is this what you felt long ago...
I miss the warmth you provided...
Is this what it feels like to be gone...
I'm nothing without you...
I miss my father very much. It's been a year since his passing.
Andrew Gomez Oct 2024
Speak to me like we first met.
Allow me to smile like how I used to.
Show me your emotions like before.
I'll give you all my attention once again.
Talk to me about goofy things again.
I'll wait patiently to listen.
Just show me you once more.
The person I fell in love with.
Andrew Gomez Aug 2020
Rumor has it that a heart is cold...
At first it was pure gold...
On a steady pace to grow old...
Shape it so it can mold...
Now it just sits in the dark...
Waiting for its mark...
To beat again...
Andrew Gomez Feb 2020
Would you leave without telling me?
My own shadow doesn’t even follow me...
Just go ahead and walk away...
Stop dropping hints...
Take that first step...
Then I’ll take my last step...
I hope this pain ends...
I hope I end...
Andrew Gomez Jul 2024
Another loss in front of my eyes
I feel as if a star exploded in my chest
I close in on myself until the void fills all
Just to be left empty but full
Time without you is all but my existence
I try to hold on yet I feel out of place
This feeling is heavy like a burden
Somehow we know what that feels like
Place your weight on me
And you'll see how much is lifted
I'll gather all my dues and pay the toll
Just to be bright one more time
Andrew Gomez Dec 2019
People stand over me and tell me to wake up...
I feel when they grab my hand...
It drains me to know that I can't grab theirs back...
I lay there and just dream endless dreams...
I hear their voices and its soothes me...
I hear their cries and it makes me sad...
I open my eyes for the first time...
"He-Hello" escapes my mouth...
Andrew Gomez Jan 2020
Let me mirror your emotions...
Let me show you what you look like...
That's what I do for you...
Do you feel any remorse what so ever...
Don't ever try to mirror someone else
Andrew Gomez Aug 2024
I don't need no saving from this world
I got friends who will drink to the end
Raise that mug and heave away
Drown my mouth with the will of chaos
And let me show you why I rule this world
The words that come from this very mouth
Will exalt all your needs
All you have to do is beg for mercy
Andrew Gomez Sep 2024
Your name calls out to my soul.
For me to look for you all eternity.
This is my punishment for just
Glancing in your eyes.
The cosmos grew jealous.
It saw I was not fit for you.
So, space grew cold until it froze over.
Andrew Gomez Oct 2021
I'm high off your love.
I'm high off your ecstasy.
You make my heart dance.
To the point of no return.
I've never felt this before.
It's like a thousand suns.
You got me shining.
Just like my elementary trophy.
I never wanna be sober.
When you produce my high.
Andrew Gomez Dec 2024
I ask the moon for guidance.
I toward the night sky.
Only to find stars above.
Glancing in pitch black.
A twinkle here and there.
I lay on my back in hopes of a shooting star.
So I can wish for you one more time.
Andrew Gomez Jan 2020
Trapped in this box is what I am...
Surrounded by darkness...
Not even corners can hide their shadows...
Andrew Gomez Jan 2021
There are months where it rains constantly...
There is peace in that...
When its storming around me please be my peace...
Calm me down and tell me "This to shall pass..."
Stick by my side and ill never leave...
Andrew Gomez Jan 2021
The new year rings in my ear.
Its the start of something new.
Something so fresh that comes from you.
Spread positivity and love.
For the day starts and ends with you.
On this day we begin anew.
I will write a poem for everyday I have air in my lungs.
Andrew Gomez Oct 2021
There are days that are fast.
There are days that are slow.
Today is one of those days.
Which ever you feel.
Please let someone know.
Andrew Gomez Nov 2023
Where have the days gone?
Last week it was just the beginning of the summer.
A few days later it was July 4th.
Then Halloween.
Now Thanksgiving.
Soon it will be Christmas.
Where has the time gone?
Never waste your time on foolish things.
Andrew Gomez Jan 2020
Always follow what your heart desires
It shouldn't matter what other people think
Your heart is all that matters to you
Put it through pain and suffering causes
Immense damage on yourself
Resulting in other ways of pain is useless
You can only cause pain to yourself if you
Let it happen
Push the negative aside and ride
With the flow the air has provided you with
The air will always guide you toward correction
Think of the air as "faith" or "destiny"
If it's meant to be it will happen
If not then the air will steer you correct
Follow your heart and not your thoughts
Never settle for average.
Andrew Gomez Apr 2021
You asked me to hold you.
I held you.
You asked me love you.
I loved you.
You asked if I would leave you.
I said never.
You cried for me.
I cried for you.
Yet our words meant different meanings.
Andrew Gomez Sep 2020
Loving the wrong person is like calling a number that no longer works.
"The number you have called is no longer in service. Goodbye."
Imagine getting that message if you tried calling someone's heart.
"The heart you had is no longer yours. Its moved on. Goodbye"
Andrew Gomez Jan 2022
Wipe these tears away from my cheek.
The softness from your hands make me wither.
I know they have been on someone else.
But the touch of them is all I want right now.
I think I love you again
Andrew Gomez Jan 2020
Dreams are like coma...
Except you can actually wake up...
Dreams make you feel different...
You feel the emotions that condone you to do things...
You give into them because it's a dream...
An alternate reality where you live...
This dream state is connected wildly...
Andrew Gomez Dec 2019
I feel the sand between my toes...
I feel the heat from the sun on my back...
I feel the sweat running down my face...
My feet ache from walking all day...
The night time cools my brain from thinking...
I sit and wait for a sign above...
The stars guide me during the night...
I see miles and miles of sand...
My mind is playing tricks on me...
I see mirages of my past life...
They cling onto me like lifeless corpses...
I only see pain and trouble...
Andrew Gomez May 2020
If I gave you my life...
What would you do to it...
Would you manipulate it...
Make me believe I chose this...
Choose every decision for me...
Put a leash on me...
Control my every thought...
Control my body...

Would you stab me in the back...
I would give you my rib...
You are my Eve...
Even if you found your Adam...
Andrew Gomez Jan 2020
My life is like a keyboard
You can type away for ever and ever
Constant click clack of the keys
There’s always more to be done
Punctuation is important
You can type your own story
Be careful though because
That backspace key doesn’t
Work all the time
Mistakes you make will be there
Til then
Type away...
Andrew Gomez Nov 2020
I was given a pen to write my story.
But little did I know, I was the ink.
Andrew Gomez Sep 2021
I used to want you and only you.
Now I want everything back.
Everything I did for your useless love.
Every "I love you."
Every tear that fell.
Every smile that was given.
Every hug.
Every time we held hands.
Every kiss.
Andrew Gomez Oct 2020
To think about you is like a tattoo.
You forget you have memories.
You forget you have tattoos.
Eventually the memories fade.
Just like tattoos.
It's up to you if you want to touch them up.
Bring color back to them.
Do you.
Andrew Gomez Sep 2020
Words can't describe how I fell for you.
Only scars will tell my story of how you hurt me.
Andrew Gomez Jun 2021
If you invited me would you tell your friends?
Would you tell them it was pretend?
Will I be one of those skeletons you hide in the closet?
Do they know you wanted this?
Do I play into your fantasy?
Do you and I sneak off into the night under the moon?
So we can look into each other’s eyes and fall in love again?
Or is that just the fantasy part you were after?
This is a cruel game you play.
But it takes two to play and I'm in.
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